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Showing papers by "State University of Semarang published in 2013"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a study aims to resolve learning outcomes physics psychomotor of students with the application of PhET simulations and simple KIT on students, and the results showed that the implementation of learning is going well according to the lesson plan, student who are in the experimental class 1 using PhET simulation and the experimental classes 2 using a simple kIT could complete the learning outcomes, and student respond to learning was positive.
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menuntaskan hasil belajar psikomotor fisika siswa dengan penerapan simulasi PhET dan KIT sederhana pada siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlaksanaan pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan RPP, hasil psikomotor kelas eksperimen 1 dengan menggunakan simulasi PhET dan kelas eksperimen 2 dengan menggunakan KIT sederhana dapat menuntaskan hasil belajar siswa, serta respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran positif. Berdasarkan hasil temuan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi simulasi PhET dan KIT sederhana untuk mengajarkan keterampilan psikomotor siswa pada pokok bahasan alat optik dapat menuntaskan hasil belajar psimotor siswa. This study aims to resolve learning outcomes physics psychomotor of students with the application of PhET simulations and simple KIT on students. The results showed that implementation of learning going well according to the lesson plan, student who are in the experimental class 1 using PhET simulation and the experimental class 2 using a simple KIT could complete the learning outcomes, and student respond to learning was positive. According to the finding above it could be conclude that the implementation PhET simulation and simple KIT to teach psychomotor skills of students on the subject of optical can to complete psychomotor learning outcomes of students.

43 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The authors dilakukan penelitian pengembangan media animasi fisika pada materi cahaya dengan aplikasi flash berbasis Android.
Abstract: Telah dilakukan penelitian pengembangan media animasi fisika pada materi cahaya dengan aplikasi flash berbasis Android. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan media dan hasil uji coba terbatas media berdasarkan respon guru, peserta didik, dampak, serta kendala. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan, dengan langkah penelitian meliputi tahap studi pendahuluan, yaitu studi pustaka, survei lapangan, dan penyusunan draf produk, serta tahap pengembangan dengan uji coba terbatas. Sasaran penelitian adalah proses pembelajaran IPA kelas VIII SMP pada materi cahaya, dengan validasi yang dilakukan oleh tiga ahli media dan ahli materi serta uji coba terbatas dilakukan pada 14 peserta didik kelas VIII SMPN 2 Kota Mojokerto. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dalam mengembangkan media animasi fisika dengan aplikasi flash berbasis Android harus memperhatikan: kesesuaian dengan materi, penampilan avatar, kombinasi warna teks dengan background, pergerakan obyek, kemampuan media menyesuaikan ukuran layar, dan penggunaan bahasa. Penilaian dari ahli media dan ahli materi menyatakan bahwa media sangat baik (91,03%) ditinjau dari komponen format, isi, kesederhanaan, keterpaduan, keseimbangan, bentuk, dan warna. Respon peserta didik terhadap media adalah sangat baik (91,72%), ditinjau dari komponen format, kualitas, kejelasan, serta ketertarikan peserta didik. Media memberikan dampak bagi peserta didik berupa motivasi belajar fisika, pemahaman konsep, serta timbulnya rasa senang. Kendala dalam proses pengembangan yaitu sulit ditemukan referensi software pembuat media, penyesuaian animasi, serta keharusan adanya Adobe AIR dalam perangkat. Tetapi kendala tersebut dapat diatasi dengan mencari referensi dari internet, bertanya dengan ahli, serta melakukan survei lapangan.

42 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the influence of Good Corporate Governance on Islamic social reporting disclosure of sharia banking in Indonesia was identified. And the results showed that Commissioners Board size and Sharia Supervisory Board size did not affect Islamic Social Reporting of Sharia banking.
Abstract: Selama ini pengukuran pengungkapan tanggung jawab sosial pada perbankan syariah masih mengacu pada Global Reporting Initiative Index (GRI), padahal saat ini banyak diperbincangkan mengenai Islamic Social Reporting yang sesuai dengan prinsip syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari elemen Good Corporate Governance terhadap pengungkapan Islamic Social Reporting pada perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh bank umum syariah di Indonesia. Total sampel yang diuji sebanyak 10 bank umum syariah yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Teknik analisis dari penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran dewan komisaris terbukti memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap pengungkapan Islamic social reporting pada perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Sedangkan ukuran dewan pengawas syariah tidak terbukti berpengaruh terhadap pengungkapan Islamic social reporting pada perbankan syariah di Indonesia. So far social responsibility disclosure measurement is still referred to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) index, although many recent discussions about Islamic Social Reporting which is in favor with Sharia Principles. This research aims at identifying the influence of Good Corporate Governance on Islamic Social Reporting disclosure of sharia banking in Indonesia. The population of this research are all of Islamic banks in Indonesia. Ten Islamic banks selected by using purposive sampling. The study uses descriptive and regression analyses. The result shows that Commissioners Board size affect significantly on Islamic social reporting disclosure of sharia banking in Indonesia, while Sharia Supervisory Board size does not affect Islamic Social Reporting of Sharia banking in Indonesia.

