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How does work loneliness affect employee job performance among Gen Z employees? 

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Workplace loneliness has a negative impact on employee job performance. It is found to negatively affect creative performance and organizational citizenship behavior . Lonely employees tend to have lower quality leader-member and organization-member exchanges, leading to worse in-role and extra-role workplace functions . Loneliness also leads to work-family conflict . However, the impact of workplace loneliness on job performance can be mitigated by psychological capital, which buffers the detrimental effects of loneliness on performance behaviors . Intrinsic motivation plays a mediating role between workplace loneliness and employee creativity, as lonely employees who are internally satisfied with their work tend to be more creative . Overall, workplace loneliness has a significant and adverse effect on employee job performance, but the specific effects may vary depending on individual factors and resources such as psychological capital and intrinsic motivation.

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The provided paper does not mention anything about the impact of workplace loneliness on employee job performance among Gen Z employees.
The provided paper does not specifically mention the impact of workplace loneliness on employee job performance among Gen Z employees. The paper focuses on the impact of loneliness on creativity and the mediating role of intrinsic motivation.
The provided paper does not specifically address the impact of workplace loneliness on employee job performance among Gen Z employees. The paper focuses on the relationship between workplace loneliness, core self-evaluation, emotional exhaustion, and the moderating role of high leader-member exchange (LMX).
The provided paper does not specifically mention the impact of workplace loneliness on job performance among Gen Z employees.
The provided paper does not specifically mention the impact of workplace loneliness on job performance among Gen Z employees.

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