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Which kind of ReLU is the best activation functions for image classification? 

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The best activation function for image classification among various ReLU modifications is the ReLU6, as indicated by empirical experiments on X-ray images showing pneumonia and normal samples . Additionally, a novel parametric right-shift activation function called the adaptive offset activation function (AOAF) has shown promising results, outperforming ReLU by improving classification accuracy on four distinct public datasets by an average of 3.82%, 0.6%, 1.02%, and 4.8% respectively . Moreover, a study comparing different methods for evolving activation functions found that a co-evolutionary algorithm was effective in evolving activation functions and architectures, showcasing its performance on various datasets like MNIST, FashionMNIST, KMNIST, and USPS . These findings collectively highlight the importance of exploring and customizing activation functions for optimal performance in image classification tasks.

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Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Raz Lapid, Moshe Sipper 
24 Jun 2022
8 Citations
The paper explores evolving activation functions for image classification, suggesting that coevolution is effective in finding optimal AFs and architectures, surpassing traditional ReLU performance.
The modified ReLU, ReLU6, is the best activation function for image classification due to its low generalization error and high accuracy in X-ray image classification experiments.
The adaptive offset activation function (AOAF) is proposed as the best ReLU variant for image classification tasks, outperforming typical ReLU with improved classification accuracy.
SaRa, a hybrid activation function combining Swish and ReLU, proves superior for image classification, outperforming traditional ReLU in melanoma classification tasks.
SaRa, a hybrid activation function combining Swish and ReLU, proves superior for image classification in melanoma analysis, outperforming traditional ReLU functions.

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