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Showing papers in "Journal of Applied Biosciences in 2019"

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Seventy-five of the recorded species were not identified as RYMV vectors before and special attention must be paid to the distribution and importance of these insects in the fields to prevent large epidemics of RYmV.
Abstract: Objectives : Insects are considered as the main vectors of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) in Africa. However, in Benin, little is known about the abundance and diversity of potential insect vectors of RYMV in rice fields to prevent and manage disease impact on rice production. Methodology and Results : The inventory of the potential insect vectors of this disease was carried out in the rice basin of the Southern and Central of Benin where three sites namely Africa Rice station, Koussin and Ouedeme, were prospected. The sweep net technique, visual observation and yellow plates trap were used to conduct the surveys. Eighty insect species belonging to 28 families and 8 orders were recorded at rice tillering, booting, heading and maturation stages. Variation of insect diversity was low among the sites. The shorthorned grasshopper Oxya hyla (Serville) , the ladybird beetle Chnootriba similis (Mulsant) , the rice white leafhopper Cofana spectra (Distant) and the stalk-eyed fly Diopsis thoracica (Westwood) were the most important species considering their relative abundance (10.62%, 5.19%, 7.99% and 7.01%, respectively) and frequency of occurrence (90%, 80%, 73.33% and 80%, respectively). These insects were mostly present at tillering and booting stages. Conclusion and application of results : Seventy-five (75 %) of the recorded species were not identified as RYMV vectors before. Special attention must be paid to the distribution and importance of these insects in the fields. Studies on their ability to transmit RYMV according ecological conditions should be done to know high-risk production areas and to prevent large epidemics of RYMV. Keywords : Rice-feeding insects, West Africa, virus transmission, relative abundance, occurrence, rice ecology

82 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The objective was to improve the mass production of fly larvae for poultry farming in Burkina Faso and the influence of moisture, the amount of substrate, and three containers with varying surfaces on larvae production were determined.
Abstract: Objectifs: Une etude a ete realisee a l’ouest du Burkina Faso afin de determiner les facteurs qui influencent l’oviposition naturelle de la mouche domestique ( Musca domestica L.). L’objectif est d’ameliorer la production de masse des larves de mouches pour l’elevage de la volaille au Burkina Faso. Methodologie et Resultats: L’influence de l’humidite, de la quantite du substrat (fiente de poules pondeuses) et de trois recipients de surfaces variables sur la production des asticots a ete determinee. L’effet des saisons a ete egalement evalue durant quatre periodes de l’annee (juillet, octobre, janvier et avril). Les resultats indiquent une variation tres significative de la biomasse fraiche larvaire variant de 604,9 g (4 kg + 7 l) a 5,5 g (4 kg + 10 l). Il ressort egalement que plus la surface d’oviposition est grande, plus la biomasse larvaire produite est importante (127,5 g pour 0,07 m 2 contre 257,2 g pour 0,11 m 2 ). La production des larves a ete maximale en juillet (239 g) et faible en avril (86,06 g). Conclusion et application des resultats: L’etude montre que, lors de la production des asticots, une humidite insuffisante et un exces d’eau peuvent constituer des facteurs limitants a la production de masse. De plus, l’augmentation de la quantite du substrat par recipient n’implique pas necessairement une augmentation de rendement, mais qu’une quantite optimale de substrat doit etre trouvee en fonction des dimensions de l’ouverture du recipient utilise. La saison des pluies est plus favorable pour une bonne production larvaire que les saisons seches et de grande chaleur. Ces resultats permettent le developpement d’une methode durable de production de masse des asticots facilement applicable par des aviculteurs s’ils prennent en compte l’effet limitant des facteurs etudies. En saison seche, il est possible d’appliquer une double fermeture du substrat pour reduire les pertes d’eau par evaporation. En periode froide, cet ajustement de la fermeture peut creer une condition adequate de temperature permettant une eclosion des oeufs et un developpement plus rapide des larves. Mots-cles: Asticots, Burkina Faso, Musca domestica (L.), production de masse, volaille English Title: Production of Musca domestica L. larvae (Diptera: Muscidae) for poultry nutrition in Burkina Faso: Analysis of determining factors in natural oviposition English Abstract Objective: A study was conducted in western Burkina Faso in order to assess the factors that influence the natural oviposition of the house fly ( Musca domestica ). The objective was to improve the mass production of fly larvae for poultry farming in Burkina Faso. Methodology and Results: The influence of moisture, the amount of substrate (poultry manure) and three containers with varying surfaces on larvae production were determined. The effect of season were also evaluated during four periods of the year (July, October, January and April). The results indicate a significant difference among treatments, with a fresh larval biomass varying from 604.9 g (4 kg + 7 l) to 5.5g (4 kg + 10 l). It also appeared that larval biomass production increases with the oviposition surface (127.5g for 0.07 m 2 against 257.2 g for 0.11 m 2 ). Larval production was highest in July (239 g) and low in April (86.06 g). Conclusion and application of results: The study shows that, during the production of maggots, insufficient moisture and excess water can be limiting factors to mass production. In addition, increasing the amount of the substrate per container does not necessarily imply an increase in yield, but a certain quantity of substrate has to be found according to the dimensions of the opening of the container. The rainy season is more favourable for fly larvae production than the dry and hot seasons. These results allow the development of a sustainable method of mass production of maggots that is easily applicable by poultry farmers if they take into account the limiting effect of the studied factors. In the dry season, it is possible to apply a double closure of the substrate to reduce the loss of water by evaporation. In cold weather, this closure adjustment can create an adequate temperature condition for egg hatching and faster larval development. Keywords: Burkina Faso, maggot, mass production, poultry, Musca domestica (L.)

