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What are advantages of cupper free click reactions_? 

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Copper-free click chemistry offers several advantages over traditional organic chemical reactions. It allows for reactions to occur in water, buffer solutions, and physiological conditions without the need for toxic catalysts, heat, or high pressure . This makes it a safer and more environmentally friendly option. Copper-free click chemistry reactions, such as strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition and inverse electron-demand Diels-Alder reactions, have favorable reaction rates and orthogonality, making them highly scalable, robust, and cost-effective . These reactions can generate small- and large-molecule conjugates for various applications. Click chemistry reactions occur under mild conditions, are solvent-free, and have high yields and short reaction times, making them highly efficient and viable for obtaining complex/conjugated molecules . Additionally, copper-free click chemistry allows for specific labeling of cellular target proteins, drug target engagement studies, molecular imaging, drug delivery, and tissue engineering . The use of copper-free click chemistry also avoids the need for toxic solvents and allows for the recycling of catalysis systems, making it a more sustainable option .

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The provided paper does not mention the advantages of copper-free click reactions.
The advantages of copper-free click reactions include their orthogonality, high yields, fast reaction rates, biocompatibility, and the ability to be performed under aqueous conditions without the need for toxic catalysts.
The provided paper does not discuss the advantages of copper-free click reactions. The paper specifically focuses on the use of copper-catalyzed click reactions for functionalizing polyhydroxylated platforms.
The advantages of copper-free click reactions include favorable reaction rates, orthogonality in water and physiological conditions, and the ability to be used in live cell surfaces and living bodies.

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