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Showing papers by "Yutaka Shimada published in 1997"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Results suggest that Choto-san is effective in the treatment of vascular dementia, and the change in revised version of Hasegawa's dementia scale from the beginning point in Chotosan group was tended to be higher than that in placebo group with no statistical significance.

106 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
01 Dec 1997-Surgery
TL;DR: Intracellular Ca2+ release might be important in insulin release from insulinoma cells after exposing to high level of [Ca2+]o and CaR could be involved in this mechanism.

54 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The results suggest that the 11q13 amplicon and MDM2 may play an important role in the progression of esophageal cancer, and an accumulation of genomic abnormalities may result in poor prognosis.
Abstract: ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to ascertain the exact relation between specific oncogenes and long- and short-term survival rates in patients with esophageal cancer.Summary Background DataRecent developments in molecular biology have shown that several oncogenes and suppressor genes ar

50 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Results indicate that inactivation of the β form of the p16 gene and the p15 gene are not so frequent as that of the α form of this gene in ESC cell lines, suggesting that aberration of theα form of p16 genes is the primary target of 9p loss in ESC.
Abstract: To determine the role and mode of inactivation of the p16 and p15 genes in human esophageal tumors, we examined alterations and expression of the alpha and beta forms of the p16 gene, 5' CpG island methylation of p16 exon 1 alpha, and alterations of the p15 gene in 30 esophageal squamous-cell-carcinoma cell lines. Of 30 such cell lines examined, 28 (93%) showed aberrations of the alpha form of the p16 gene: 18 homozygous deletions, 6 point mutations and 4 hypermethylation. Methylation was exclusively observed in cell lines with the wild-type alpha form. Of the 6 point mutations, one was observed in exon 1 alpha, one in the splice acceptor site of intron 1 and the remaining 4 were in exon 2. In the beta form, 18 homozygous deletions and 3 point mutations in exon 2 were detected, but no point mutation was found in exon 1 beta. All mutations in exon 2 gave rise to premature termination codons in the reading frame of the alpha transcript, while no non-sense mutations were observed in the reading frame of the beta transcript. Among 12 cell lines without homozygous deletions of the alpha and beta forms of the p16 gene, the expected wild-type beta transcript was observed in 8 cell lines, whereas only one cell line expressed the expected wild-type alpha transcript. Homozygous deletions of the p15 gene were observed in 16 cell lines (53%), and no point mutations were detected. Twelve cell lines had alterations only in the alpha form of the p16 gene, while none showed aberrations exclusively in the p15 gene. Taken together, these results indicate that inactivation of the beta form of the p16 gene and the p15 gene are not so frequent as that of the alpha form of the p16 gene in ESC cell lines, suggesting that aberration of the alpha form of p16 gene is the primary target of 9p loss in ESC.

48 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
03 Jul 1997-Oncogene
TL;DR: The data suggest that the open reading frame of FHIT is not important in the development or progression of most primary esophageal carcinomas or UCANs, although lack of expression of the FHit transcript may be common in esophagal cancer-derived cell lines.
Abstract: FHIT (fragile histidine triad gene), a candidate tumor suppressor gene, was recently identified and cloned at chromosome 3p14.2. Alterations of this gene have been reported in a number of primary human tumors, including colorectal, esophageal, gastric and lung carcinomas. However, some reports have found no abnormalities in this gene. We investigated a total of 63 primary esophageal tumors, nine esophageal cancer cell lines and 17 ulcerative colitis-associated neoplasms (UCANs) for alterations of FHIT. In 13 esophageal tumors, we employed overlapping reverse transcriptase-PCRs (RT-PCRs) to amplify and sequence the complete open reading frame of FHIT. One of 13 primary esophageal tumors analysed by RT-PCR expressed no detectable FHIT transcript; the remaining 12 expressed normal-sized transcripts with wild-type open reading frame sequences. In an additional 50 esophageal tumors, the polymorphic microsatellite loci D3S1300 and D3S1313 were used to evaluate loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 3p14.2. Eleven of these 50 tumors showed LOH at one or both loci. In all these 11 tumors, genomic PCR and direct sequencing of FHIT exons 5-9 was performed. This analysis revealed that none of these 11 primary esophageal tumors contained any alterations in the FHIT open reading frame or adjacent intron sequences. Finally, among 17 UCANs, the in vitro synthesized protein (IVSP) assay detected no truncated protein products, nor were there any abnormalities in size or DNA sequence of FHIT RT-PCR products. However, in six of nine esophageal carcinoma cell lines, no FHIT RT-PCR product was detectable using either of the overlapping primer sets. Genomic PCR and direct sequencing of exons 5-9, also performed in these nine cell lines, revealed wild-type sequence in eight cell lines; however, one cell line contained no exon 5 PCR product. This cell line also lacked detectable FHIT transcript. These data suggest that the open reading frame of FHIT is not important in the development or progression of most primary esophageal carcinomas or UCANs, although lack of expression of the FHIT transcript may be common in esophageal cancer-derived cell lines. The possibility of an additional tumor suppressor gene at chromosome 3p14.2 remains to be evaluated.

