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What are the challenges and limitations associated with the use of mobile rescue robots in emergency situations? 

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Mobile rescue robots face challenges and limitations in emergency situations. One major challenge is the need for robustness, speed, versatility, and ease of use to match the demanding requirements of real-world disaster scenarios . Energy constraints due to battery limitations hinder tetherless operation, prompting exploration of wireless power transfer technologies for mobile robots . Decision-making during emergencies is critical, and inefficiencies can lead to human and resource losses, emphasizing the importance of effective decision-making methodologies . Additionally, the operation of rescue robots in hazardous environments necessitates efficient motion control systems to enable autonomous or minimally human-controlled operations, highlighting the significance of reliable controllers and sensorless sensing methods for enhancing their capabilities . These challenges underscore the need for continuous research and development to optimize the performance of mobile rescue robots in emergency response scenarios.

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Challenges for novice developers in rough terrain rescue robots include the need for efficient motion control systems to operate autonomously in risky environments, emphasizing the potential of sensorless sensing methods.
Challenges include the need for robustness, speed, versatility, and ease of use in mobile rescue robots for emergency situations, as highlighted in the paper on rescue robotics.
Challenges include integrating mobility, dexterity, and reconnaissance in a single robot for urban search and rescue missions. Karo robot's design addresses these challenges effectively.
Challenges and limitations for mobile rescue robots in emergencies include power delivery, system efficiency, human safety, transmission medium, and distance constraints, as discussed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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