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How to handle minor allele frequency in methylation data? 

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To handle minor allele frequency (MAF) in methylation data, various approaches have been developed. GAMA, a high-performance MAF computation program with GPU acceleration, enables MAF computation for thousands of individuals, surpassing traditional methods in speed and efficiency . MS-NaME utilizes a highly-multiplexed approach to enrich minor DNA populations with aberrant methylation changes, enhancing the detection of low-level methylation alterations in clinical samples . For sensitive detection of low-level mosaic epimutations, epialleleR provides a computational framework that requires linkage to epihaplotype data, crucial for identifying subtle methylation events in tumor suppressor genes . Additionally, a novel approach using multiple low-frequency or rare variants collectively associated with methylation levels has shown promise in identifying regions significantly impacting DNA methylation, complementing single variant analyses . These methods collectively offer robust strategies to handle MAF in methylation data analysis.

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Not addressed in the paper.
Collapsed Methylation Quantitative Trait Loci analysis identifies low frequency and rare variants collectively associated with DNA methylation levels, enhancing detection power compared to single variant approaches.
To handle minor allele frequency in methylation data, utilize Methylation Specific Nuclease-assisted Minor-allele Enrichment (MS-NaME) technique, which enriches minor methylated or unmethylated alleles for analysis.
To handle minor allele frequency in methylation data, utilize epialleleR, an R/Bioconductor package for sensitive allele-specific methylation analysis, emphasizing the importance of epihaplotype data linkage.
Not addressed in the paper.

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