43 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is demonstrated that RSV is a potent inducer of inflammatory cytokines by direct induction and indirectly via the initial production of other cytokines through the initial induction of TNF α and IL‐1 α productions.
Abstract: The production of several inflammatory cytokines, such as murine macrophage inflammatory protein-2 (MIP-2), tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and interleukin (IL)-1, was investigated in response to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in a murine macrophage cell line, RAW264.7, with special reference to mutual relation of their productions. The kinetics of MIP-2 production showed a trend for a biphasic pattern, that is, MIP-2 levels became detectable from 2 h postinfection (p.i.) and increased markedly until 8 h p.i. Thereafter, this level fell to the same level until 16 h p.i. and then increased again. TNF alpha was also detectable at 2 h p.i. and then increased sharply until 8 h p.i., when the peak level attained. Compared with the levels of MIP-2 and TNF alpha, that of IL-1 alpha/beta, especially IL-1 beta, was lower (ng versus pg/ml order). The presence of anti-TNF alpha or anti-IL-1 alpha antibody did not influence the early phase of MIP-2 production but significantly inhibited the late phase, suggesting that MIP-2 is induced by the combined effects of RSV infection via direct induction and indirectly after initial induction of TNF alpha and IL-1 alpha productions. Although RSV-infected RAW264.7 cells had no alteration in viability compared with mock-infected control, these data demonstrate that RSV is a potent inducer of inflammatory cytokines by direct induction and indirectly via the initial production of other cytokines.

12 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Prophylactic endoscopic Variceal ligation made it possible to prevent fatal variceal bleeding with a minimum risk of complications, suggesting that this could be an alternative method for the prevention of first-time variceAL bleeding.
Abstract: Endoscopic variceal ligation is an effective therapy for variceal bleeding, and use of the method has recently been increasing. We evaluated the clinical usefulness of prophylactic endoscopic variceal ligation. Twenty-two patients with enlarged, tortuous varices and “red color signs” were selected. These patients were treated with ligation therapy alone and the varices were eradicated, i.e., reduced to small, straight varices without red color signs. Ligation therapy was withdrawn if the general condition of the patient worsened or if the varices could not be removed by suction. Follow-up endoscopy was performed every 4 months, and another ligation was performed if there were recurrent varices or variceal bleeding. The total reduction rate was 86.4%, and eradication required two sessions of therapy and 30 days of hospitalization on average. Complications included esophageal injury in 1 patient and treatment-induced bleeding in 1 patient; both complications were easily controlled. No variceal bleeding occurred after the eradication. There was no mortality due to gastrointestinal bleeding during the median follow-up period of 346 days. Prophylactic endoscopic variceal ligation made it possible to prevent fatal variceal bleeding with a minimum risk of complications, suggesting that this could be an alternative method for the prevention of first-time variceal bleeding.

10 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Arecae semen extract relaxed aortic ring preparations of isolated rat aorta that contained endothelium from 3×10−7 g/mL, reaching a maximum of 86% at 10−5 G/mL.
Abstract: Arecae semen extract relaxed aortic ring preparations of isolated rat aorta that contained endothelium from 3 x 10 -7 g/mL, reaching a maximum of 86% at 10 -5 g/mL. Its relaxation did not occur in specimens without endothelium, and was inhibited by pretreatment with 10 -4 M N G -nitro-1-arginine methylester. One of the active components was arecoline which is a muscarinic receptor agonist. Another active component was condensed tannin contained in Arecae semen.

