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What are the flight operational efficiency metrics for airspace study? 

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Flight operational efficiency metrics for airspace studies encompass various aspects such as fuel consumption, flight time, and trajectory optimization. Metrics include flow efficiency, runway utilization, and rate of flights not cancelled or diverted . Studies highlight the potential benefits of optimizing flight trajectories to save fuel consumption and flight distance, with detoured paths and nonoptimal altitude and speed identified as key factors affecting operational efficiency . Additionally, a trajectory inefficiency metric has been developed to assess the impact of maneuvers on flight fuel efficiency, aiding in evaluating operational efficiency without complex data inputs . Operational decision support systems utilizing algorithms like Dijkstra's Shortest Path Algorithm have shown significant fuel, time, and capacity savings in flight operations, emphasizing the importance of efficient route selection for airspace management .

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The flight operational efficiency metrics for airspace study include fuel-based performance indicators, optimal trajectories, and identifying sources of inefficiencies attributed to air traffic management and airspace users.
Flight operational efficiency metrics in the airspace study include fuel, time, and capacity savings, along with reduced CO2 emissions. The study shows significant improvements using the Flexible Use of Airspace concept.
Flight operational efficiency metrics for airspace study include fuel consumption, flight time, and flight distance. Optimization can save 312 kg of fuel and 19.7 km on average for domestic flights in Japan.
Flight operational efficiency metrics for airspace study include flow efficiency, runway utilization, and rate of flights not cancelled or diverted, with 13 detailed performance measures covering various stages of flight.
The paper introduces a trajectory inefficiency metric to measure operational performance of flights in the National Airspace System, focusing on managing inefficiencies through Air Traffic Control actions.

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