40 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The starting point of this change was when the President Abdurrahman Wahid unlocked barriers on multicultural relationship that respects the differences of cultural orientation among the existing ethnic groups as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: Indonesia was not a new entity when started to become national country. It was called a continuation of the history of the Dutch East Indies. The people lived under western colonial was a pluralistic society, people separated by social class, ethnicity, religion, race and inter-group. Between the authorities and the people separated along racial lines. In addition there was the separation of ethnic groups associated with the economic, educational and social relations. After Indonesian independence the pluralistic society situation continues. The end of the New Order has opened a Pandora's Box of poor relations between ethnic and inter-religious. As a result many conflicts occurred based on religious and ethnic differences. The conflict heated up as the influx of political interests. The process of political reform gave birth to a new awareness of the relationship between ethnicity and religion. The starting point of this change was when the President Abdurrahman Wahid unlocked barriers on multicultural relationship that respects the differences of cultural orientation among the existing ethnic. From that moment the concept of multiculturalism experienced socialization process within Indonesian society. Key words: pluralism, multiculturalism, colonial, new order, socialization  Ketika Indonesia lahir sebagai negara nasional, Indonesia bukanlah entitas yang baru. Ia merupakan kelanjutan sejarah dari masyarakat yang disebut Hindia Belanda. Masyarakat di bawah penjajah Barat ini merupakan masyarakat majemuk, masyarakat yang terpisah-pisah berdasarkan kelas sosial, suku, agama, ras, dan antar golongan. Antara penguasa dan rakyat terpisah secara garis rasial. Selain itu ada pe-misahan suku bangsa terkait dengan ekonomi, pendidikan, dan hubungan-hubungan sosial. Setelah Indonesia merdeka situasi masyarakat majemuk terus berlangsung. Berakhirnya Orde Baru telah membuka kotak pandora buruknya hubungan antar etnik dan antar agama. Akibatnya banyak terjadi konflik-konflik yang berdasarkan perbedaan etnik dan agama. Hal itu semakin meruncing ketika kepentingan-kepentingan politik masuk. Proses reformasi politik melahirkan kesadaran baru tentang hubungan antar etnik dan agama. Titik awal perubahan ini ketika Presiden Abdurahman Wahid membuka sekat-sekat hubungan multikultural yang menghormati perbedaan dalam orientasi budaya di kalangan etnik yang ada. Sejak itu konsep multikulturalisme mengalami proses sosialisi dalam masyarakat Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Pluralisme, Multikultural, Kolonial, Orde Baru, Sosialisasi.  Â

26 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors used a contextual model based on project to improve the learning result and science process skill students at a vocational school using contextual model for science learning at vocational school, and the average of affective and psychomotor learning outcomes students achieved well defined indicators of success.
Abstract: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan pada pembelajaran IPA SMK dengan model kontekstual berbasis proyek untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dan KPS siswa. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan valid dengan rata-rata 3,68, dan efektif karena telah mampu memenuhi indikator yang diharapkan, yaitu: terdapat peningkatan KPS dengan skor rata-rata 72,85 dan ketuntasan klasikal 80,6% (29 dari 36 siswa telah tuntas); terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif siswa, yaitu rata-rata meningkat dari 58,33 menjadi 81,39 dan ketuntasan klasikal 92% (33 dari 36 siswa telah tuntas); rata-rata hasil belajar afektif dan psikomotorik siswa juga mencapai indikator keberhasilan yang ditetapkan, yaitu ≥ 70; serta sebanyak 91,18% (31 dari 34 siswa) memberikan respon baik terhadap pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis proyek.  This research is though development of science learning at vocational school using contextual model based on project to improve the learning result and science process skill students. The teaching and learning advise used in teaching “ways in handling waste” topic using contextual model based on project valid with average 3,68, effective because is able to complete the indicator, there is an increase of Science Process Skill with an average score of 72,85 and 80,6% completeness classical or 29 among 36 students have completed. There is an increase students’ cognitive learning outcomes, the average increased from 58,33 to 81,39 and 92 % classical completeness, or 33 among 36 students have completed. The average of affective and psychomotor learning outcomes students’ achieve well defined indicators of success, were ≥ 70. A total of 91,18% or 31 among 34 students responded well to the project based learning.

21 citations

01 Sep 2013
TL;DR: In this article, the authors identify the application of financial inclusion in rural-based batik SMEs in Klaten regency and analyze its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and obstacles in the implementation of finance in the SME.
