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Journal ArticleDOI
J. Korris, Michael Macedonia 
01 Apr 2002-IEEE Computer
10 Citations
That's a lot of money for an industry accustomed to spending no more than $25000 for a film projector that will last 50 years.
The high efficiency and small etendue of laser sources contribute to downsizing, and a long lifetime is also another merit for users.
The presented laser has exhibited stable operation for more than 400 hours, showing ability to become a long life laser.
This may last for several months after the laser resurfacing procedure.
The laser radiation does not damage this transducer, so it may be used indefinitely.
This degrades long term laser reliability.
Laser filamentation overcomes diffraction over a highly extended distance, making itself a powerful tool for long-range stand-off detection and light detection and ranging (LIDAR) applications.
This is the first long-term reporting of Greenlight XPS-180W laser system.
This should be considered for long time laser treatments.
We can then deduce the long term life of optical elements in high-power laser systems submitted to multipulse irradiation.

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Are there any publication on dynamic light scattering for ptp1b?
5 answers
Dynamic light scattering has been extensively studied in various contexts. While there are publications on dynamic light scattering for different applications such as assessing molecular integrity of monoclonal antibodies, studying pathological states of Plasmodium falciparum-parasitized human red blood cells, and investigating relaxor ferroelectrics like PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3, there is no specific mention of dynamic light scattering for PTP1B in the provided abstracts. However, the technique has been utilized in diverse fields such as nonlinear light scattering studies with femtosecond laser pulsesand analyzing optical anisotropy fluctuations in copolymers. Further research may be needed to explore the application of dynamic light scattering specifically for PTP1B.
How are these problems being solved?
5 answers
The problems discussed in the contexts are being solved through various approaches. For instance, in the field of structure elucidation, Fuzzy Structure Generation (FSG) is utilized to tackle complex issues in NMR data analysis, enhancing the ability to resolve intricate problems by inferring logical structures from fuzzy and contradictory data. In the realm of fetal monitoring, efforts are made to directly detect fetal movements by analyzing Doppler frequencies, aiming to correlate them with fetal heart rate changes. Moreover, high-power laser systems are employed in industrial applications, with advancements in fiber lasers enabling the distribution of laser beams to multiple workstations for enhanced process uniformity and efficiency. In oncology, collaboration between oncologists and basic scientists is deemed essential to address unresolved issues such as treatment resistance, genetic factors, and metastasis prevention, emphasizing the need for joint research efforts.
How effective is laser CO2 treatment compared to conventional treatments for cervicouterine lesions?
5 answers
CO2 laser treatment for cervicouterine lesions has shown significant effectiveness compared to conventional treatments. Studies have highlighted the advantages of CO2 laser therapy, such as its ability to ablate tissue at different depths, leading to improved outcomes with reduced thermal injury. Research has indicated that CO2 laser treatment results in lower recurrence rates and higher clearance rates compared to cryotherapy, making it a more efficient option for external genital warts. Additionally, CO2 laser conization for high-grade CIN has demonstrated favorable tissue repair outcomes, with reduced inflammatory reactions and tissue regeneration without scarring, leading to morphological and functional restoration of the treated cervical tissue. Overall, CO2 laser therapy offers promising results in the treatment of cervicouterine lesions, showcasing its effectiveness over conventional approaches.
What are the current theories regarding the development and progression of high myopia?
5 answers
Current theories regarding the development and progression of high myopia encompass a multifactorial approach. Genetic predisposition, particularly in early-onset high myopia, plays a significant role, with distinct inheritance patterns distinguishing it from common myopia. Environmental factors like increased near work, lack of outdoor time, and educational demands also contribute to myopia development. Mechanisms involving retinal signaling cascades, scleral biomechanics, and axial elongation are crucial in understanding the pathogenesis of high myopia. Treatments focus on scleral reinforcement, pharmacological interventions like atropine, optical corrections, and innovative approaches such as red light therapy. Further research is essential to unravel the complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and ocular factors influencing the development and progression of high myopia.
How to measure the hardness using ultrasonic transducers?
5 answers
To measure hardness using ultrasonic transducers, various methods and setups have been developed. One approach involves creating mixtures of epoxy materials at different ratios to evaluate hardness values. Another method includes utilizing an Ultrasonic NDT setup with transmitting and receiving transducers to record ultrasonic data in real-time, where the ultrasonic velocity is sensitive to rubber hardness and temperatures. Additionally, there are systems designed specifically for measuring ultrasonic hardness and density, which can assess both the hardness and density distribution of an object. A method involves emitting a signal from an ultrasonic meter into a component to be tested, passing it through the component, reflecting it back, and determining hardness based on the velocity of the emitted signal. Furthermore, a novel method combines laser-induced ultrasonic signals with advanced signal analysis techniques to accurately measure wheat kernel hardness.