10 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The protocols and hormones used for estrus synchronization to facilitate artificial insemination are presented, and the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of semen are discussed.
Abstract: L’insemination artificielle est une technique de fecondation sans intervention directe du mâle, par depot de sperme dans les voies genitales de la femelle. Elle est utilisee pour la diffusion du progres genetique et permet a l’eleveur de gagner du temps dans l’exploitation. Elle est egalement un outil de controle des pathologies veneriennes de contact. Cet article fait le point des travaux realises en Afrique de l’Ouest sur l’insemination artificielle. Apres la presentation des techniques de collecte de sperme par espece, les caracteristiques macroscopiques et microscopiques du sperme sont abordees. Les dilueurs utilises pour la cryoconservation et la conservation a l’etat frais sont rapportes. Les protocoles et hormones utilises pour la synchronisation des chaleurs pour faciliter l’insemination artificielle sont ensuite presentes. Enfin, les resultats des inseminations artificielles sont presentes. L’insemination artificielle est plus pratiquee en elevage bovin. Les travaux realises sur les autres especes se sont limites aux caracteristiques du sperme. Pour une meilleure utilisation de cet outil, des efforts doivent etre poursuivis pour la production des doses de qualite chez les autres especes animales notamment les porcs et les volailles. Mots cles : Insemination artificielle, synchronisation de chaleurs, semence animale, dilueur English Title: State of animal artificial insemination in West African countries. A review Artificial insemination is a fertilization technique without direct male intervention, by depositing semen in the female's genital tract. It is used for the dissemination of genetic material and saves the farmer time on the farm. It is also use to control livestock veneral and contact diseases. After the presentation of semen collection techniques by species, the macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of semen are discussed. Extenders used for cryopreservation and fresh preservation are reported. The protocols and hormones used for estrus synchronization to facilitate artificial insemination are then presented. Finally, the results of artificial insemination are presented. Artificial insemination is more practiced in cattle breeding. Work on other species was limited to sperm characteristics. In order to make better use of this tool, efforts must be continued for the production of quality doses in other animal species including pigs and poultry. Keywords : artificial insemination, estrus synchronization, animal semen, extender