Abstract: In general, regional economy is supported by micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs). They have important role in promoting economic growth in Indonesia. In Indonesia, there are various types of SMEs that are spreadout throughout the region, one of which is batik SMEs. Klaten regency has the largest number of Batik SMEs in Central Java province. Commonly, the issue of SMEs in general is the problem of capital. To overcome this issue, there is a model named “Financial Inclusion” to encourage the financial system to be accessible by society. The purpose of this study is to identify the application of financial inclusion in rural-based batik SMEs in Klaten regency and analyze its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and obstacles in the implementation of financial inclusion in the SME. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and SWOT analysis. The results revealed that the form of the model of financial inclusion for SMEs Batik in Klaten regency is financial institutions in terms of capital. This is in the form of low interest loans and KUR (Business Credit fo Society). Then, there is a provision of assistance from financial institutions. In terms of marketing, it is necessary for SMEs in having intensive assistance, participating in batik exhibition and advertisement. Having applied this model, it is expected that SMEs Batik Klaten will be well-improved. Perekonomian daerah pada umumnya ditopang oleh Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Perannya sangat vital dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Di Indonesia terdapat berbagai jenis UMKM yang tersebar diseluruh wilayah, salah satunya adalah UMKM batik. Kabupaten Klaten memiki jumlah UMKM batik terbanyak di provinsi Jawa Tengah. Persoalan UMKM pada umumnya adalah masalah permodalan. Untuk mengatasinya terdapat satu model bernama “Inklusi Keuangan” yang dapat mendorong sistem keuangan agar dapat diakses seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi penerapan inklusi keuangan pada UMKM batik berbasis perdesaan di Kabupaten Klaten serta menganalisis kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan hambatan dalam penerapan inklusi keuangan pada UMKM tersebut. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis SWOT. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu model inklusi keuangan untuk UMKM Batik di Kabupaten Klaten yaitu masuknya lembaga keuangan dalam segi permodalan yaitu berbentuk kredit bunga rendah dan KUR, yang selanjutnya dilakukan pendampingan dari lembaga keuangan. Sedangkan dari segi pemasaran, diperlukan adanya pendampingan intensif, pengikutsertaan pameran batik serta advertisement. Dengan model tersebut, diharapkan akan terbentuk UMKM Batik Klaten yang berkualitas.

19 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors analyzed the effect of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), unemployment, and public spending on poverty in Central Java Province and found that GRDP and public expenditure have significant effect on poverty while unemployment effect is not significant.
Abstract: Abstrak: Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Kemiskinan di Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Provinsi Iawa Tengah memiliki jumlah penduduk miskin yang cukup tinggi dan berada di posisi 12 dari 33 provinsi di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kemiskinan di Propinsi Jawa Tengah dan menganalisis pengaruh Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB), pengangguran, dan belanja publik terhadap kemiskinan. Analisis data menggunakan teknik Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan tingkat pengangguran tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemiskinan. Faktanya bahwa jumlah orang miskin di daerah lebih besar daripada kota. Secara statistik, PDRB dan variabel lainnya seperti pengeluaran publik berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemiskinan sedangkan pengangguran pengaruhnya tidak signifikan. Kata kunci: Kemiskinan, belanja publik, PDRB Abstract : Factors Affecting Poverty Rate in Central Java Province. Central Java province has a high number of poor people and is in position 12th of the 33 provinces in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to describe poverty in Central Java and to analyze the effect of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), unemployment, and public spending on poverty. Analysis of data used Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique. The result shows that decline in unemplyment rate had no significant effect on poverty. In fact, the number of poor people in rural area is gretaer than those in urban area. Statistically, other variables such as GRDP and public spending have significant effect on poverty while unemployment effect is not significant. Key word: Poverty, public expenditure, GRDP

01 Jan 2013
TL;DR: In this article, a study was conducted at PT. Primatexco indonesia in Batang, Java, by using the technique one stage clusters of random sampling to measure cultural organization and employee engagement.
Abstract: Employee engagement dipengaruhi beberapa faktor, salah satu diantaranya adalah budaya organisasi. Karyawan akan dapat bekerja dengan baik di dalam perusahaan apabila mempunyai employee engagement yang tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: untuk mengetahui gambaran secara deskriptif budaya organisasi dan employee engagement di PT. Primatexco Indonesia. Serta mengetahui pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap employee engagement di PT. Primatexco Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT.Primatexco Indonesia di Batang, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 145 orang yang ditentukan menggunakan teknik one stage cluster random sampling . Employee engagement dan budaya organisasi diiukur dengan menggunakan skala employee engagement yang terdiri dari 31 item dan budaya organisasi terdiri dari 30 item. Koefisien reliabilitas skala employee engagement sebesar 0,883 dan skala budaya organisasi sebesar 0,095. Uji pengaruh menggunakan teknik regresi dengan bantuan program SPSS 17.0 for windows. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara budaya organisasi terhadap employee engagement , dengan nilai koefisien regresi 0,623 dan t hit = 8,481 dengan p = 0,000 (p < 0,05) sehingga hipotesis diterima. Artinya semakin baik budaya organisasi maka semakin tinggi employee engagement, sebaliknya semakin buruk budaya organisasi maka semakin rendah pula employee engagement . Employee engagement influenced several factors, one of them is culture organization. An employee will can work well in a company when have employee engagement is high. The purpose of this research is: to know a picture in descriptive culture organization and employee engagement in PT. Primatexco indonesia. And knowing influence culture organization against employee engagement in PT. Primatexco indonesia. The study is done at PT. Primatexco indonesia in stems, by the number of samples about 145 people determined uses the technique one stage clusters of random sampling. Employee engagement and cultural organization diiukur employee engagement by using a scale consisting of 31 items and cultural organization consisting of 30 item. A coefficient reliabilitas scale of employee engagement 0,883 and scale of cultural organization 0,095. Test use constructive influence the regression aid program spss 17.0 for windows. Results test hypotheses shows that there are significant influence between cultural organizations against engagement, employee with nilai the regression coefficient 0,623 and t = 8,481 with p = 0,000 ( p < 0.05 ) that hypothesis accepted. It means better cultural organization and employee engagement, higher contrarily worse and cultural organization and the lower employee engagement.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors examined the influence of company size, company growth, capital structure and audit quality on earnings response coefficient, and found that variable of a company size has positive effects on the response coefficient.
