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How to get unlimited money in war robots? 

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
Dieter Vanderelst, Alan F. T. Winfield 
27 Dec 2018
29 Citations
We show that building ethical robots also inevitably enables the construction of unethical robots.
I claim that the very feature which makes it attractive to send robots to war in our place, the absence of risk, also makes it peculiarly difficult for humans to trust them.
This robot will be a platform for developing various types of service robots, such as cleaning robots, security patrol robots, and entertainment robots, based on a rich communication ability.
This formulation allows the analysis of situations in which it is important to distribute the robots to reduce the time of the treatment independently of the money spent and of situations where it is important to reduce the spent money independently of the time consumed.
As soldiers have been retooled to be economic decision-makers, we need to better understand how money and markets are increasingly both the weapon of military intervention and the anticipated outcome.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Abeba Birhane, Jelle van Dijk 
07 Feb 2020
31 Citations
Once we see robots as mediators of human being, we can understand how the 'robots rights' debate is focused on first world problems, at the expense of urgent ethical concerns, such as machine bias, machine elicited human labour exploitation, and erosion of privacy all impacting society's least privileged individuals.
I have been working on simulated robots due to limits of time and money, however the principles of my research have been developed in a platformindependent way, so it should be applicable to real robots as well.

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