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Showing papers in "Innovative Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology in 2017"

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, the effectiveness of Android-based learning media on biology subject learning was evaluated using a t-test results, which showed that there is effectiveness of using the Android based learning media with the learning outcomes in the students.
Abstract: Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi diharapkan dapat memudahkan guru membuat media pembelajaran untuk mata pelajaran yang membutuhkan biaya tinggi. Salah satu salah satu mata pelajaran yang bisa memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi adalah mata pelajaran biologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas media pembelajaran berbasis android. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (RD (2) perencanaan; (3) pengembangan bentuk produk pendahuluan; (4) uji coba pendahuluan; (5) revisi terhadap produk utama; (6) uji coba utama yang didasarkan pada hasil uji coba pendahuluan; (7) revisi produk operasional; (8) uji coba operasional; (9) revisi produk akhir; dan (10) diseminasi dan implementasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan efektivitas media pembelajaran berbasis Android terhadap hasil belajar mata pelajaran biologi. Keefektifan yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah keberhasilan tentang suatu usaha dari sistem yang dirancang untuk melibatkan siswa secara aktif dan mandiri dalam pembelajaran. Hasil uji-t menyatakan bahwa terdapat keefektifan penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis Android dengan hasil belajar yang di dapat siswa.Advances in science and technology are expected to facilitate teachers to make learning media for subjects that require high costs. One of the subjects that can take advantage of technological developments is the subject of biology. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of android-based learning media. This research is a research and development (R & D) research. Where this research starts from (1) data and information gathering; (2) planning; (3) development of preliminary product form; (4) preliminary trial; (5) revisions to the main product, (6) main tests based on preliminary trial results; (7) revision of operational product, (8) operational test; (9) revision of the final product; and (10) dissemination and implementation. This study resulted in the effectiveness of Android-based learning media on biology subject learning. The effectiveness referred to in this research is the success of an attempt of a system designed to engage students actively and independently in learning. The t-test results stated that there is effectiveness of using the Android-based learning media with the learning outcomes in the students.

60 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors analyzed the blended learning model used today, to develop blended learning models and effectiveness strategy, and the results showed (1) Blended learning which has been implemented using LMS Edmodo which only implemented for learning learning.
Abstract: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh penerapan pembelajaran blended learning yang memerlukan interaksi dan komunikasi guru dan peserta didik yang lebih banyak, sementara ketersediaan waktu tatap muka dalam pembelajaran masih kurang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis model blended learning yang digunakan saat ini, mengembangkan model blended learning dan menguji keefektifan model blended learning berbasis masalah. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D). Analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui gambaran atau besarnya persentase data penilaian produk dan angket keefektifan yang berada pada ketegori minimal baik sampai sangat baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa (1) Blended learning yang selama ini dilaksanakan menggunakan LMS Edmodo yang hanya diimplementasikan untuk keperluan evaluasi pembelajaran. (2) Model blended learning berbasis masalah layak digunakan berdasarkan hasil validasi ahli yaitu persentase validasi silabus 90%, persentase validasi RPP 84,55 % dan validasi e-learning 83%. (3) Model blended learning berbasis masalah efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran berdasarkan hasil post test kelas control 77,33 dan rerata post test kelas eksperimen 81,11. Hasil analisis Uji t diperoleh nilai thitung = 2,161 dengan pvalue = 0,03 < 0,05 yang berarti bahwa ada perbedaan hasil belajar yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Manfaat penelitian untuk menambah khasanah keilmuan dalam teknologi pembelajaran tentang blended learning khususnya penggunaan Edmodo pada pembelajaran berbasis masalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik.This research is motivated by the application of blended learning requires more interaction and communication of teachers and learners, while discussing face time in learning is still lacking. The purpose of this research is to analyze the blended learning model used today, to develop blended learning model and effectiveness strategy. The method used in this research is research and development (R & D) method. Descriptive analysis to know the description and value of the percentage of product valuation data and questionnaire effectiveness that is in the minimum category good until very good. The results showed (1) Blended learning which has been implemented using LMS Edmodo which only implemented for learning learning. (2) Problem-based blended learning model using expert validation that is percentage of validation of syllabus 90%, validation percentage of RPP 84, 55% and e-learning validation 83%. (3) blended learning model based on 77.33 control class exam and experimental class experimental grade. Result of t test analysis got tcount = 2,161 with pvalue = 0,03 < 0,05 which mean there is difference of learning result which significant between experiment class and control class. Benefits of research to add variance science in learning technology about learning models, especially the use of edmodo applications in learning-based outcomes learners to learn.