Abstract: Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran perusahaan, pertumbuhan perusahaan, struktur modal, dan kualitas audit terhadap earnings response coefficient. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) tahun 2009-2011. Teknik pemilihan sampel berdasarkan purposive sampling. Sampel yang masuk kriteria sebanyak 34 perusahaan. Unit analisis sampel sebanyak 102 annual report, dengan data outlier sebanyak 8 sehingga jumlah sampel menjadi 94. Metode analisis data penelitian ini yaitu analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ukuran perusahaan berpengaruh positif terhadap earnings response coefficient. Pertumbuhan perusahaan, struktur modal dan kualitas audit tidak berpengaruh terhadap earnings response coefficient The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of company size, company growth, capital structure and audit quality on earnings response coefficient. The population of this research are all companies listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2009-2011. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling. There are 34 companies qualified as sample. The units of analyse sample are 102 annual report, with the data outlier as many as 8 so that number of the sample become 94. Multiple regression analysis was employed to analyse data. The result shows that variable of company size have positive effects on earnings response coefficient. Company growth, capital structure and audit quality not effect on earnings response coefficient

01 Jul 2013
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors have discussed the effect of video interaktif engine tune-up EFI on the performance of the engine and its performance in terms of performance improvement.
Abstract: Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Apakah ada peningkatan hasil belajar yang signifikan, antara siswa yang video interaktif engine tune-up EFI dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran sebelumnya berupa buku New Step 2, buku Praktik STM Otomotif, file doc, pdf dan ppt. (2) Apakah video interaktif engine tune-up EFI efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada proses pembelajaran siswa pada kompetensi service engine dan komoponen-komponennya. Penelitian ini bertujuan adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa yang signifikan dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran video interaktif engine tune-up EFI lebih baik dibandingkan dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran sebelumnya. (2) Untuk mengetahui apakah video interaktif engine tune-up EFI efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada proses pembelajaran kompetensi service engine dan komponen-komponennya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan pola Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Populasi pada penelitian ini berjumlah 87 siswa dari tiga kelas XI TKR di SMK Negeri 4 Semarang yang menempuh kompetensi service engine dan komponen-komponennya. Sampel penelitian diperoleh dengan metode random, kemudian sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 29 siswa kelas XI TKR 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan 29 siswa kelas XI TKR 2 sebagai kelas kontrol. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode check list, analisa data menggunakan statistik deskripsi dan uji t. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang diperoleh, bahwa rata-rata hasil studi sub-kompetensi service engine dan komponen-komponennya (engine tune-up EFI) pada kelompok eksperimen yang semula 67.94 meningkat menjadi 82,46 atau terjadi peningkatan sebesar 89,65%. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol rata-rata hasil studi yang semula 66,93 meningkat menjadi 74,01, sehingga terjadi peningkatan sebesar 58,62%. Adanya peningkatan hasil studi kompetensi service engine dan komponen-komponennya (engine tune-up EFI) dengan menggunakan video interaktif. Media pembelajaran video interaktif efektif digunakan pada proses pembelajaran kompetensi service engine dan komponen-komponennya (engine tune-up EFI). Kepada para pengajar direkomendasikan untuk menerapkan pembelajaran dengan media video interaktif karena terbukti melalui penggunaan media video interaktif dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar kompetensi dasar service engine dan komponen-komponennya (engine tune-up EFI).

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the purpose of the research is to produce an integrated science learning tools that can facilitate learners to develop the capabilities of the whole so that it has a superior competitive, able to follow the development of science and technology, and has a character which is based on the values of Pancasila.
Abstract: Tujuan dari penelitian adalah menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA terpadu yang dapat memfasilitasi siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan yang dimiliki secara menyeluruh sehingga memiliki daya saing yang unggul, mampu mengikuti perkembangan IPTEK, dan memiliki karakter yang bersumber pada nilai-nilai pancasila. Dari hasil penelitian dan pembahasan maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran IPA terpadu berkarakter menggunakan pendekatan humanistik berbantu alat peraga murah di sekolah menengah berupa silabus, RPP, alat peraga, LKS, dan modul yang dihasilkan melalui alur Four-D model, yaitu definition (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), development (pengembangan) dan disseminate (penyebaran) yang telah melalui tahap validasi dan revisi. Â The purpose of the research is to produce an integrated science learning tools that can facilitate learners to develop the capabilities of the whole so that it has a superior competitive, able to follow the development of science and technology, and has a character which is based on the values of Pancasila. From the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the development of the integrated science learning character humanistic approach berbantu cheap props in the form of school syllabi, lesson plans, visual aids, worksheets, and the modules produced by Four-D flow model, the definition (defining), design (design), development (development) and disseminate (spread) that have gone through the validation and revision.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan PBL berbantuan multimedia kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa mencapai ketuntasan klasikal, kemampsuan berpikir kreatif s iswa meningkat dan lebih baik daripada sisWA.
