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RRL About cabling? 

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Ramp Rate Limitations (RRL) in superconducting magnets can be attributed to current imbalances among cabled strands, affecting the quench current . Generic cabling systems are versatile for connecting various equipment within or between buildings, offering flexibility and scalability as demands change . The China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) project faced challenges in developing the manufacturing technique for the Central Solenoid Model Coil (CSMC) due to the short twist pitch cable pattern, requiring a higher compaction ratio during cabling . Special cabling machines have been designed for projects like the Superconducting Super Collider (SCC) to produce extensive lengths of flat cable efficiently, showcasing innovative mechanical concepts for high-speed production . These insights highlight the importance of cable design, manufacturing techniques, and system scalability in addressing RRL issues and ensuring efficient operations in superconducting applications.

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A unique cabling machine was designed for the Superconducting Super Collider project, capable of producing Rutherford-type superconducting cable at speeds up to 10 m/min.
The research paper discusses cabling technology for the Nb3Sn conductor in the CFETR Central Solenoid Model Coil, focusing on short twist pitch and high compaction ratios to minimize damages on strands.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
21 Oct 2022
Not addressed in the paper.
RRL in superconducting magnets can be due to current imbalances in cabled strands, influenced by electromagnetic properties and cable structure disturbances, not by unequal contact resistances.
Not addressed in the paper.

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