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What are the primary forces exerted on a cyclist during the cycling motion? 

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During cycling, a cyclist experiences various primary forces. These include the forces generated by the leg muscles, such as the triceps surae, vastus medialis, gastrocnemius, soleus, and tibialis anterior muscles, which play a crucial role in propelling the bicycle forward . Additionally, external forces like patellofemoral compressive force, tibiofemoral anterior-posterior force, and compressive force are exerted on the knee joint, influenced by factors like saddle height and pedaling cadence . The interaction of these forces is essential for generating power and overcoming resistance, such as aerodynamic friction and rolling resistance . Furthermore, the gear selection impacts the distance traveled and the mean force applied by the legs, with different strategies employed on flat ground versus mountain ascents . Overall, a combination of muscle forces, joint forces, and external resistances defines the primary forces involved in cycling.

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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
01 Apr 1984
12 Citations
Primary forces on a cyclist during cycling include friction between tires and ground, air drag, road gradient, and wind. These forces are crucial in analyzing cycling mechanics.
Primary forces on a cyclist include opposing force (Fres) determined by gear and slope, and muscular force (Fmus) affected by cadence and incline, influencing biomechanics in cycling.
Primary forces on a cyclist include patellofemoral compressive force and tibiofemoral anterior shear force. Saddle height affects knee flexion angle, influencing joint forces during cycling.
Primary forces exerted on a cyclist during cycling include peak Achilles tendon forces, with the gastrocnemius muscle experiencing lengthening, indicating a stretch-shortening cycle, especially during the active pedaling phase.
Primary forces exerted on a cyclist during cycling include overcoming aerodynamic friction and rolling resistance. External power is mainly utilized to counteract these forces for locomotory cycling.

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