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan PBL berbantuan multimedia kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa mencapai ketuntasan klasikal, kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa meningkat dan lebih baik daripada siswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran ekspositori, serta terdapat pengaruh positif antara kemampuan berpikir kreatif dengan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian quasi eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 4 Kudus. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan cluster random sampling sehingga terpilih kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode dokumentasi, tes dan wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa kelas eksperimen telah mencapai ketuntasan klasikal. Rata-rata hasil tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa kelas eksperimen lebih baik daripada hasil tes kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa kelas kontrol. Terdapat korelasi yang positif antara kemampuan berpikir kreatif dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah pada kelas eksperimen. Rata-rata peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa kelas eksperimen lebih baik daripada rata-rata peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa kelas kontrol.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors analyzed the perceptions of employees in government agencies on the effects of law enforcement, effectiveness of internal control, information asymmetry, distributif justice, and organizational commitment and cultural ethical management to fraud in the government sector.
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis persepsi pegawai di instansi pemerintahan tentang pengaruh penegakan peraturan, keefektifan pengendalian internal, asimetri informasi,keadilan distributif, keadilan prosedural, komitmen organisasi, dan budaya etis organisasi terhadap fraud di sektor pemerintahan. Populasi penelitian ini terdiri dari 128 pegawai yang bekerja pada subbagian keuangan Dinas Provinsi DIY. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian populasi sehingga responden dari penelitian ini merupakan seluruh populasi.Kuesioner yang memenuhi syarat adalah 111 responden. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisis full model Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan alat analisis smartPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh negatif antara penegakan peraturan, keefektifan pengendalian internal, keadilan distributif, keadilan prosedural, dan komitmen organisasi dengan kecurangan (fraud) di sektor pemerintahan, terdapat pengaruh positif antara asimetri informasi dengan kecurangan (fraud) di sektor pemerintahan, tidak terdapat pengaruh antara budaya etis organisasi dengan kecurangan (fraud) di sektor pemerintahan The purpose of this study was to analyze the perceptions of employees in government agencies on the effects of law enforcement, effectiveness of internal control, information asymmetry, distributif justice , procedural justice, and organizational commitment and cultural ethical management to fraud in the government sector. The study population consisted of 128 employees who work at the Department of DIY financial subsections. This research is a population research that respondents of this study are all popula tion . Questionnaires qualify as 111 respondents . Data collection using questionnaires. Analyzed using a full model of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with smartPLS analysis tools. The results showed a negative effect between law enforcement , effectiveness of internal control, distributif justice, procedural justice and organizational commitment to fraud in the government sector, there is a positive effect between information asymmetry with fraud in the government sector, there is no effect between procedural justice by fraud in the government sector.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors determine the external factors consisting of Domestict Gross Product (GDP), inflation, Bank Indonesia Certificates Wadiah (SWBI), and internal causes are comprised of variable Deposite Financing Product (FDR), the ratio of Return Loss Sharing Financing finance divided by total return (RR), total non performing assets which led to financing (NPF) or financing problems at sharia banks in Indonesia.
Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor ekternal yang terdiri dari Gross Domestict Product (GDP), Inflasi, Sertifikat Wadiah Bank Indonesia (SWBI) dan penyebab internal yang terdiri dari variabel Financing Deposite Product (FDR), rasio Return Pembiayaan Loss Sharing dibagi return total pembiayaan (RR), Total aset yang menyebabkan Non Performing Financing (NPF) atau pembiayaan bermasalah pada bank umum syariah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini penting dilakukan karena nilai NPF bersifat fluktuatif, Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh bank umum syariah yang ada di Indonesia. Data penelitian ini adalah laporan keuangan triwulan Bank Umum syariah Di Indonesia dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan GDP riil dan FDR berpengaruh tidak signifikan positif terhadap NPF dan inflasi, SWBI, RR berpengaruh tidak signifikan negatif terhadap NPF sedangkan Total Aset mempunyai pengaruh Signifikan negatif terhadap NPF. The purpose of this study was to determine the external factors consisting of Domestict Gross Product (GDP), inflation, Bank Indonesia Certificates Wadiah (SWBI) and internal causes are comprised of variable Deposite Financing Product ( FDR ) , the ratio of Return Loss Sharing Financing finance divided by total return (RR), total non performing assets which led to financing (NPF) or financing problems at sharia banks in Indonesia. This research is important because the value fluctuates NPF, the data analysis methods used in this study is the multiple linear regression analysis . The population in this study are all Islamic banks in Indonesia . The data of this study is the quarterly financial statements of Islamic Banks in Indonesia by purposive sampling technique . These results indicate that real GDP growth and FDR insignificant positive effect on NPF and inflation , SWBIs , RR was not significantly negative effect on NPF while total assets have significant negative effects on NPF.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the role of women sellers jamu gendong in improving social life, the contribution women make seller of jamu geendong against family income, and the impact the role women seller of Jamu gandong social and economic life family.