25 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, an interactive multimedia learning product on ICT class VIII subjects with a degree of eligibility of 82% with good criteria was presented. But the study of multimedia development of learning is expected to become a medium for learning ICT subjects and know the feasibility of developed multimedia learning.
Abstract: Media pembelajaran yang diterapkan disekolah yaitu media berbasis cetak. Media pembelajaran berbasis komputer belum banyak dikembangkan, sehingga perlu dikembangkannya media pembelajaran berbasis komputer sebagai alternatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif pada mata pelajaran TIK dan mengetahui kelayakan multimedia pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan tahapan perancangan, produksi, evaluasi, dan menganalisis data dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan pada mata pelajaran TIK kelas VIII sudah layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran oleh guru dan siswa. Berdasarkan beberapa tahapan uji coba, multimedia pembelajaran dikategorikan valid dengan tingkat kelayakan sebesar 82% dengan kriteria baik. Secara teoretis, penelitian pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran ini diharapkan dapat menjadi media pembelajaran mata pelajaran TIK. Secara praktis, penelitian ini diharapakan dapat bermanfaat bagi guru, siswa, dan peneliti lanjutan.The low learning outcomes of students are caused by learning in ICT subjects: (a) teachers still use conventional learning system with teacher-centered, using lecture method in the delivery of subject matter to students, (b) type of instructional media applied by ICT subject teachers ie media based Print (textbook), (c) not yet utilized multimedia learning as medium of learning. The purpose of this study is to develop interactive multimedia learning on ICT subjects and know the feasibility of developed multimedia learning. The type of research used is research development (reseach and development) with stages (1) Design, (2) Production (3) Evaluation, and (4) analyze data by percentage. The results of this study are interactive multimedia learning products on ICT class VIII subjects with a degree of eligibility of 82% with good criteria. Theoretically, the study of multimedia development of learning is expected to become a medium for learning ICT subjects. Practically, this research is expected to be useful for teachers, students, and advanced researchers.

24 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, a study was conducted in elementary school Nasima Semarang which is independent organizer to evaluate the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in independent organizers to determine: (1) the readiness of implementation; (2) learning teaching process and evaluation; (3) results of the implementation; and (4) the success rate of implementation.
Abstract: Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di sekolah piloting maupun pelaksana mandiri perlu dievaluasi untuk menjaga konsistensi pencapaian tujuan kurikulum itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di sekolah pelaksana mandiri yang meliputi (1) Kesiapan implementasi; (2) Proses pembelajaran dan evaluasi pembelajaran, (3) hasil implementasi; dan (4) tingkat keberhasilan implementasi. Metode evaluasi yang digunakan adalah model Countenan Stake yang membagi komponen kurikulum dalam matrik observasi dan matrik pertimbangan meliputi tahap pendahuluan (antecedent), proses (transaction), dan hasil (outcomes). Penelitian dilakukan di SD Nasima Semarang yang merupakan sekolah pelaksana mandiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahap pendahuluan atau kesiapan implementasi meliputi kesiapan guru, buku, sarana prasarana, dan rencana pembelajaran sangat baik (95%), tahap proses yang meliputi kegiatan pembelajaran dan evaluasi pembelajaran sangat baik (90%), dan hasil implementasi yang meliputi respon peserta didik dan hasil belajar juga sangat baik (94%). Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di sekolah pelaksana mandiri dapat berjalan sangat baik dengan dukungan pemenuhan standar nasional pendidikan dan para guru yang memiliki motivasi, kreativitas, dan kinerja yang baik.Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in schools piloting or independent organizers needs to be evaluated to maintain the consistency of curriculum goals. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in independent organizer to determine: (1) the readiness of implementation; (2) learning teaching process and evaluation; (3) results of the implementation; and (4) the success rate of implementation .The evaluation used Countenan Stake method which devided curriculum component in the judgment matrix and observation matrix includes the consideration of antecedent, transaction, and outcomes. The study was conducted in elementary school Nasima Semarang which is independent organizer. The results showed that the preparing stage or implementation readiness include the readiness of teachers, books, facilities, and learning plan is very good (95%), stage process that includes learning activities and learning evaluation is very good (90%), and the results of the implementation which includes responses students and learning outcomes are also very good (94%). Implementation of Curriculum 2013 in schools independent organizer can run really well by the support of compliance with education national standards and teachers who have the motivation, creativity, and good performance.

