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What are the most significant gaps in the innovation literature that can be addressed using patent data? 

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The innovation literature has notable gaps that can be addressed through patent data analysis. One significant gap is the exclusion of hotel companies' patenting behavior in innovation research, which limits understanding of their innovative activities . Another gap lies in the underutilization of in-text patent citations, which provide different information compared to front-page citations and can alter the ranking of patent importance . Additionally, there is a lack of focus on the determinants of patenting behavior in small- to medium-sized firms in least-developed countries, where factors like the type of innovation, innovator profile, and firm size play crucial roles in patenting decisions . By addressing these gaps through patent data analysis, a more comprehensive understanding of innovation dynamics across different industries and regions can be achieved.

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The paper suggests using text patterns in patent data to identify properties, functions, and values, filling gaps in innovation literature by enhancing the innovation logic process.
The study highlights gaps in innovation literature by emphasizing the importance of patent data for SMEs in least-developed countries, particularly in understanding size effects on patenting behavior.
The gaps in innovation literature that can be addressed using patent data include the impact of immigrant inventors on innovation in the US and Europe, and the limited scale of returnee inventors.
The significant gap in innovation literature is the exclusion of hotel firms' patenting behavior, which can be addressed using patent data to understand their innovation patterns and trends.
The innovation literature can benefit from addressing gaps related to the utilization of in-text patent citations, which provide additional information and alter patent importance rankings.

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