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How does metabolism affect the expression of microRNAs in macrophages? 

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Metabolism significantly influences the expression of microRNAs in macrophages. Studies have shown that macrophages adjust their metabolic programs to regulate gene expression and inflammatory responses, with microRNAs playing a crucial role in this process . In conditions like obesity, oxidative stress triggers dysregulation of signaling pathways, altering the expression of various microRNAs in organs involved in glucose and lipid metabolism regulation . Specifically, miR-210 induction in activated macrophages supports a switch towards a proinflammatory state by modulating metabolism, favoring glycolysis over mitochondrial respiration, partly through downregulating the ISCU enzyme . Additionally, obesity influences adipose tissue miRNAs in a cell-specific manner, with macrophage miR-155 potentially impacting neighboring adipocytes, showcasing the intricate relationship between metabolism, microRNAs, and macrophages .

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Metabolism influences miR-210 expression in macrophages by promoting a shift towards glycolysis over mitochondria respiration, modulated by downregulating ISCU, impacting inflammatory responses during pathogen interactions.
Metabolism influences macrophage microRNA expression, with miR-155 and miR-210 increasing in obesity. Macrophage-derived miR-155 targets PPAR-γ, impacting adipocyte metabolism in a cell-specific manner.
Metabolic pathways impact microRNA expression in macrophages, regulating gene expression and inflammatory responses, as highlighted in the interplay between miRNAs and metabolism during macrophage inflammatory reactions.
Metabolism influences microRNA expression in macrophages, impacting their polarization and function, particularly in obesity-associated diseases like insulin resistance through regulation of macrophage activation states.

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