21 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The results showed that AR-based media able to increase the abstraction of students in understanding the learning of interior and exterior design is also worthy of use in learning.
Abstract: Pembelajaran desain interior dan eksterior di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan 2 Kendal menggunakan media edukatif berbasis augmented reality (AR) dilatar belakangi oleh kemampuan abstraksi siswa yang masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) menghasilkan produk media edukatif berbasis augmented reality untuk pembelajaran desain interior&eksterior siswa SMK, (2) mendeskripsikan karakteristik media AR yang mampu meningkatkan kemampuan abstraksi siswa dan (3) mengevaluasi kelayakan (valid & praktis) kemudian menguji keefektifan media AR. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan model Borg & Gall. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa media berbasis AR mampu meningkatkan daya abstraksi siswa dalam memahami pembelajaran desain interior dan eksterior. Media berbasis AR juga layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Berdasarkan beberapa tahapan uji coba, media berbasis dikategorikan valid, praktis, dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Perolehan rata-rata hasil validasi pada aspek isi dan tampilan media skor rata-rata 4,2 dan 4,3 dalam kategori sangat baik dan baik, Hasil uji ketuntasan belajar menunjukkan hasil belajar kelas eksperimen (nilai gain = 0,51 > kelas kontrol = 0,39), dengan nilai ini artinya siswa dengan media edukatif AR lebih baik dari kelas kontrol yang menggunanakan media lama. Jadi, media edukatif ini efektif untuk pembelajaran. Manfaat penelitian ini adalah dapat menambah pengetahuan dalam pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi khususnya dengan media augmented reality untuk pembelajaran desain interior dan eksterior dalam upaya meningkatkan daya abstraksi siswa SMK.The learning of interior & exterior design at vocational High School 2 Kendal uses augmented reality-based educational media (AR) caused by low student abstraction ability. This study aims to: (1) produce augmented reality-based educational products for interior & exterior design students learning SMK, (2) to describe the characteristics of AR media that can improve students abstraction ability and (3) evaluate feasibility (valid & practical) and then test the effectiveness of AR media. The research method used is research and development of Borg & Gall model. The results showed that AR-based media able to increase the abstraction of students in understanding the learning of interior and exterior design. AR-based media is also worthy of use in learning. Based on several stages of testing, media-based categorized as valid, practical, and effective use in learning. The average result of the validation results on the content and media display aspect of the average score of 4.2 and 4.3 in the category is very good and good, The result of learning completeness test shows the learning result of the experimental class (value of gain = 0,51 > the control class = 0.39), with this value means that students with AR educational media are better than control classes that use old media. So, this educative media is effective for learning. The benefits of this research is to increase knowledge in the utilization of information and communication technology especially with augmented reality media for interior and exterior design learning in an effort to increase abstraction power of vocational students.

