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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
87 Citations
This leads to a new mechanism of generation of the cosmological Dark Matter relic density: super-cooling can easily suppress the amount of Dark Matter down to the desired level.
We show that dark matter abundance and the inflationary scale $H$ could be intimately related.
The axion is both a compelling dark matter candidate and provides an elegant solution to the strong CP problem.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
19 Mar 1990-Nuclear Physics
171 Citations
We propose that dark matter is made of CHAMP's, charged massive particles that survive annihilation in the early Universe.
Finally, it is shown that this alternative framework of dark matter allows for arbitrarily heavy dark matter particles and that it suggests a connection between dark matter and inflation.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Pierre Sikivie, Pierre Sikivie 
51 Citations
Because there is evidence for these phenomena, unexplained with ordinary CDM, an argument can be made that the dark matter is axions.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
39 Citations
We demonstrate that Impeded Dark Matter can be easily realized without requiring tuning of model parameters.

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How effective are cosmic ray detectors in identifying the presence of dark matter?
5 answers
Cosmic ray detectors have shown exceptional effectiveness in identifying dark matter through various methods. Recent advancements have enabled high angular resolution detectors to study cosmic-ray flux from dark matter decay in dwarf spheroidal galaxies, enhancing signal flux significantly with reduced theoretical uncertainties. Additionally, detectors have been proposed to detect light dark matter particles like axions and dark photons through magnetic excitation in specific materials, offering sensitivity to higher frequencies with minimal magnetic field requirements. Furthermore, detectors have been crucial in probing the parameter space for GeV-scale strongly interacting dark matter, considering interactions with cosmic rays and effects in the Earth's crust. Antideuteron detection experiments have also emerged as a promising channel for indirect detection of dark matter, particularly targeting hidden sector thermal relic candidates like vector portal dark matter.
What does the evolution of the combined total of the neutral gas, molecular gas and stars imply?
5 answers
The evolution of the combined total of neutral gas, molecular gas, and stars suggests significant insights into galaxy formation and cosmic history. Observations indicate that galaxies acquire cold gas predominantly through accretion at high redshifts, with molecular gas playing a crucial role. The evolution of the molecular gas fraction in galaxies has shown strong changes since z ~ 2, reflecting the depletion/replenishment of molecular fuel. Additionally, the mass of neutral gas in the Universe, particularly in high-redshift damped Lyα systems, has implications for star formation history and the total visible mass in galaxies. These findings highlight the complex interplay between gas reservoirs and stellar components, shedding light on the processes driving galactic mass assembly over cosmic time.
Why does first love is more powerful in everone's life?
10 answers
The phenomenon of first love holds a unique and powerful place in an individual's life, often remembered with a vividness that outlasts other relationships. This can be attributed to several factors explored across various contexts. Nancy Kulish emphasizes that first loves during adolescence are not merely reducible to preoedipal or oedipal meanings but are significant experiences that reverberate into adulthood, suggesting a deep psychological impact that shapes future emotional and relational landscapes. This idea is complemented by the abstract notion that love, while not unique, becomes singular and irreplaceable when associated with the first lover, highlighting the unmatched emotional depth and demand the first love experience commands in one's heart. The intensity and novelty of first love experiences contribute to their lasting impact. Adolescent processes, including first loves, are marked by intense affects that individuals resist re-experiencing in treatment due to their profound emotional depth. This resistance underscores the powerful, often overwhelming nature of first love, which can set a benchmark for emotional engagement in future relationships. Moreover, the exploration of various scientific and medical research contexts, though not directly related to the psychology of first love, underscores the complexity of human experiences and the multifaceted nature of our responses to them. From the intricate mechanisms underlying diabetic kidney diseaseto the cardiovascular implications of endothelial loss, each piece of research reflects the broader theme of how initial conditions or experiences can have long-lasting effects, analogous to the indelible mark left by first love. In essence, first love is powerful in everyone's life because it is a confluence of intense emotion, novelty, and psychological development during adolescence. It serves as a foundational experience that shapes individuals' expectations and perceptions of love, intimacy, and relationships moving forward.
What are the interesting theories about dark matter and dark energy?
4 answers
Various theories have been proposed regarding dark matter and dark energy. One theory suggests that dark matter is crucial for preventing galaxies from dispersing, while dark energy has an anti-gravity effect, pushing galaxies apart. Another theory posits that the gravitational energy gradient due to the expansion of ordinary matter, rather than dark matter, explains galaxy rotation, and that this gradient also clarifies Type 1a supernovae brightness observations. Additionally, there is a hypothesis that colored relics from the early universe may have evolved into dark matter and dark energy, with research focusing on their emergence from the primordial quark gluon plasma phase after the Big Bang. Furthermore, a study suggests that dark matter and dark energy are properties of gravity, influenced by the nonlinear interactions of gravitational potential fields.
Why the region around N=50 is of special interest?
5 answers
The region around N=50 is of special interest due to significant phenomena observed in nuclei with Z<40 and 36<N<50, showing changes in deformation and coexistence of different shapes. Experimental studies have revealed intriguing behaviors like $\beta$-delayed neutron emission probability staggering in Ga isotopes, hinting at unique mechanisms similar to other isotopic chains. Moreover, investigations on Ge isotopes beyond the N=50 magic number have provided insights into their excited states and structural characteristics, shedding light on the coupling between single neutrons and the nucleus. These findings highlight the complexity and richness of nuclear structure in this region, prompting extensive theoretical interpretations and modeling efforts to understand the observed phenomena.