9 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors conducted a survey of 120 goat breeders in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to understand the impact of increasing the number of caprins on the socio-economic impact of goat farming.
Abstract: Objectifs : Une etude de l’etat de lieu et impact socioeconomique de l’elevage caprin a ete realisee dans le territoire de Walungu. L’objectif est de donner un apercu sur la situation de l’elevage caprin dans le milieu et recueillir les perceptions des eleveurs relatives a l’impact de cet elevage sur leur vie socioeconomique. Methodologie et resultats : L’etude a ete menee sur base d’une enquete realisee aupres de 120 eleveurs des caprins. Il a ete constate que l’alimentation (46,67%), les maladies (35,83%) et l’acces a la terre (11,67%) sont les contraintes majeures au developpement de l’elevage caprin a Walungu. La piete (38,33%), la peste de petits ruminants (35%), et la fievre aphteuse (26,67%) constituent les pathologies caprines les plus frequentes dans le milieu. La taille moyenne du cheptel caprin par ferme a augmente de 2015 (4,2 ± 3,023) a 2017 (6,2697 ± 3,4931) ; par ailleurs 46% des fermiers ont signale la diminution des effectifs caprins dans leurs fermes suite aux maladies (30%), vente (47,5%), donation (41,7%), la mauvaise elimentation (15%), et le vol (5,8%). Malgre les difficultes qu’ils connaissent, cet elevage permet aux eleveurs de repondre a leurs besoins de scolarisation des enfants (43,43%), soins sanitaires (25,83%), fertilisation des champs (10%), location des champs (9,33%) et l’alimentation familiale (3,9%). Conclusion et application des resultats : La situation de l’elevage caprin est precaire a Walungu compte tenu de multiples defis auxquels les eleveurs font face. L’amelioration des conditions de vie des animaux entre autres l’alimentation, le logement et les soins sanitaires contribuerait de maniere directe a la hausse de la production caprine et indirectement au bien etre des eleveurs. Mots-cles : contraintes, defis, Elevage caprin, impact, Walungu Goat rearing : Current situation, challenges and socio-economic impact on the population of Walungu territory, Democratic Republic of Congo Objectives : A study of the current situation and socioeconomic impact of goat farming was carried out in Walungu territory. The aim was to give an overview of the situation of goat farming in the area and to collect the perceptions of breeders about the impact of this breeding on their socio-economic life. Methodology and results : The study was conducted through a survey of 120 goat breeders. It was found that food (46.67%), diseases (35.83%) and access to land (11.67%) are the major constraints to the development of goat farming in Walungu. Piete (38.33%), Peste des Petits Ruminants (35%), and foot-and-mouth disease (26.67%) are the most common goat diseases in the environment. The average size of goats per farm increased from 2015 (4.2 ± 3.02) to 2017 (6.26 ± 3.49), however 46% of farmers reported decreases in goat numbers due to disease (30%), sales (47.5%), donation (41.7%), poor nutrition (15%), and theft (5.8%). Despite the difficulties they experience, this breeding allows the breeders to meet their needs of schooling of children (43.43%), health care (25.83%), fertilization of the fields (10%), field rental (9.33%) and family nourishment (3.9%). Conclusion and application of results : The situation of goat farming is recarious in Walungu given the multiple challenges that pastoralists face. Improving the living conditions of animals, including food, housing and health care, would directly contribute to the increase in goat production and indirectly to the well-being of pastoralists. Keywords : Constraints, challenges, goat farming, Impact, Walungu

