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Showing papers in "Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales in 2018"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a partir de una revision de la literatura cientifica, la concepcion prevaleciente en las politicas publicas que establece una relacion directa entre el emprendimiento and el crecimientó economico and reflexiona acerca de la necesidad de diferenciar entre tipos de empreñimiente and tipos of economia, asi como sus vinculos.
Abstract: No todas las manifestaciones de actividad emprendedora son necesariamente productivas, en terminos de crecimiento economico. Por otro lado, el impacto del emprendimiento parece seguir una pauta diferente en funcion del estado de desarrollo del pais en que se aplique, puesto que su impacto es negativo o nulo en las economias en desarrollo, y positivo en las economias desarrolladas. Es decir, el resultado del emprendimiento depende del tipo de emprendimiento y de la economia en que se aplique. Este articulo pone en cuestion, a partir de una revision de la literatura cientifica, la concepcion prevaleciente en las politicas publicas que establece una relacion directa entre el emprendimiento y el crecimiento economico y reflexiona acerca de la necesidad de diferenciar entre tipos de emprendimiento y tipos de economia, asi como sus vinculos”

13 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: De la metafora del mercado a la sinecdoque del emprendor: la reconfiguracion politica del modelo referencial de trabajador as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: De la metafora del mercado a la sinecdoque del emprendedor: la reconfiguracion politica del modelo referencial de trabajador.

12 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a joint analysis of the evolution of the labour legislation and the labour market in Spain offers a glimpse of whether there is a new paradigm regarding the dominant employment relationship in this phase of capitalism, and if our country is at the forefront or advance of this transformation.
Abstract: Since the 80s the Spanish labour market has been characterized by the persistence of very high rates of temporality to become this a chronic problem of Spanish society, which does not has -in terms of magnitude- comparison in the other EU countries. The different forms of temporary employment created and encouraged by regulatory means in a process of “permanent labour reform” have become, in conjunction with other factors among which the business use of temporary contracts, in an effective way to labour segmentation. The change in the regulatory framework thus becomes a fundamental vector of the erosion of the “standard employment relationship” pushing down labour standards and emptying the contents of the “permanent contract”. The joint analysis of the evolution of the labour legislation and the labour market in Spain offers a glimpse of whether there is a new paradigm regarding the dominant employment relationship in this phase of capitalism, and if our country is at the forefront or advance of this transformation.

11 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a discurso de la literatura de auto-ayuda orientada a the conformación of "subjetividades emprendedoras" is analyzed.
Abstract: El auge del emprendimiento en las ultimas decadas es una constante en numerosos ambitos economicos, politicos y socio-culturales. Aquel tiende a presentarse bajo la impronta de un modelo empresarial exitoso y con voluntad expansiva, pero es ineludible considerarlo a su vez en sus aspiraciones a modelo normativo para la actual subjetividad laboral. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es determinar los rasgos distintivos basicos del emprendedor. Para ello hemos analizado el discurso de la literatura de autoayuda orientada a la conformacion de “subjetividades emprendedoras”. Dicha literatura se nos presenta hoy como espacio privilegiado de produccion de personalidades auto-dirigidas en un ambito cultural contemporaneo por lo demas profundamente psicologizado. Constatamos finalmente siete rasgos distintivos del emprendedor, los cuales nos remiten a un perfil esperable de exito economico pero, a su vez, a un modelo que invisibiliza y despolitiza la gran precarizacion de las condiciones laborales en la nueva realidad postfordista.

9 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors make an approach to the unitary representation system in the company in Spain, from a statistical exploitation of union elections data, which aims to discover aspects such as the scope of the unitarity representation, participation of employees and unions electoral audience, in order to define their representativeness and legitimacy.
Abstract: The objective of this article is to make an approach to the unitary representation system in the company in Spain, from a statistical exploitation of union elections data. The analysis aims to discover aspects such as the scope of the unitary representation, participation of employees and unions electoral audience, in order to define their representativeness and legitimacy. Our work focuses on the analysis of the last three election periods (2003-2007, 2007-2012 and 2012-2015), in order to assess the impact of the economic cycle on the representation of workers.

8 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors analyzed the impact of economic crisis in the career path of immigrant women according to their place of origin, and found that the current economic crisis has consequences on the relation between employment and gender with some changes and continuities in traditional roles.
Abstract: The aim of the paper is analyse the impact of the economic crisis in the career path of immigrant women according to their place of origin. The theoretical point of view considers the mutual influences between the typology of female migration patterns and the employment situation of immigrant women in the context of economic crisis in Spain. Based on data from the Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales for the period 2007-2013, the paper compares the career paths of women from Ecuador, Romania and Morocco. They are three typical cases due the volume representing the immigrant population and they allow comparing different migration traditions (Latin American, African and Eastern Europe). The results suggest that the current economic crisis has consequences on the relation between employment and gender with some changes and continuities in traditional roles.