Abstract: Abstrak ___________________________________________________________________ UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah) memainkan peran yang sangat penting di dalam pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia seiring dengan jumlah penduduk yang semakin meningkat. Dengan akan diberlakukanya MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN) pada tahun 2015 akan membawa dampak positif dan dampak negatif kepada UMKM di Indonesia, termasuk juga UMKM yang ada di Temanggung. Dampak positif yang muncul adalah masyarakat dapat menjual barang-barang hasil produksinya ke Negara di ASEAN dengan mudah, namun dampak negatifnya akan banyak produk-produk yang masuk kedalam negeri sehingga menjadikan persaingan menjadi lebih ketat. Untuk dapat mempertahankan eksistensi UMKM maka dibutuhkan suatu strategi, Salah satunya dengan menggunakan keunggulan komparatif ( comparative advantage) yaitu dengan menciptakan produk yang khas dan unik serta memberikan pelayanan yang baik. Abstract ___________________________________________________________________ This study aims for know the role of women sellers jamu gendong in improving social life, the contribution women make seller of jamu gendong against family income, and the impact the role of women seller of jamu gendong social and economic life family. The data collected consist of primary and secondary data by direct observation, in-depth interviews with selected informants, and documentation. Analysis data using data analysis qualitative with presenting the data in the form of tables be accompanied interpretation so that is obtained a conclusion. The results showed that the social and economic conditions of low family encourage women working in the public sector. Motivation women worked choose jobs sell jamu gendong is capital a little, do not require education / skill high, and solicitation friend or previously already there is brother who worked. Donations the lowest income of women seller of jamu gendong against the overall family income ketegori family is amounted to 20% and donations highest revenue is 72.72%. Impact social life the role of of women sellers jamu gendong is a family afford to send child, whereas impact economic life is increasing the family income which can fulfill needs of family life.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the authors compared the social responsibility disclosure of Islamic banking in Indonesia based on the Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) index, and the results showed that the highest score of disclosure is Bank Muamalat Indonesia with the score of 73% and the lowest score is Panin Bank Syariah with a score of 41%.
Abstract: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membandingkan pengungkapan tanggungjawab sosial bank syariah di Indonesia berdasarkan pada indeks Islamic Social Reporting (ISR). Obyek dari penelitian ini adalah tujuh bank syariah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan laporan tahunan tahun 2011 yang dipublikasikan pada masing-masing bank. Analisis data menggunakan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skore indek IRS tertinggi adalah Bank Muamalat Indonesia dengan skore 73% dan skore terendah adalah Bank Panin Syariah dengan skore 41%. Â This research is intended to compare the social responsibility disclosure of Islamic banking in Indonesia based on the Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) index. The object of this research is taken from seven Islamic bankings in Indonesia. This research use the data from the annual report which was published in 2011 by the banks. The content analysis is implemented for analyzing the data. The results show that the highest score of social responsibility disclosure is Bank Muamalat Indonesia with the score of 73% and the lowest score is Panin Bank Syariah with the score of 41%.

31 May 2013
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors compared the performance and social responsibility between Semarang State University as a conservation university and other universities in Semarnag, and found that there is a significant difference in terms of performance and and social concern between the two universities.
Abstract: Implementing Green Accounting based on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) begins tobe rapidly implemented in Indonesia. The shift of paradigm and company’s orientation to paymore attention to all stakeholders gives impacts on the company’s social role and responsibilitieswhich is commonly called as the Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR). In higher education,the University’s responsibilities for society is called University Social Responsibility(USR), is basically an ethical policy which influences the quality of university’s communityperformance that consists of students, officers, lecturers and all the university’s staffs throughthe management that responsible toward education, cognitive, employment and environmentwhich are produced by university through some interactive dialogue with society aiming forproducing and developing sustainable human resources. So is Semarang State University as aconservation university which implements University Social Responsibility (USR) to achieve theGood University Governance (GUG). Based on the above statement of problems, this researchaims to gain proofs and investigate, measure and examine the performance of Semarang StateUniversity’s management board whether or not they have conducted the USR well. Beside that,this research also aims to compare the performance and social responsibility between SemarangState University as a Conservation University and other University in Semarang. Has SemarangState University as a conservation university which indeed possesses more conservation valuescompare to the other universities been able to successfully carry out its social responsibilitybetter? In this research, the population used were all universities located in Semarang. In testingthe hypothesis the research used the Independent Sample T Test as confirmation, that is as atesting tool which is used to analyze the comparison by using T Test for two samples whichmatched because the data distributed normally. It aims to find out whether both group have thesame average or significantly different. The research result shows that simultaneously there is nosignificant difference in terms of performance and and social responsibility between SemarangState University as a conservation university compare to the other universities in Semarang.Partially, from four variables used to conduct the test, there is only one variable, that is theEnvironmental Involvement which is statistically has a significant dofference between SemarangState University to the other universities in Semarnag. Meanwhile the other three variables, theyare Environmental Awareness, Environmental Reporting and Environmental Audit, do not showany significant difference. Suggestion for Semarang State University as a conservation universityis to improve the performance and responsibility especially in terms of Environmental Reportingand Environmental Audit.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the effect of regional income, the general allocation fund, and special allocation fund for capital expenditure budget allocation was examined. And the results indicated that the effect was not significant.