Is Intravascular Laser Irradiation of Blood effective in healing CVA or stroke?
5 answers
Intravascular Laser Irradiation of Blood (ILIB) shows promise in aiding stroke recovery. ILIB, utilizing a helium-neon laser, has been linked to improved post-stroke disability outcomes, enhancing independence in patients. Additionally, ILIB has been associated with lowering homocysteine levels and improving cerebral circulation in stroke patients. Furthermore, ILIB has been explored in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases, showcasing its potential in a broader spectrum of conditions. Studies have also highlighted the positive effects of ILIB in treating lung diseases, emphasizing its benefits in reducing inflammation, improving hemodynamic parameters, and enhancing gas exchange efficiency. Overall, ILIB emerges as a promising adjunct therapy for stroke and other conditions, warranting further research to fully elucidate its mechanisms and therapeutic potential.
How does velocity affect the precision of ray pointer landing position prediction?
5 answers
Velocity plays a crucial role in predicting the precision of ray pointer landing positions. Research suggests that incorporating the motion of the head along with the controller movement significantly enhances prediction accuracy. Additionally, in the context of saccade landing position prediction, velocity profile methods are utilized to fit velocity data at the onset of saccadic events, aiding in predicting saccade amplitudes with reduced latency. These studies highlight the importance of velocity in improving prediction models for various applications, such as virtual reality selection movements and gaze-contingent rendering systems. By considering velocity data and incorporating it into prediction algorithms, more accurate and efficient outcomes can be achieved in tasks requiring precise positioning and movement predictions.
Https:// What is this patent about?
5 answers
The patent discussed in the link pertains to a screening method for assessing the risk of pathologies related to anomalous deposition of β-amyloid or amyloid-like substances in human and animal tissues. It focuses on investigating the Ala673Val mutation in the β-protein, which is associated with these pathologies. The patent allows for the creation of transgenic organisms expressing this mutation, production of peptides with the mutation, and utilizing these products for studying disease pathogenesis and for disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. Additionally, another patent application describes a system and method for testing components and equipment exposed to external particle flux and radiation, particularly in high-altitude environments or nuclear-related settings, using laser-plasma particle accelerators to perform radiation hardening tests.
Are femtosecond laser used to deburring and stripping materials?
4 answers
Femtosecond lasers are utilized for various material processing applications. They are employed for high-precision machining with minimal thermal impact on materials like titanium alloys, nickel-based alloys, and steel, enhancing productivity by increasing repetition rates and scanning speeds. Additionally, femtosecond lasers enable deterministic material removal with nanometer precision and sub-nanometer surface roughness during glass processing, without inducing mid-spatial-frequency errors. Furthermore, femtosecond lasers have been successfully used for polishing glass, achieving controllable material removal and sub-nanometer surface roughness, opening up possibilities for complex optical processing tasks on different materials. Moreover, femtosecond lasers have been demonstrated to effectively clean various contaminants from historic monument materials like stone and steel, preserving their integrity while offering a fast and safe cleaning method.
What are the latest updates on laser rock drilling?
5 answers
Recent research on laser rock drilling highlights its potential to revolutionize the oil and gas industry by offering faster, more cost-effective, and environmentally friendly drilling methods. Studies have shown that laser drilling can achieve high rates of penetration and specific energy values while reducing carbon emissions and material wastage. By optimizing laser parameters such as power intensity, exposure times, and assist gas pressure, researchers have successfully drilled through various rock types like limestone, shale, and sandstone, demonstrating the feasibility and efficiency of laser technology in rock excavation. Innovations like a novel laser drilling system and the development of laser devices for well drilling further emphasize the high efficiency, reduced drilling costs, and increased work efficiency associated with laser rock drilling.
What are the kinds of fatigue testing on fused silica glass?
4 answers
Fatigue testing on fused silica glass involves various methods to assess its resistance to repeated stress. Uni-axial compression tests with constant force or displacement amplitude, fixed upper displacement limit, and bending constant displacement amplitude tests are common approaches. These tests reveal that fatigue failure in fused silica glass is attributed to the degradation of interlocking in the crack wake, with crack initiation often linked to the cracking of larger grains. Additionally, multiple-pulse laser damage experiments on synthetic fused silica at different wavelengths demonstrate a fatigue effect due to cumulative material modifications, impacting the material's long-term integrity. Understanding these fatigue mechanisms is crucial for enhancing the durability of fused silica glass in high-power laser applications and industrial settings.