15 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, the use of E-learning in Project Based Learning (PBL) has been investigated in the study of male and female learners in a project-based learning setting.
Abstract: Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek (PBP) memerlukan interaksi dan komunikasi guru dan peserta didik yang lebih banyak, sementara ketersediaan waktu tatap muka dalam pembelajaran masih kurang. E-learning dapat memberikan solusi interaksi guru dan peserta didik yang kurang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk (1) mengetahui hasil penggunaan aplikasi E-learning Schoology dan Edmodo dalam PBP, (2) mengkaji perbedaan penggunaan aplikasi E-learning Schoology dan Edmodo dalam PBP terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik, (3) mengkaji perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik laki-laki dengan perempuan, dan (4) mengkaji hubungan antara penggunaan aplikasi E-learning dalam PBP dengan hasil belajar peserta didik laki-laki dan perempuan kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Jepara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) sikap spiritual, sikap sosial, proyek, produk, respon peserta didik berada pada minimal kategori baik dan ketuntasan belajar peserta didik telah mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM), (2) nilai signifikansi 0,018 lebih kecil dari a = 0,05 yang berarti terdapat perbedaan penggunaan aplikasi E-learning Schoology dan Edmodo dalam PBP terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik, (3) nilai signifikansi 0,598 lebih besar dari a = 0,05 yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik laki-laki dengan perempuan, dan (4) nilai signifikansi 0,906 lebih besar dari a = 0,05 yang berarti tidak ada hubungan antara penggunaan aplikasi E-learning PBP dengan hasil belajar peserta didik laki-laki dan perempuan.Application of Project Based Learning (PBL) requires the interaction and communication of teachers and learners more, while the availability of a face to face learning still lacking. E-learning can provide solutions interaction of teachers and students is lacking. The aim of this study to (1) determine the results of the use of E-learning applications Schoology and Edmodo in PBL, (2) assess the differences in use E-learning applications Schoology and Edmodo in PBL to the study of students, (3) study the differences in learning outcomes of students male with female, and (4) examine the relationship between the use of E-learning applications in PBL with the study of students male and female class XI SMA Negeri 1 Jepara. The results showed that: (1) the attitude of spiritual, social attitudes, projects, products, responses learners are at a minimum of either category and completeness of learners have reached Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimak (KKM), (2) the significance value 0,018 smaller than α = 0.05 which means that there are differences in the use of E-learning applications and Edmodo Schoology in PBP to the study of students, (3) the significant value of 0.598 is greater than α = 0.05 which means there is no difference in learning outcomes of students male with women, and (4) 0,906 significance values ​​greater than α = 0.05 which means there is no relationship between the use of E-learning applications PBP with the study of students male and female.

10 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, a model CBT for computer-based test (CBT) based on the software of Adobe Flash for Vocational High School (VHS) was presented to the students in Timor Tengah Utara, NTT.
Abstract: Penelitian pengembangan Model Computer-Based Test (CBT) Berbasis Piranti Lunak Adobe Flash untuk SMK ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengembangkan sebuah model CBT yang valid, praktis, dan efektif, (2) menguji kelayakan, dan (3) menguji keefektifan CBT Studi kasus pada 3 SMK di kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara, NTT) Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengembangan (R & D) dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: Studi pendahuluan, kajian pustaka, studi lapangan, desain prototipe, pengembangan model, validasi dan uji coba Instrumen pengumpulan data terdiri dari tes, angket siswa dan lembar pengamatan guru Produk yang dikembangkan divalidasi oleh pakar materi dan pakar multimedia Penilaian kepraktisan model CBT diperoleh dari angket respon siswa Sebanyak 39 siswa yang memberikan penilaian, 31 siswa atau 79,49% memberi respon “sangat setuju” dan “setuju” terhadap 10 butir pernyataan dalam angket, dan 8 siswa atau 20,51% yang memberi “kurang setuju” Model CBT dinyatakan praktis apabila terdapat minimal 75% responden menyatakan “setuju” Dengan demikian, model CBT yang dikembangkan dinyatakan praktis Keefektifan model CBT diperoleh dari hasil pengamatan guru terhadap model dan pelaksanaan CBT Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diketahui bahwa 11 orang guru atau 100% memberi respon “sangat setuju” dan “setuju” oleh karena itu model CBT yang dikembangkan dinyatakan efektif Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah (1) sekolah perlu menyediakan fasilitas TIK yang memadai untuk mendukung latihan CBT, (2) pemerintah daerah perlu memberikan diklat di bidang teknologi pembelajaran bagi guru, dan (3) program pendampingan siswa dalam berbagai latihan CBT sebagai persiapan diri mengikuti Ujian Nasional Berbantuan Komputer (UNBK)Research on developing Model of Computer-Based Test (CBT) Based Software of Adobe Flash for Vocational High School aims to (1) developing a valid, practical, and effective model of CBT, (2) testing the validity of the CBT model, and (3) testing the effectivity of CBT model Experiments were carried out at 3 SMKs in North Central Timor regency, East Nusa Tenggara province This is a research and development (R & D) which consists of several steps: field study, theoretical study, prototype desgn, developing model, validation and experiments Data collection instruments consisted of CBT model test, questionnaire of students and teacher observation sheet The product was validated by experts and specialists Rate practicality of CBT models obtained from the student questionnaire responses A total of 39 students who provide assessment, 31 students or 7949% responded "strongly agree" and "agree" to the 10-point declaration in the questionnaire, and 8 students or 2051% who gave "less agree" The CBT model is declared practical when there is a minimum of 75% of respondents said "agree" Thus, the CBT model is practical The effectiveness of CBT models is from teacher observation against the model and implementation of CBT Based on the analysis, there were 11 teachers or 100% responded "strongly agree" and "agree" therefore the model of CBT is effective The implications of this research are (1) schools should provide adequate ICT facilities to support the implementation of CBT drills, (2) local governments should provide training in the field of learning technologies for teachers, and (3) teachers need intensive mentoring for students in a variety of exercises on CBTs as preparation for computer-based national examination

