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How much do substance abuse behavioral disorder and mental health counselors make? 

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Our results indicate high rates of co‐occurring mental health disorders among individuals entering these outpatient substance abuse treatment clinics in Los Angeles.
The co-occurrence of psychiatric conditions and substance abuse presents significant challenges for behavioral healthcare providers.
Substance abuse coverage accounts for a small fraction of insurance payments for behavioral health coverage and a very small fraction of insurance payments for both physical and behavioral health care.
Findings raise concerns about the scope and quality of clinical supervision available to substance abuse counselors.
Results indicate that most substance abuse counselors are not being prepared for practice with traumatized populations in their formal academic training, although many obtained some trauma training through continuing education activities.
Survey findings reveal that treatment counselors support a number of different causes for substance abuse.
Total cost was not significantly higher for those with co-occurring substance use disorder ($19,034).Recent crises, particularly suicide attempts, psychiatric hospitalizations, and criminal arrests, are predictive of higher mental health treatment costs in schizophrenia patients.
The correlation analysis revealed that counselors who have no formal training in substance abuse perceived a very poor adequacy of their graduate training and believed they were not at all competent in providing services.
Overall, findings implicated a certain specificity of professional burnout in substance abuse counsellors, and the need for specific design of mental health care for them.
The substance abuse treatment workforce of South Africa appears to be young and educated, yet only one third of the counselors had any formal training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
Last, substance abuse counselors are highly likely to be secondarily exposed to traumatic events through their work with traumatized populations, and many experience at least some symptoms of secondary traumatic stress.
Data on minimum state requirements for drug and alcohol counselors and mental health counselors in all 50 states and Washington, DC, suggest that training as a mental health counselor is primarily structured through formal education, whereas training as a substance abuse counselor resembles an apprentice model.
These data offer support for the protective role of clinical supervision in substance abuse treatment counselors' turnover and occupational well-being.
Findings suggest that clearly defined procedures and sufficient staffing of qualified substance abuse counselors could lead to better programs.
Counselors working with clients in substance abuse treatment may experience vicarious trauma and vicarious PTG.
The impact of addiction on Medicaid populations with behavioral health disorders is greater than the direct cost of mental health and addictions treatment.
These results suggest that substance abuse counselors may benefit from education, prevention, and intervention efforts for disordered gambling.

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4 answers
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