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What is electromagnetically induced transparency? 

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Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is a phenomenon where an otherwise opaque material becomes transparent under the influence of a strong driving field. It has been observed in various systems, including atomic media and systems consisting of coupled optical and mechanical resonators. EIT allows for the controllable change of absorption properties and has applications in optical quantum memory, slow-light generation, and enhanced nonlinear interactions. The effect of magnetically induced transparency has also been discovered in a magnetically active helically structured periodical medium, where the transparency band can be tuned by changing the external magnetic field and absorption. Photothermally induced transparency (PTIT) is another form of induced transparency that occurs when an optical resonator exhibits non-linear behavior due to optical heating. PTIT can suppress the coupling between an optical resonator and a traveling optical field and modify the dispersion of the resonator to exhibit slow or fast light.

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Electromagnetically induced transparency is a phenomenon that occurs in atomic media when a strong driving field renders an otherwise opaque material transparent.
Electromagnetically induced transparency is a quantum interference effect that eliminates optical absorption in an opaque medium.
The provided paper does not mention electromagnetically induced transparency.
The paper does not provide information about electromagnetically induced transparency.
Electromagnetically induced transparency is a phenomenon that allows for the controlled change of absorption properties in a material, which is useful for applications such as optical quantum memory.

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