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What are the criteria for selecting data for tourism recommendation system? 

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The criteria for selecting data for a tourism recommendation system include user assessment criteria, personal preferences, sentiment analysis, and user operation behavior data. The Multi-Criteria Recommender System (MCRS) method based on rating values between users is used to obtain recommendations based on the 6As Tourism Destinations (6AsTD) framework, which assesses the success of tourism destinations based on attractions, accessibility, amenities, support services, activities, and available packages . Users' reviews on tourism social networks are utilized to extract their preferences, and sentiment analysis is performed to detect tourist preferences . The recommendation system also considers contextual information such as time, location, and weather to filter unsuitable items and improve the quality of suggestions . Additionally, the proposed recommender system incorporates the use of vector space representations trained by Doc2Vec techniques, considering spatial information, to recommend tourism business services . The proposed recommender system for ecotourism destinations utilizes sentiment analysis and the Skyline Sort Filter algorithm to provide recommendations based on positive sentiments . The personalized tourism destination recommendation model is based on user access operation behavior data and incorporates the user's interest degree and longitudinal and lateral interest characteristics .

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The paper does not provide specific criteria for selecting data for the tourism recommendation system.
The paper does not provide specific criteria for selecting data for the tourism recommendation system.
The paper does not explicitly mention the criteria for selecting data for the tourism recommendation system.
The criteria for selecting data for the tourism recommendation system in this study are based on the 6 As Tourism Destinations (6AsTD) framework, which includes attractions, accessibility, amenities, support services, activities, and available packages.
The paper does not mention the specific criteria for selecting data for a tourism recommendation system.

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