10 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors analyzed the differences in learning outcomes of male and female students using the Discovery Learning using Edmodo Learning Management with Discovery Learning aided by presentation applications, and analyzed the relationship between the discovery learning methods using ÂEdmodo with the learning outcome.
Abstract: The research aims is to determine learning outcomes using the Discovery Learning methods in Edmodo Learning Management System, analyze the differences in learning outcomes of students using the Discovery Learning using Edmodo Learning Management with Discovery Learning aided by presentation applications, analyze the differences in learning outcomes of male and female students, and analyze the relationship between the Discovery Learning methods using Edmodo with the learning outcome of male and female students grade X SMAN 1 Jepara. Research conducted in a Quasi Experiment using a factorial design (2x2). Analysis of the data were used: (1) descriptive analysis to determine the average value of spiritual attitudes, social attitudes, projects, products, and response learners, and (2) inferential analysis using analysis Two Way ANOVA to test the hypothesis of treatment differences in learning outcomes of male and female student. The results showed that: (1) Discovery Learning methods using Edmodo contains six steps, (2) There are differences in learning outcomes of students who use the Discovery Learning methods by Edmodo with Discovery Learning aided by presentation applications (3) there are differences in learning outcomes of male and female students, and (4) there is no relationship between the method of Discovery learning aided application to the learning outcome of male and female students grade X SMAN 1 Jepara.

9 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this article, a communication media product based on SMS Gateway and Mobile Web is categorized as feasible based on expert test with 83,473 and practical score with very good category based on parents practitioner response with 81,23 value and by teacher with value 78,33.
Abstract: Untuk mendukung hubungan kemitraan antara pihak sekolah dan guru diperlukan media komunikasi yang efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengembangkan media komunikasi berbasis SMS Gateway dan Mobile Web, dan (2) mengetahui kelayakkan dan kepraktisan pengembangan media komunikasi buku penghubung berbasis SMS Gateway dan Mobile Web. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Research and Development dengan tahapan studi pendahuluan melalui studi literature dan studi lapangan, dilanjutkan dengan tahap pengembangan dengan mendesain produk dan melakukan pengujian kelayakan produk oleh para ahli dan pengujian kepraktisan oleh praktisi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Tersusunnya media komunikasi buku penghubung berbasis SMS Gateway dan Mobile Web; (2) Produk media komunikasi buku penghubung berbasis SMS Gateway dan Mobile Web dikategorikan sangat layak berdasarkan pengujian para ahli dengan nilai rerata 83,473 dan praktis dengan kategori sangat baik berdasarkan respon praktisi orangtua siswa dengan nilai 81,23 dan oleh guru dengan nilai 78,33. To support the partnership relationship between the school and teachers, an effective communication media is needed. The objectives of this research are: (1) to develop communication media based on SMS Gateway and Mobile Web, and (2) to determine the level of validity and practicability the development of communication media based on SMS Gateway and Mobile Web. The research method used is Research and Development method with preliminary study stage through literature study and field study, followed by development stage by designing product and doing product feasibility test by expert and practicability testing by practitioner. The results of this research are: (1) The establishment of communication media based on SMS Gateway and Mobile Web; (2) The communication media product based on SMS Gateway and Mobile Web is categorized as feasible based on expert test with 83,473 and practical score with very good category based on parents practitioner response with 81,23 value and by teacher with value 78,33.

