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Why mitotic cells are more sensitive to radiation therapy? 

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Mitotic cells exhibit heightened sensitivity to radiation therapy due to various mechanisms. Studies suggest that radiation induces mitotic chromosome segregation errors, leading to long-lasting aneuploidy and micronuclei formation, amplifying genome damage in cancer cells . Additionally, cancer cells resist irradiation by inducing regulated DNA breaks to prevent premature mitotic entry . Furthermore, microtubule-targeting agents like mebendazole sensitize interphase cancer cells to radiation by interfering with DNA damage response protein trafficking, independent of mitotic arrest induction . Targeting SP1, involved in tumor maintenance, with mithramycin A enhances radiation sensitivity in tumor cells by promoting mitotic catastrophe and suppressing cell death-related gene transcription . These combined factors contribute to the increased vulnerability of mitotic cells to radiation therapy.

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Mitotic cells are more sensitive to radiation therapy due to enhanced mitotic catastrophe resulting from DNA damage, which is further potentiated by Mithramycin A targeting SP1.
Mitotic cells are more sensitive to radiation therapy because cancer cells induce delayed DNA breaks to resist radiation, preventing premature mitotic entry and enhancing the effectiveness of radiation treatment.
Mitotic cells are more sensitive to radiation therapy due to induced chromosomal instability, leading to micronuclei formation and subsequent chromosomal pulverization, amplifying genome damage and reducing cell viability.
Mitotic cells are more sensitive to radiation therapy due to PSMC3IP and MND1 depletion causing ionizing radiation sensitivity, impaired DNA repair, toxic RAD51 foci accumulation, and PARP inhibitor sensitivity.
Mitotic cells are traditionally thought to be more sensitive to radiation due to DNA damage vulnerability. However, recent research suggests microtubule-targeting agents sensitize cancer cells to radiation independently of mitotic effects.

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