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What are the recent advances in pipeline leakage detection based on microphone array? 

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Recent advances in pipeline leakage detection based on microphone array include the use of acoustic leak noise correlation techniques . This approach is conceptually simple, non-intrusive, and easy to deploy for monitoring pipeline network installations. Another advancement is the use of direct acoustic inspection with an inner detector, which has shown high sensitivity and promise for pipeline health monitoring . Additionally, the application of data field theory has been proposed for leak detection and localization, utilizing the advantages of clustering and singular value recognition . Furthermore, a method based on continuous pipeline resistance detection has been developed, where the resistance value of the pipeline section is measured to detect structural damage and locate leakage points . These advancements offer improved methods for detecting and localizing leaks in pipeline systems using microphone arrays.

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The given text does not mention any recent advances in pipeline leakage detection based on microphone array.
The paper proposes an improved algorithm based on data field theory for pipeline leak detection and localization using acoustic wave signals.
The paper proposes a leakage detection approach using an inner spherical detector and acoustic signature extraction based on Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients.
The paper discusses the concept of leakage detection using leak noise correlation techniques, but does not specifically mention recent advances in pipeline leakage detection based on microphone array.
The paper does not specifically mention recent advances in pipeline leakage detection based on microphone array.

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