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What is a false simplex? 

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A false simplex refers to a concept disproven in various fields. In signal processing, the Strong Simplex Conjecture was disproven, showing that the regular simplex signal set is not always optimal at all signal-to-noise ratios . In mixture experiments, a conjecture regarding the pseudo component transformation of lattice points in a simplex was initially proposed but later refined and proven to be false in general . Additionally, in function minimization methods like the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm, false minima convergence issues have been identified, leading to the development of clamping-simplex methods to address this problem . These instances highlight the importance of critically evaluating and refining conjectures and assumptions in various scientific domains.

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A false simplex refers to erroneous minima that the Nelder and Mead simplex method can converge on, as highlighted in the paper on clamping-simplex methods for function minimization.
A false simplex refers to the disproven strong simplex conjecture, which claimed regular simplex signal sets as optimal, but a different set performs better at low signal-to-noise ratios.
A false simplex refers to a signal set that outperforms the regular simplex signal set at low signal-to-noise ratios without contradicting the Channel Coding Theorem, disproving the Strong Simplex Conjecture.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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