8 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors analyze the structure of the rice value chain in West Africa in order to identify the factors of performance, to address the issues and challenges of rice production.
Abstract: L’objectif de l’etude est d’analyser la structuration de la chaine de valeur riz en Afrique de l’Ouest en vue d’identifier les facteurs de performance, de relever les enjeux et defis. L’etude consiste en une evaluation du potentiel des activites de production, de transformation et de commercialisation liees aux besoins du marche. Le cadre d’analyse est « chaine des valeurs » basee sur une approche institutionnelle de gouvernance, de structuration, de conduite et de performance. La Structure refere a la cartographie des acteurs. La Conduite met en oeuvre le fonctionnement du systeme, le role des differents acteurs et les fonctions de soutien. La Performance au fonctionnement du marche procede a une analyse cout / benefice pour chaque groupe d’acteurs. L’etude indique que la riziculture repose essentiellement sur de petites exploitations familiales avec une superficie moyenne variant entre 0,25 et 4 ha selon les ecologies et les pays. Ce diagnostic revele une emergence des flux de commerce du riz local avec un interessement de la demande locale. Il n’en demeure pas moins que l‘offre locale demeure insuffisante pour la majorite des pays. Les services de soutien de la chaine de valeur sont souvent inoperants. La recherche est peu dotee en ressources humaines et financieres et ses infrastructures sont vetustes. L’outil de conseil est inapproprie pour une grande cible de producteurs analphabetes. Le secteur de financement est peu implique et souvent inoperant par rapport aux produits offerts vis-a-vis de la demande. La chaine de valeur riz est competitive, mais durablement peu assuree. La capacite locale a approvisionner le marche ne progresse pas aussi rapidement que la demande. Cela s’explique par de diverses difficultes dans la production avec des rendements tres faibles, des frais de transaction eleves et d’une consommation interieure en croissance permanente. Les defis majeurs restent l’accroissement de l’offre locale et sa qualite par rapport a la demande du marche, l’amelioration de l’usinage et la mise en marche dans des conditions de competitivite durable.Mots clef: chaine de valeur, riz, acteurs, cout, marge, offre, demande, echange, performanceEnglish Title: Rice value chain in West Africa: Performance, issues and challenges in Cote d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Sierra Leone and SenegalEnglish AbstractThe objective of the study is to analyze the structure of the rice value chain in West Africa in order to identify the factors of performance, to address the issues and challenges. The study consists of an assessment of the potential of the production, processing and marketing activities related to market demand. The framework of analysis is "value chain" based on an institutional approach to governance, structure, conduct and performance. The Structure refers to the mapping of actors. Conduct implements the functioning of the system, the role of different actors and the support functions. The Performance of the market performs a cost-benefit analysis for each group of actors. The study indicates that rice farming is mainly based on small family farms with an average area of 0.25 and 4 ha depending on ecologies and countries. This diagnosis reveals the emergence of local rice trade flows with an interest in local demand. The fact remains that the local supply is still insufficient for the majority of countries. The support services of the value chain are often inoperable. Research is poorly endowed with human and financial resources and its infrastructure is dilapidated. The extension tool is inappropriate for a large target of illiterate producers. The financing sector is little involved and often inoperant compared to the products offered with regard to demand. The rice value chain in West Africa is competitive, but uninsured. The local capacity to supply the market does not progress as quickly as demand. This is due to various difficulties in production with very low yields, high transaction costs and domestic consumption in constant growth. The major challenges remain the increase of local supply and its quality in relation to market demand, the improvement of milling and marketing in conditions of sustainable competitiveness.Keywords: value chain, rice, actors, cost, margin, supply, demand, exchange, performance

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the AMMI model was used to identify stable high yielding sorghum varieties that could be adapted for wider and/or specific environments and make recommendations for further demonstration and production in the test environments and similar agro ecologies.
Abstract: Background and justification : Ethiopia is the third largest sorghum producer in Africa next to Nigeria and Sudan. Shortage of widely adapted and stable high yielding variety is one of the major bottlenecks for production and productivity of sorghum in the country. Grain yield performance is not the only parameter for selection as a genotype with the highest grain yield would not necessarily mean stable and adaptable across location and years. Eberhart and Russell (1996) and AMMI model could be the preferable tools to identify stable, high yielding and adaptable genotype (s) for wider or specific environments. Objectives : To identify stable high yielding sorghum varieties that could be adapted for wider and/or specific environments and make recommendations for further demonstration and production in the test environments and similar agro ecologies. Material and methods : A total of 21 released sorghum varieties and a local check were evaluated at three locations in western Ethiopia (Bako, Gute, Biloboshe) and two locations in eastern Ethiopia (Mechara and Mieso) in 2017 main cropping seasons. The trial was arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) in three replications. Summary of results and application of the study: The combined analysis of variance revealed highly significant effect of environment and genotype by environment interactions for grain yield. This indicated that the tested varieties showed inconsistent grain yield performance across locations. Birmash variety gave the highest grain yield with average yield of 3.5 ton ha -1 but specifically adapted to Gute, Biloboshe and Mechara. Baji was the second high yielding variety with mean grain yield of 3.3 ton ha -1 and relatively with wider adaptability. The first two IPCAs accounted for a total of 88.64% of the interaction sum square. In general, deviation from regression coefficient, AMMI stability value and genotype selection index revealed that Baji, Birmash, Emahoy, IS9302 and Gambella-1107 were relatively stable varieties with optimum grain yield and therefore recommended for further demonstration and popularization in the test locations and areas with similar agro-ecologies. Keywords : AMMI, ASV, IPCAs, Sorghum