9 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It’s time to dust off the gloves and start using them again.
Abstract: 心身症を主とする外来受診者に対して胸部症状を目標に, 梔子剤を投与し19例中9例の有効例を認めた。著効例を示すとともに胸部症状以外の使用目標について推計学的検討を行ったので, 若干の考察を加え報告する。症例1は68歳の主婦で咽喉神経症の診断のもと1994年3月初診。のどの灼熱感を目標に梔子甘草鼓湯を投与し症状は改善した。症例2は57歳の主婦でエチレンオキサイト中毒の既往があり, 胸部不快, 不眠等を主訴に来院。梔子甘草鼓湯を投与し諸症状は改善した。症例3は25歳の主婦で夫婦仲の悪化と共にアトピー性皮膚炎が再発。頭痛・不安感も併発し, 抑欝状態と診断され1994年9月初診。皮膚のかゆみを目標に梔子乾姜湯を投与しかゆみや不安感の改善を認めた。有効例では自覚症状として不眠, 身熱, 煩燥を, 腹証として心下濡を多く認めた。以上のことから, 梔子剤は, 胸部症状を有する心身症患者に対して有用な方剤であると考えられた。

2 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The history of SLE can be traced to 1974, when the first SLE was introduced.
Abstract: 十全大補湯により全身性エリテマトーデス (SLE) に伴う難治性の血小板減少症が長期に渡り良好な経過を示した一例を経験した。症例は38歳の女性。1974年血小板減少症を認め, 翌年腎障害が出現しSLEと診断され, 1984年には血液透析に導入。この間ステロイド剤減量の度に著しい血小板減少・出血傾向を認めた。1989年より当科受診したが, 当初は著しい効果はみられず, 1992年9月十二指腸潰瘍出血を併発し和漢薬治療は一時中断した。治療再開後1993年6月から十全大補湯を開始したところ, 血小板は10~15万/mm3を維持できたためステロイド剤が減量され, 1994年7月よりPSL 5mg隔日投与となった。1995年7月からは抗DNA抗体も陰性化し、1996年12月現在まで血小板は15~20万/mm3を維持している。

1 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Familiarity, ease of access, trust, and awareness of benefits and risks to minimize uncertainty will be important.
Abstract: 加味逍遥散が有効であった不定愁訴症候群患者9例を対象に, 身体的ならびに精神的愁訴について検討した。投薬前後で, 阿部の自律神経失調症の問診表の43項目と Cornell Medical Index の51項目 (M~R) を施行したところ, 3ヵ月間の加味逍遥散投与により, 身体的愁訴の数は平均19.9から9.1に減少し, 精神的愁訴の数は平均16.7から9.3に減少した。加味逍遥散が適応となる臨床像を明らかにするために, 身体的愁訴を7つのカテゴリーに, 精神的愁訴を6つのカテゴリーに分けて投薬前のそれぞれのカテゴリーに対する平均訴え率を検討したところ, 身体的には運動器と疲労に関する訴えが多く, 消化器に関する訴えが少なく, 精神的には過敏・怒りに関する訴えが多く, 抑うつ・緊張に関する訴えが少ないという特徴を認めた。

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Familiarity, ease of access, trust, and awareness of benefits and risks will be important in the coming years.
Abstract: 人間ドック受診者489例の呼吸機能検査所見, 胸部X線所見, 心電図所見と漢方医学的腹候 (腹力, 心下痞鞭, 左・右胸脇苦満, 左・右腹直筋緊張度, 振水音, 心下悸, 臍上悸, 臍下悸, 臍傍圧痛, S字結腸部圧痛, 回盲部圧痛, 小腹腹壁緊張度低下, 小腹知覚低下, 正中芯) の関連性について検討し、以下の結果を得た。1) 腹力は肺活量, 胸郭前後径, 心臓陰影最大横径, CTR, QRS軸の反時針方向への回転と正の相関を示し、胸郭縦径と負の相関を認めた。2) 振水音は、胸郭縦径, QRS軸の時針方向への回転と正の相関を示し、胸郭前後径, 心臓陰影最大横径, CTRと負の相関を認めた。3) 腹直筋緊張度と肺活量, 胸郭縦径は正の相関を示し、胸郭前後径と負の相関を認めた。4) 心下悸, 臍上悸, 臍下悸は胸郭前後径, 心臓陰影最大横径と負の相関を認めた。5) 心下痞鞭は胸郭内側最大横径と負の相関を認めた。6) 正中芯は胸郭縦径, QRS軸の時針方向への回転と正の相関を示し、SV 1と負の相関を認めた。