8 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors analyse the changes on working conditions which are now taking place in the companies that are living closely the era of digitalization, using a methodological approach which integrates interdisciplinary analysis, both legal and sociological, and the so-called "case study".
Abstract: This paper aims to analyse, from a practical perspective, the changes on working conditions which are now taking place in the companies that are living closely the era of digitalization. In order to achieve this objective, it uses a methodological approach which integrates interdisciplinary analysis, both legal and sociological, and the so-called “case study”. The main results highlight the success of educational system in providing basics skills, whereas public vocational training programs seems to be not so useful; the extremely flexible use of working time, which has clear negative effects on reconciliation; the extraordinarily high job rotation; and the lack of real effectiveness of some classical institutions, such as the indefinite contract or employees’ representation.

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: A traves de dicha logica, las femenines son construidas como sujetos neoliberales, a traves del analisis del discurso del bestseller titulado Lean In de Sheryl Sandberg (2013), que permite a su vez la cabida del emprendimiento como nueva logica de vida as discussed by the authors.
Abstract: La logica del emprendimiento empresarial responde a los intereses del neoliberalismo y requiere de la construccion de los individuos como sujetos autoresponsables, autoexigentes y despolitizados para su expansion. En este contexto de mercantilizacion de las capacidades humanas, la posicion social de las mujeres se vuelve mas que vulnerable. Dicha constitucion de las mujeres como sujetos emprendedores debe enmarcarse en la confluencia entre neoliberalismo y genero, donde se crea el espacio para una peligrosa alianza: el feminismo neoliberal. A traves de dicha logica las mujeres son construidas como sujetos neoliberales, cuestion que permite a su vez la cabida del emprendimiento como nueva logica de vida. En el presente trabajo se establecera el marco teorico del fenomeno acabado de mencionar, identificando el discurso del emprendimiento en la literatura gerencial, particularmente la dirigida a mujeres a traves del analisis del discurso del bestseller titulado Lean In de Sheryl Sandberg (2013).

5 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In particular, the papel de the retornos a la educación vis a vis the desigual insercion sectorial de la fuerza de trabajo.
Abstract: Algunos estudios sobre los cambios distributivos en la Argentina durante las ultimas decadas enfatizan la importancia de la reduccion de los premios a la educacion en la mejora distributiva. Otros estudios se centran en los cambios en las politicas laborales, y sus efectos sobre las tasas de afiliacion a la seguridad social. Menos conocidos son los esfuerzos dedicados a analizar las desigualdades asociadas a la heterogeneidad estructural presente en los mercados laborales perifericos. Retomando esta ultima perspectiva, se relativizan las diferentes tesis en debate, en particular, el papel de los retornos a la educacion vis a vis la desigual insercion sectorial de la fuerza de trabajo. Esta relacion se analiza en tres periodos diferentes: a) la etapa de implementacion de politicas “ortodoxas” de liberalizacion economica (1992-1998); b) la fase final y critica de ese modelo (1998-2003); y c) la etapa dominada por politicas “heterodoxas” orientadas al mercado interno (2003-2014).

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, an analisis critico de algunos de los principales autores que han abordado la cuestion desde la sociologia economica.
Abstract: El articulo estudia la figura del intraemprendedor en el marco actual de ascenso de los discursos emprendedores en el trabajo. En estos discursos, el intraemprendedor surge como nuevo arquetipo del trabajador asalariado, caracterizado por la implicacion y la capacidad de innovacion, y se presenta como tipo ideal en el cual ha de proyectarse cualquier empleado. El intraemprendedor es un dispositivo de activacion para los asalariados. Los objetivos del articulo consisten en explorar como se construye el intraemprendedor desde la literatura empresarial. Para cubrir este objetivo se analizan noticias de prensa, articulos en revistas mensuales de gestion y en revistas academicas del area de economia y empresa. Un segundo objetivo busca enclavar la figura del intraemprendedor en el contexto de cambios en la organizacion del trabajo durante el posfordismo. Se realizara para ello un analisis critico de algunos de los principales autores que han abordado la cuestion desde la sociologia economica.

