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What is the theoretical basis for the neodymium magnet? 

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The theoretical basis for neodymium magnets involves the calculation of the anisotropic field and the utilization of heavy rare earth hydride for improved chemical stability and permeation efficiency . Neodymium magnets are the strongest type of permanent magnets commercially available and are widely used in various applications . The magnetization behavior of nanostructure magnets is governed by the coupling intensity between soft and hard magnetic clusters . Slow relaxation of magnetization is observed in neodymium single-ion magnets, providing deeper insight into the pursuit of promising light lanthanide single-molecule magnets .

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The paper does not provide information about the theoretical basis for the neodymium magnet.
The provided paper does not discuss the theoretical basis for the neodymium magnet.
The paper does not provide information about the theoretical basis for the neodymium magnet.
The paper does not provide information about the theoretical basis for the neodymium magnet.
Mao Huayun, Liu Lujun 
19 Dec 2017
5 Citations
The paper does not provide information about the theoretical basis for the neodymium magnet.

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