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is revealed that TSH, fT3,fT4, TBIIとも正常化し, 以後現在まで止常域, 約2ヶ月間チアマゾールを内服.
Abstract: 今回我々はバセドウ病による甲状腺機能亢進症に対して抗甲状腺剤を用いることなく, 漢方方剤のみによる治療を行い, 寛解に至った症例を報告した。症例1は47歳, 女性。約2年前より動悸, 体重減少, イライラ感, 耳鳴, めまい感など多愁訴。TSH低値, fT3・fT4・TBII高値, 123I 24時間摂取率高値からバセドウ病と診断。動悸などを目標に炙甘草湯を処方。その後証に応じて柴胡加龍骨牡蛎湯などを併用した。1年10ヶ月後には, TSH, fT3, fT4, TBIIとも正常化し, 以後現在まで正常域。症例2は40歳, 女性。3年前より動悸出現。近医で甲状腺機能亢進症を指摘され, 約2ヶ月間チアマゾールを内服。初診時TSH低値, fT3・fT4正常, TBII高値。動悸などを目標に炙甘草湯を処方。約3週後にチアマゾールを自己中止。証に応じて柴胡加龍骨牡蛎湯などを併用した。fT3, fT4は徐々に増加したが動悸は消失。10ヶ月後からfT3・fT4は徐々に低下傾向にある。甲状腺機能亢進症に対して抗甲状腺剤を用いることなく, 漢方治療のみで寛解に至らしめ得る病態のあることが示唆された。

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: It is confirmed that pSjS will not be facing any competition from any other brands in the coming years.
Abstract: 温経湯が奏効した原発性シェーグレン症候群 (pSjS) の三例を報告した。症例1は, 67歳, 女性。1992年4月に目のゴロゴロ感を自覚, 11月砺波総合病院受診。抗核抗体 (+), 乾燥性角結膜炎の存在, 唾液腺シンチで分泌低下からpSjSと診断。点眼薬で加療されたが無効のため1995年6月同院東洋医学科受診, 温経湯を投与したところ眼・口腔乾燥症状の軽快が得られ, 6ヶ月後乾燥性角結膜炎の改善が確認された。症例2は73歳, 女性。1987年腰痛で当科受診し和漢薬治療を受けていた。1991年胸鎖関節痛が出現し当科入院。シルマーテスト (+), 抗SS-A抗体 (+), 口唇生検でリンパ球浸潤の存在より, pSjSと診断。温経湯の投与後1ヶ月で胸鎖関節痛は消失し, 赤沈などの炎症反応も正常化した。しかし, この例は乾燥症状の改善は得られなかった。症例3は39歳, 女性。1991年6月多関節痛, 口腔乾燥感を自覚し近医受診, 高γ-グロブリン血症, 抗SS-A抗体 (+), 唾液腺シンチで分泌低下からpSjSと診断, 非ステロイド性抗炎症剤を受けていた。和漢薬治療希望で1994年3月当科受診。多関節痛が強いため, 桂枝加苓朮附湯等を投与し関節痛は軽減。口唇乾燥と月経痛から温経湯に転方, 口腔乾燥感, 目のカサカサは軽快したが, 手関節痛の出現のため2ヶ月後, 桂枝加市附湯加減に転方した。これらから温経湯のpSjSへの応用の可能性が示唆されるとともに, 乾燥症状だけでなく, 関節痛という腺外症状にも有効であったことから, 本方剤を運用するうえで示唆に富む症例と考えられた。