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Cette etude a montre que l’inoculation directe des CMA pendant le semis entraine une reduction de the densite des nematodes parasites and ameliore le rendement du soja.
Abstract: Objectif : L’objectif de cette etude est d’evaluer l’effet de quatre souches de champignon mycorhizien arbusculaire d’origine locale sur la production du soja et le controle des nematodes parasitaires, Meloidogyne sp. au champ. Methodologie et resultats : L’essai a ete conduit a la Station d’Experimentation Agronomique de Lome au Togo, de Juillet a Octobre 2016 suivant un dispositif de Fisher a quatre repetitions. Glomus mosseae, Glomus hoi, Acaulospora spinoza et BEN 10 ont ete testees en comparaison au temoin. L’inoculation a ete faite lors du semis du soja. Il ressort de cette etude que les plants de soja inocules sont fortement mycorhizes. Sur les quatre souches dans cette etude, Glomus mosseae a induit la meilleure reduction de la densite des nematodes dans les racines, entrainant une amelioration du rendement en graines du soja. Conclusion et applications des resultats : Cette etude a montre que l’inoculation directe des CMA pendant le semis entraine une reduction de la densite des nematodes parasites et ameliore le rendement du soja. Elle peut donc etre un des moyens ecologiquement durable de production du soja au Togo. Mots cles : Inoculation mycorhizienne, nematodes, rendement, soja.

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a review of policies relating to agricultural productivity in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALS) with a focus on Turkana County, Kenya is presented.
Abstract: Objectives: This paper seeks to present a review of policies relating to agricultural productivity in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALS) with a focus on Turkana County, Kenya. Methodology and Results: This paper adopted a qualitative approach and data collection majorly relied on document analysis of policy papers, the Kenyan Constitution, parliamentary proceedings as recorded in the Hansard, academic papers, organizational journals, newspaper articles and government statutes relating to agriculture. Despite the culture of the people being centered on pastoralism, food security in the ASALs is far from adequate. The numerous policy documents reveal the efforts Kenya has made to increase Agricultural productivity. The successive governments though at varying degrees, developed plans that focused on rural areas albeit with little progress in the ASALS. Institutional failures and adverse policies are to blame for the growth of the Agricultural sector in Africa. Conclusions and application of findings: There are numerous overlapping policies due to failure to evaluate existing ones. There is need to involve beneficiaries and to address resource allocation to agriculture to reflect the recommended 10% of overall country budget as per the Maputo agreement of 2003. Proper management of funds and fighting corruption is vital in effective implementation of development programs and realization of economic growth. Investment in both social and physical infrastructure (roads, livestock markets, abattoirs etc.) would ensure effectiveness of the various policies. There is need to prioritize water supply and water use efficiency for dryland agriculture. Keywords: Agricultural productivity, rural Kenya, food security, Devolution, Policy, Development

7 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: La grande diversite genetique observee au sein des accessions de sorgho etudiees montre que des possibilites de selection existent, mais fort chez les caracteres vegetatifs et modere chez the caractEres lies au rendement.
Abstract: Objectif : Cette etude a pour objectif d’evaluer la diversite genotypique et phenotypique existante au sein des accessions de Sorgho pluvial de la zone soudano sahelienne du Cameroun et d’estimer les parametres genetiques permettant d’orienter les futurs programmes d’amelioration varietale. Methodologie et resultats : L’etude realisee sur 44 accessions selon un dispositif en blocs de Fisher completement randomise a trois repetitions revele une grande diversite morphologique organisee autour des caracteres vegetatifs et de rendement avec un groupement des accessions en trois dont le troisieme renferme les accessions performantes en termes de hauteur de tiges et rendement grains. Une faible influence des facteurs environnementaux sur l’expression des performances des accessions a ete observee avec des faibles ecarts entre les coefficients de variation phenotypique et genotypique, une forte heritabilite au sens large pour tous les caracteres. Conclusion et application : En somme, Tous les caracteres etudies ont exprime une forte heritabilite au sens large avec un gain genetique attendu variant, mais fort chez les caracteres vegetatifs et modere chez les caracteres lies au rendement. La grande diversite genetique observee au sein des accessions de sorgho etudiees montre que des possibilites de selection existent. En outre les accessions du groupe trois constituent des potentiels parents pouvant servir dans les programmes d’amelioration ou de creation varietale au Cameroun. Mots cles : Sorgho pluvial, zone soudano sahelienne du Cameroun, diversite genotypique et phenotypique.

