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What is the water resources in riyadh? 

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Riyadh's water resources include groundwater, desalinated water, and treated wastewater for various sectors like domestic, agricultural, and industrial use . Climate change impacts in Riyadh are projected to increase irrigation water requirements for important crops like wheat, clover, vegetables, and dates, necessitating more water for agricultural land . Efficient water management is crucial due to the arid climate, with studies focusing on groundwater quality evaluations in Riyadh and Al-Ahsa regions, highlighting salinity issues affecting irrigation suitability . Water demand in Riyadh is expected to rise, leading to unmet demands by 2030, prompting the need for strategies like water conservation, leak reduction, and new water supplies to meet future demands . Integrated water resource management, considering factors like morphometric analysis, hydrologic soil groups, and land use/land cover, is essential for sustainable water use in Riyadh .

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Riyadh's groundwater has moderate salinity and unsuitable chloride levels for irrigation. It features calcium magnesium sulphate - chloride water types, with acceptable boron and trace elements.
The water resources in Riyadh include desalination, groundwater supply, water conservation, leak reduction, and recycled water reuse to meet future water demands effectively by 2030.
The potential effects of climate change on agricultural water resources in Riyadh region, Saudi Arabia, indicate increasing irrigation water requirements due to temperature and evapotranspiration changes.
The study in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, utilized RST and GIS to manage water resources, identifying high runoff areas, impermeable surfaces, and potential flood risks in urban and cultivated lands.

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