Which energy source has the highest growth rate?
5 answers
Fossil fuels exhibit the highest growth rates among various energy sources. In contrast, studies on quantum gas dynamics show that the energy density growth rate is maximized when the interatomic interaction varies as 2sqrt[ℏt/(πm)], highlighting a universal maximum energy growth rate under specific conditions. Furthermore, research on yeast cells indicates that those with high polyphosphate content utilize it as an additional energy source to maintain a high growth rate, emphasizing the significance of polyphosphates in cellular growth dynamics. These findings collectively underscore the diverse mechanisms and factors influencing growth rates across different energy systems, quantum gases, and biological entities.
Which alternative energy source has the highest growth rate?
5 answers
The alternative energy source with the highest growth rate is fossil fuels, as indicated by historical time series data on energy production and growth across various energy sources. Fossil fuels exhibit extreme growth rates compared to other energy sources, showcasing a significant presence of scaling behavior in their growth patterns. This finding questions the validity of long-range scenarios predicting rapid growth in future energy systems, suggesting that even if new energy systems experience a rapid 'oil boom' development akin to historical events, their overall contribution to global energy supply by 2050 is projected to be marginal.
What experimental evidence suggest light is a particle?
5 answers
Experimental evidence suggesting that light behaves as a particle includes the photoelectric effect, Compton effects, and anticorrelation experiments. These experiments showcase behaviors that have been traditionally associated with particles. However, it is argued that these phenomena can be explained solely by the properties of wave functions or state vectors, indicating no direct evidence for particles. The wave-particle duality of light has been a longstanding debate, with historical figures like Newton and Young proposing conflicting particle and wave theories. Recent experiments, such as those by Grangier, Roger, and Aspect, have provided insights into the complementary nature of light, where it can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties depending on the experimental setup.
Can weak lensing observations provide insights into the distribution and dynamics of dark matter within dwarf galaxies?
5 answers
Weak lensing observations can offer valuable insights into the distribution and dynamics of dark matter within dwarf galaxies. By leveraging simulation-based inference and machine learning techniques, it is possible to infer dark matter density profiles from observable kinematics of stars in these systems. This innovative approach addresses limitations of traditional methods like dynamical Jeans modeling, allowing for stronger constraints on dark matter profiles. Such advancements have the potential to shed light on unresolved issues concerning the small-scale structure of dark matter halos, such as the core-cusp discrepancy. Therefore, weak lensing observations present a promising avenue for probing the properties of dark matter within dwarf galaxies and understanding the intricate interplay between dark matter interactions and the evolution of cosmic structures.
What is the relationship between dark matter and gravity?
4 answers
The relationship between dark matter and gravity is a complex and multifaceted topic that has been explored through various theoretical frameworks and models. Engel Roza suggests a novel view on cosmological gravity that could potentially solve the galaxy rotation problem without relying on dark matter, by tracing gravity's origin to a basic nuclear field of energy spread by quarks. Similarly, B. A. Robson's work within the Generation Model of particle physics identifies gravity with weak, universal attractive interactions that could negate the need for dark matter and dark energy concepts. On the other hand, the $f(R,T)$ modified theory of gravity, as discussed by Raziyeh Zaregonbadi et al., incorporates dark matter effects on a galactic scale, showing that certain interactions lead to flat rotation curves in galaxies, a phenomenon often attributed to dark matter. Gregory A. Fishbein's study also touches upon the non-Newtonian behavior of gravity, which could imply variations in gravitational force that have implications for understanding dark matter. Quantum corrections to gravity, as explored by Tomohiro Inagaki et al., suggest that scalaron fields, arising from modified gravity theories, could act as dark matter candidates, offering a bridge between dark matter and gravity through quantum corrections. Corrado Battisti introduces a cpt symmetric universe theory, suggesting that dark matter could be the effect of antimatter with negative mass in a parallel universe, thus providing a unique perspective on the interaction between dark matter and gravity. Furthermore, Xavier Calmet and colleagues propose that quantum gravity itself could account for dark matter through the existence of massive fields that are gravitationally coupled to standard model particles, offering a fundamental connection between gravity and dark matter at the quantum level. These diverse approaches underscore the intricate relationship between dark matter and gravity, ranging from modifications of gravity to explain dark matter phenomena to proposing dark matter as an inherent aspect of quantum gravity.
Can dark matter interact with regular matter through forces?
5 answers
Yes, dark matter can interact with regular matter through various forces. Studies have explored interactions between dark matter and electrons or protons, leaving imprints on the cosmic microwave background and matter power spectrum. Additionally, investigations using X-ray data from galaxy clusters have probed whether self-interacting dark matter could provide insights into cosmological mysteries. Constraints on the spin-independent interaction cross section of dark matter with regular matter have been refined, considering scenarios like dark matter-cosmic ray interactions and Earth capture, leading to significant constraints on strongly interacting dark matter particles. Furthermore, hypotheses suggest the possibility of a feeble repulsive interaction between ordinary matter and dark matter, potentially affecting direct detection experiments and trapping of dark matter within astronomical bodies.