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What are the differences between transformers and State Space Models algorithms in LArge Language models? 

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Transformers and State Space Models (SSMs) represent two distinct approaches to handling sequences in large language models, each with its unique strengths and limitations. Transformers, known for their superior performance in various natural language processing tasks, rely on an attention mechanism that scales quadratically with sequence length. This computational cost limits their practicality for long sequences despite their ability to generate syntactically well-formed and semantically plausible text. The architecture of Transformers, while powerful, encounters limits in language modeling, particularly in data-efficient training and potentially in encoding the compositional rules of human language. On the other hand, SSMs are tailored for efficiently handling long sequences due to their nearly linear scaling in sequence length. They have shown impressive results in modeling long-range dependencies across various tasks. However, SSMs traditionally underperform compared to Transformers in language modeling tasks due to challenges in recalling earlier tokens and comparing tokens across sequences. Despite these challenges, recent advancements have narrowed the performance gap. For instance, the introduction of hybrid models that combine SSMs with attention mechanisms or specific layers designed to enhance their capabilities in language modeling has shown promising results. These hybrid models can outperform Transformers in certain benchmarks, offering improvements in computational efficiency and performance on long sequences. Moreover, innovations like SPADE and Gated State Space (GSS) layers augment SSMs' ability to capture global and local dependencies, respectively, demonstrating the potential for SSMs to complement or even surpass Transformer performance in specific scenarios. These developments indicate a trend towards leveraging the strengths of both architectures to address their respective weaknesses, aiming for models that are both computationally efficient and capable of handling the complexities of natural language.

Answers from top 9 papers

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Open accessPosted ContentDOI
26 Jun 2022
State Space Models like GSS offer faster training, zero-shot generalization to longer inputs, and competitive performance compared to well-tuned Transformer-based models for large language modeling tasks.
State Space Models struggle with recalling earlier tokens and comparing tokens across sequences in language modeling, but a hybrid H3-attention model outperforms Transformers in some tasks.
Not addressed in the paper.
Transformers excel in capturing local information efficiently, while State Space Models (SSMs) are tailored for computing global information effectively. SPADE combines both for long sequence modeling in language tasks.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
28 Dec 2022
1 Citations
State Space Models struggle with recalling earlier tokens and comparing tokens across sequences, while Transformers excel in language modeling due to better hardware utilization and performance.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
15 Jun 2023
Transformers excel in Language Modeling tasks, while State Space Models (SSMs) offer long-range contextualization. The Block-State Transformer (BST) combines both for improved performance and efficiency in processing long sequences.
Block-State Transformer (BST) combines State Space Models (SSMs) for long-range contextualization and Block Transformers for short-term sequence representation, outperforming traditional Transformer architectures in language modeling tasks.
Transformers excel in local information, while State Space Models (SSMs) are tailored for global information in long sequences, as combined in SPADE for efficient long sequence modeling.
Not addressed in the paper.

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