Abstract: Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh pendapatan asli daerah, dana alokasi umum dan dana alokasi khusus terhadap pengalokasian anggaran belanja modal. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah dokumen Laporan Realisasi APBD pemerintah kabupaten/kota di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2011. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian populasi. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode dokumenter.Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi berganda. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa pendapatan asli daerah, dana alokasi umum dan dana alokasi khususberpengaruh terhadap alokasi belanja modal.Bagi Pemerintah daerah diharapkan meningkatkan komponen-komponen PAD agar PAD dapat meningkat sehingga alokasi untuk belanja modal dapat ditambah. Abstract The purpose of this study to examine the effect of regional income, the General Allocation Fund, and Special Allocation Fund for capital expenditure budget allocation.The population in this study is to document the local government budget realization report the district/town in Central Java. This study is a population with a method of data collection is done with the documentary method. Analysis of the data usedmultiple regression. The result indicate that the of regional income, the General Allocation Fund, and Special Allocation Fund have any effect on capital expenditure budget allocation. For the local governments are expected to increase Regional Income components so Regional Income can be increased so that the allocation for capital expenditure can be added.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors explored the experience of SMAN 5 Semarang in habituating character education through sociology courses, and the research results show that character education in SMA Negeri 5Semarang is implemented integratedly into the existing subjects.
Abstract: Pembangunan fisik perlu diimbangi dengan pembangunan moral. Salah satu cara pembangunan moral terhadap generasi muda adalah melalui pendidikan karakter yang dilaksanakan di lembaga Sekolah Menengah Atas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkapkan model penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter melalui mata pelajaran Sosiologi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 5 Semarang. Hasil penelittian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan karakter di SMA Negeri 5 Semarang dilaksanakan dengan cara diintegrasikan ke semua mata pelajaran yang ada. Penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter melalui mata pelajaran Sosiologi dapat ditinjau dari beberapa aspek, di antaranya: materi Sosiologi yang telah dianalisis nilai-nilai karakternya, RPP dan Silabus Sosiologi yang berkarakter, metode penanaman oleh guru, media pembelajaran berbasis karakter dan evaluasi penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter. Pengembangan dan penanaman nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter di SMA Negeri 5 Semarang juga dilakukan melalui penyediaan fasilitas seperti tempat ibadah, laboratorium bahasa dan budaya serta Pusat Sumber Belajar yang baik serta ditunjang dengan berbagai program sekolah mulai dari ekstra kurikuler, pengembangan budaya sekolah, wawasan wiyata mandala dan tentunya ditunjang dengan visi dan misi sekolah yang ada. Physical development needs to be balanced with moral development. One way of moral development in young people is through character education held in institutions of senior high school. The purpose of this study is to explore the experience ​​of SMAN 5 Semarang in habituating character education through Sociology. The research results show that character education in SMA Negeri 5 Semarang is implemented integratedly into the existing subjects. The investment of character education values through sociology courses can be viewed from several aspects, such as character values, character-based lesson plan and syllabus, character building by teachers, character-based learning media and evaluation of the investment of character education values. Development and cultivation of character education values in SMA Negeri 5 Semarang is also done through the provision of facilities such as places of worship, cultural and language labs and good Learning Resource Center, accompanied by a variety of programs ranging from extra-curricular activity, school culture development, wiyata mandala insight and of course supported by the vision and mission of the school.

31 May 2013
TL;DR: In this article, the authors investigated the development of fraud detection model using fraud triangle based on the cases of violation committed by public companies in Indonesia and found that the higher the audit report (rationalization), will make the company's probability to commit fraud is also higher.