4 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a partir de un analisisis de fuentes documentales, se pone de relieve que the vinculcation entre emprendimiento and empleo autonomo da lugar a two procesos simultaneos: a contradiccion entre their objetivos and the instrumentos propuestos to cumplirlos, and the promocion de un modelo cultural that se construye en oposicion a la idea of "empleo asalariado" and des
Abstract: Este articulo aborda las medidas sobre impulso del emprendimiento promovidas por las instituciones europeas y adoptadas en Espana en los ultimos anos. En particular, el articulo problematiza el vinculo entre “emprendimiento” y “empleo autonomo” que caracteriza al diseno de estas politicas. A partir de un analisis de fuentes documentales, se pone de relieve que la vinculacion entre emprendimiento y empleo autonomo da lugar a dos procesos simultaneos: por un lado, una contradiccion entre sus objetivos –la creacion de empleo, el crecimiento economico y la innovacion– y los instrumentos propuestos para cumplirlos. Por otro, la promocion de un modelo cultural que se construye en oposicion a la idea de “empleo asalariado” y que desplaza los riesgos sociales hacia el individuo, dando lugar a una ruptura de los modelos solidaristas de politicas sociales y de empleo.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors performed an analysis of how labor legislation has regulated the hiring of temporary workers in recent decades and showed that the working conditions that offer collection campaigns lead to leaks of the seasonal workers to other sectors despite the progressive adaptation of legislation to the needs of fruit farms.
Abstract: The article performs an analysis of how labor legislation has regulated the hiring of temporary workers in recent decades. The novelty of the work is its application to the fruit sector. The results obtained through the analysis of the legislation, its effects and in-depth interviews, show that the working conditions that offer collection campaigns lead to leaks of the seasonal workers to other sectors despite the progressive adaptation of legislation to the needs of fruit farms. It is observed that the different strategies of recruitment of temporary labor have led to a process of substitution between domestic and foreign laborers, very conditional on the economic situation of the time. With the turn of the century, contractual preferences displayed initially by fruit businesspeople, which relied on the collective management of procurement at origin, port the recruitment of workers through subcontracting and the provision of workers, as it would be the case of the TEA (Temporary Employment Agencies).

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors propose a critical approach to the phenomenon of extreme social exclusion through the discussion of a series of theoretical proposals about marginalization, poverty and social exclusion and results in a research carried out in Basic Assistance Centers (BAC) for a group of homeless people.
Abstract: The article proposes a critical approach to the phenomenon of extreme social exclusion through the discussion of a series of theoretical proposals about marginalization, poverty and social exclusion and results in a research carried out in Basic Assistance Centers (BAC) for a group of homeless people. Against the forms of government that aim to approximate situations of abnormality to a normative center, the starting point is that society determines, through assistance, the status of those people classified as excluded. After considering the rationalities guiding institutional care programs in a number of BACs in Bilbao, we analyze, through qualitative techniques —participative observation and interviews—, the dynamics of these spaces and the practices being established between professionals and the assisted. This way, we have been able to infer the centrality of instruments such as the calendar, the schedule and the agenda in the contemporary government of social exclusion that, through the logics of accompaniment, aims to empower the assisted by promoting their conversion into agents responsible of themselves.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In the city of Olavarria, Argentina, labor relations on cement companies acquired a specific form in the period from 1940 to 1970, that marked history and identity the city as mentioned in this paper.
Abstract: Labor relations on cement companies in the city of Olavarria, of about 100 thousand inhabitants located in the center of the province of Buenos Aires, they acquired a specific form in the period from 1940 to 1970, that marked history and identity the city. Employers, workers and workers’ families were linked in a specific frame of economic and cultural relations that were expressed and shaped a particular historical context. In the following article, we will discuss how these labor relations are articulated and what were those social actors who came on stage to give life, build and modify that reality.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors identify that this social intervention strategy enjoys a unanimous positive assessment by policymakers and find that a lack of systematic reflection on the limits that social intervention strategies has, such as heterogeneous objectives assigned to it or the role played by productive structure as a conditioning of their potentialities.
Abstract: In this paper we aim to recognize the incidence of workforce training courses for immigrant people in Barcelona from 2009 to 2011. From a qualitative approach we conducted interviews and participating observations in these courses. We identify that this social intervention strategy enjoys a unanimous positive assessment by policymakers. In consequence, we found a lack of systematic reflection on the limits that this social intervention strategy has. For instance, the heterogeneous objectives assigned to it or the role played by productive structure as a conditioning of their potentialities. Fieldwork data reveals worth expectations about it but much more modest. That is to say, the systematization of previous knowledge and the transmission of practical knowledge for the possible future work.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors analyzed the time distribution of the reconstituted couples using data from the Time Use Survey 2002-2003 and 2009-2010 and found that women bring in more children than men.
Abstract: We analyze the time distribution of the reconstituted couples using data from the Time Use Survey 2002-2003 and 2009-2010, comparing reconstituted couples with at least one child under 18 years old with dual-parent families with similar characteristics. We evaluate the total time (man plus woman) and the difference in time (man minus woman) that couples invest on paid and non-paid work, distinguishing between housework and childcare. Our first finding is that, overall, reconstituted couples invest less time in unpaid work than dual-parent couples –especially on housework–, presumably due to their previous singe-parenthood experience. Regarding sex differences, our conclusion suggests that reconstituted couples in which women bring in the children are clearly more egalitarian than dual-parent couples, whereas when it is men who bring in the children this conclusion is less evident.