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Purpose of slime for a slug? 

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The purpose of slime for a slug serves various functions, including locomotion, protection, and potentially as a source of inspiration for adhesive development. Slime from slugs has been studied for its chemical properties, aiding in the advancement of experimental adhesives. Additionally, slime adhering to aqueous systems can be efficiently released using isothiazolone-based compounds, denaturing and reducing viscosity of the polysaccharide slime. Moreover, in water systems, specific compounds like 4,5-dichloro-1,2-dithiol-3-one and isothiazolone are added to prevent slime formation and provide antibacterial effects. Furthermore, the lifecycle of cellular slime molds like Dictyostelium discoideum has been explored for optimization algorithms, with the Slime Mold Optimization Algorithm mimicking the lifecycle stages of these organisms for numerical optimization purposes.

Answers from top 4 papers

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16 Jun 1983
2 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
22 Jun 1993
4 Citations
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