Abstract: The case of issuers violation in stock market is one of the most frequent case that should be solved by the stock market’s Regulator Board. In Indonesia, the authority to do the surveillance in stock exchanges is handled by the Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution (or called ‘Bapepam-LK’ in Indonesian). There is a gap between society’s expectation toward Bapepam-LK as the regulator and its performance in solving several companies violation cases which demands some alternative solutions. Based on the above description, this study will empirically investigate the development of fraud detection model using fraud triangle based on the cases of violation committed by public companies in Indonesia. In detail, the problems in this research are: (1) Is there any difference related to the triggering factors of Fraud Triangle between the company that commits fraud and the company that does not; (2) Is there any difference in terms of pressure between the company that commits fraud and the company that does not; (3) Is there any difference in terms of opportunity between the company that commits fraud and the company that does not; (4) Is there any difference in terms of rationalization between the company that commits fraud and the company that does not. This research was carried out to the public companies who are registered in Indonesia Stock Exchanges (BEJ). Generally, there are two sample group in this research. The first sample group consiststed of the companies who had committed fraud and the second group as comparison consisted of the non-fraud companies. In this research there are 98 companies as the research samples which consisted of 23 companies who had committed fraud and 75 companies who did not commit fraud. The analysis tool used for this research was logistic regression because the measurements of dependent variable used the categorical that is dummy variable, code (0) was used for the non-fraud companies and code (1) was used to indicate the companies who committed fraud. The research result shows that from four hypothesis proposed in this research, only one variable which fits in to the model (variable in equation) because posesses the significance score above 0.05. The interpretation is that the higher the audit report (rationalization), will make the company’s probability to commit fraud is also higher. From the above explanation, it can be concluded that the fourth hypothesis (H4) is accepted because the audit report (rationalization) is proven to have the ability in forming the model to predict fraud in a company.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a study aimed to analyze learning tools validity, soft skills improvement, concept understanding and students' responses, and the results show that problem-based learning tools categorized valid with an average score of 3,57, the improvement of students’ soft skills was available with N-Gain of 0.46, the number of 72, 72% students achieving mastery of soft skills with a high or very high criteria, the concept understanding of students also increased by providing N-Gea-N 0.69, and this study also obtained student positive responses.
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran, peningkatan soft skill dan pemahaman konsep, serta respon siswa. Metode penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R & D). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berbasis masalah pada materi hidrolisis garam yang dikembangkan memiliki kriteria valid dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 3,57, adanya peningkatan soft skill siswa dengan N-Gain sebesar 0,46 dalam kategori sedang, sebanyak 72,72% siswa mencapai ketuntasan soft skill dengan kriteria tinggi atau sangat tinggi, pemahaman konsep siswa juga meningkat dengan perolehan N-Gain sebesar 0,69 dalam kategori sedang, sebanyak 84,85% siswa mencapai ketuntasan belajar dengan KKM ≥ 76, serta siswa memberikan respon positif.  This study aimed to analyze learning tools validity, soft skills improvement, concept understanding and students’ responses. The metode of this research is Research and Development (R & D). The results show that problem-based learning tools categorized valid with an average score of 3,57, the improvement of students’ soft skills was available with N-Gain of 0.46, the number of 72, 72% students whom achieving mastery of soft skills with a high or very high criteria, the concept understanding of students also increased by providing N-Gain of 0.69, the number of 84.85% students whom achieving score completeness KKM ≥ 76, this study also obtained student positive responses.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: From the analysis, it was identified the following translation techniques: Deletion, Addition, Modulation, Transposition, Established Equivalent, Particularization, Generalization, Borrowing, Reduction, Amplification, and Calque.
Abstract: This descriptive qualitative research aimed to analyze and describe translation technique, and its influence on the quality of the translation of international news in Seputar Indonesia daily. The data used in this research is the document of news text in the Internasional section of daily paper, the document of source text from which the translated text was taken, informant mastering translation field, giving information about the quality of the translation, and the journalist writing of the news. This research uses a purposive sampling technique. Document analysis and interview were used as data collecting technique. From the analysis, it was identified the following translation techniques: Deletion, Addition, Modulation, Transposition, Established Equivalent, Particularization, Generalization, Borrowing, Reduction, Amplification, and Calque .  Some techniques give positive effect on translation quality, while some others do not. The improper use of deletion and addition techniques reduce the accuracy, thus reducing the quality of the translation. The decision to use certain techniques is influenced by several factors, that is rules of journalism, the ideology of media, and media policies. The quality of the translation is described as follow: accurate for 34 (40%) translation, accurate with thematic differences for 6 (7%) translation, less accurate for 40 (46%) translation, and inaccurate for 6 (7%) translation.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, the effect of EPS, PER, ROA, DER and MVA on stock price, either simultaneously or partially, the companies in the group Jakarta Islamic Index Year 2008-2011.
Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh antara EPS, PER, ROA, DER dan MVA terhadap Harga Saham, baik secara simultan maupun parsial, pada perusahaan dalam kelompok Jakarta Islamic Index Tahun 2008-2011. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian dipilih secara purposive sampling dari 30 perusahaan dalam kelompok Jakarta Islamic Index yang menjadi populasi penelitian dan 21 perusahaan yang menjadi sampel penelitian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan EPS, PER, ROA, DER dan MVA berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham dalam Kelompok JII tahun 2008-2011, dan secara parsial hanya EPS, PER dan MVA yang berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Harga Saham sedangkan ROA dan DER tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Harga Saham dalam Kelompok JII tahun 2008-2011. This research aimed to test the effect of EPS, PER, ROA, DER and MVA on stock price, either simultaneously or partially, the companies in the group Jakarta Islamic Index Year 2008-2011. Sampling techniques were selected by purposive random sampling of 30 companies in the group that became the Jakarta Islamic Index study population and 21 companies were selected as sample. Data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression. The results showed that simultaneous EPS, PER, ROA, DER and MVA affect the stock price in year groups 2008-2011, and partially just EPS, PER and MVA were significant positive effect on stock price while the ROA and DER no significant effect on Stock prices in the year 2008-2011 JII Group.