4 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: The research intended to develop a Web-based report card model of e-Report Card in accordance with the curriculum 2013 and to determine the level of validity, practicality and effectiveness of the system developed found it to be valid, practical and effective.
Abstract: SMK Negeri 1 Slawi merupakan sekolah rujukan kurikulum 2013 dan mendapatkan penghargaan salah satu SMK yang Indeks Integritas Ujian Nasional (IIUN) Tertinggi se Indonesia. Metode penilaian yang autentik menjadikan format penulisan rapor pada kurikulum 2013 menjadi lebih kompleks, penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengembangkan model rapor berbasis Web e-Rapor, serta untuk mengetahui tingkat validitas, kepraktisan dan keefektifan dari Sistem yang dikembangkan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research & Development (R&D) dan model pengembangan sistem waterfall, Hasil uji perangkat lunak e-rapor telah siap digunakan. Sesuai dengan validitas e-rapor dinyatakan valid dengan nilai 83, 08 % dengan kategori sangat baik. Tingkat kepraktisan dapat dilihat dari indikator keterlaksanaan dengan skor 81,83% (sangat terlaksana). Tingkat keefektifan dilihat dari respon guru dengan skor 84,64% (sangat baik). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil pengembangan model e-rapor berbasis web adalah valid, praktis dan efektif.SMK Negeri 1 Slawi is school Reference curriculum in 2013 and was awarded one of the Integrity Index of SMK se Indonesia's Supreme National Exam. Authentic assessment methods that make the format of a report card on the curriculum in 2013 become more complex, the research is intended to develop a Web-based report card model of e-Report Card in accordance with the curriculum 2013 and to determine the level of validity, practicality and effectiveness of the system developed.The method used is the Research & Development (R & D) and the waterfall model of system development, software test results e-report card is ready to use. In accordance with the validity of otherwise valid e-report card with a value of 83.08% with a very good category. The level of practicality can be seen from the indicators to be done with a score of 81.83% (a very accomplished). The level of effectiveness on the response to teachers with a score of 84.64% (excellent). It can be concluded that the result of the development model of web-based e-report card is valid, practical and effective.

4 citations

Journal Article
TL;DR: In this paper, a character education model with the design process between teachers and students accompanied by ma'rifatullah (tahu, sadar, yakin akan keberadaan Allah).
Abstract: MI NU Salafiyah Kudus memiliki eksistensi yang kontras dengan sekolah pada umumnya dalam desain, aktualisasi nilai dan esensi pendidikan karakter menarik untuk dijelaskan secara jernih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain pendidikan karakter berbasis nilai-nilai ihsan di MI NU Salafiyah. Metode penelitian menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif-analitis dengan desain fenomenologi. Subyek penelitiannya yaitu siswa MI NU Salafiyah, pengambilan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis penelitian menggunakan miles dan huberman yaitu koleksi data, reduksi data, display data dan simpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertama, diperoleh sebuah model pendidikan karakter dengan desain proses antara guru dengan siswa disertai ma’rifatullah (tahu, sadar, yakin akan keberadaan Allah). Desain proses memuat nilai-nilai ihsan (keyakinan, kepasrahan, dan ketakwaan), bagian karakter ihsan (pengetahuan, perasaan, dan tindakan), strategi - metode, prinsip-prinsip ihsan, sistem sosial dan sistem pendukung. Kedua, nilai-nilai ihsan bermakna usaha berbuat kebajikan disertai ma’rifatullah, hal tersebut didasarkan pada usaha madrasah dalam menyuguhkan ide yang orisinal dalam bingkai budaya, menghidupkan Aqidah Ahlussunnah wal jamaah dan menyemaikan benih-benih tasawuf. Manfaat penelitian yaitu memberikan sumbangan teori dan praktik dalam pengetahuan dan cara mendidik karakter melalui nilai-nilai ihsan. MI NU Salafiyah has an existence that contrasts with the school generaly in design, actualization of the value and essence of education interesting character to be explained clearly. This research’s aim to design-based character education values of ihsan in MI NU Salafiyah. Collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. Qualitative research method using descriptive-analytic design with phenomenology. Subjects of the study are students of MI NU Salafiyah, analysis of studies using Miles and Huberman, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results showed first, gained a character education model with the design process between teachers and students accompanied ma'rifatullah (know, consciously, convinced of the existence of God). Process design load values ihsan (faith, submission, and piety), part of the character of ihsan (knowledge, feelings, and actions), the strategy - methods, principles of ihsan, social systems and support systems. Second, The values of ihsan means to do good things with ma'rifatullah, it is based on a madrassa effort in presenting original idea in the frame of culture, turned Aqidah Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah and sow the seeds of Sufism. The benefits of the research was to gave contribution of the theory and practice in the knowledge and how to educate the character through the values of ihsan.