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this article, a survey was conducted in 20 villages in the province of Boulkiemde among the actors of A. macrostachya seeds post-harvest management.
Abstract: Objectifs: Les objectifs de cette etude etaient d’inventorier les differentes pratiques post-recoltes d’ A. macrostachya ; les contraintes liees au stockage ; les methodes de protection des stocks et les differents usages des graines. Methodologie et resultats: une enquete a ete realisee dans vingt villages de la province du Boulkiemde aupres des acteurs de la gestion post recolte des graines d’ A. macrostachya . Les resultats ont montre que 52,13% des repondants conservent leurs graines dans les sacs en polypropylene, 24,47% dans les bidons de 20l de contenance et 20,21% dans les jarres. Les insectes sont percus comme les principaux ravageurs des graines. Leurs degâts commencent avant la recolte des gousses et se poursuivent dans les stocks tout au long du stockage. La methode de protection la plus utilisee pour faire face aux ravageurs est la precuisson a la chaleur. En l’absence de methode de lutte, des degâts importants sont observables des la premiere semaine de stockage. La conservation des graines repond a l’objectif de satisfaire les besoins de consommation et de commercialisation. Conclusion et application: Cette etude a permis de mieux apprehender les pratiques paysannes en gestion post recolte et les contraintes de stockage des graines de A. macrostachya . Elle ouvre les perspectives d’une gestion plus efficiente de cette importante denree alimentaire. Mots cles: Graines de zamne, gestion post-recolte, methodes de conservation, insectes ravageurs, perception paysanne, Burkina Faso English Title: Post-harvest management of the seeds of Acacia macrostachya Reichenb. ex DC. in the Boulkiemde province in Burkina Faso : participatory survey among farmers English Abstract Objectives: The objectives of this survey were to inventory the different post-harvest practices of A. macrostachya ; the storage problems; control methods use to protect A. macrostachya during storage and the different uses of seeds Method and results: A survey was conducted in 20 villages in the province of Boulkiemde among the actors of A. macrostachya seeds post-harvest management. The results showed that 52.13% of respondents kept their seeds in polypropylene bags, 24.47% in cans of 20l capacity and 20.21% in jars. Insects are considered as the main pests of A. macrostachya seeds. Damage begins before the harvest of the pods and continues during post-harvest storage. The most widespread method of protection for pests is pre-cooking with heat. In the absence of a control method, a lot damage can be observed from the first week of storage. Seed conservation serves the purpose of meeting consumer and marketing needs. Conclusion and application: This study made it possible to better understand farmers' practices in the postharvest management and the storage problems of A. macrostachya seeds. It opens up prospects for more efficient management of this important food. Keywords: zamne seeds, post-harvest management, conservation methods, insect pests, farmer perception, Burkina Faso

6 citations

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors aim to assess the environmental and health risks associated with the use of phytosanitaires in horticulture in Southern Cote D'Ivory Coast.
Abstract: Objectifs: Cette etude vise a analyser les risques environnementaux et sanitaires potentiels lies a l’usage des produits phytosanitaires dans l’horticulture a Azaguie. Methodologie et Resultats: Des enquetes de terrain ont ete menees aupres de 32 horticulteurs pour evaluer leur pratique ainsi que leur etat de sante a la suite d’un traitement phytosanitaire. De meme, 13 echantillons d’eau ont ete preleves dans les rivieres, puits et forages utilises par les horticulteurs. Ces echantillons d’eau ont ete analyses au laboratoire pour determiner les residus de glyphosate et de la deltametrine par Chromatographie en phase Liquide de Haute Performance (HPLC). Les herbicides sont les plus utilises suivis des insecticides par les horticulteurs. Lors de l’epandage des produits, aucune mesure d’hygiene et de securite n’est observee. Ainsi, environ 88% des repondants ne portent pas de gants, ni de cache nez (71%), et d’habits speciaux (94%) lors de l’epandage. Les enquetes presentent des demangeaisons corporelles (52,94%), des vertiges (17,65%), des maux de tete (11,76%) et des eternuements reguliers lors des traitements. Les concentrations moyennes en residus du glyphosate dans les eaux de forages et de puits sont respectivement de 0,67 μg/L et de 0,19 μg/L. Au niveau des eaux de surface, la valeur moyenne est de 0,27 μg/L. Ces concentrations sont au-dela des valeurs guides de l’OMS. Ces eaux sont donc impropres pour une consommation directe. Conclusion et applications des resultats: Les mauvaises pratiques phytosanitaires dans l’horticulture sont les principales causes de ces resultats obtenus. Ces pratiques exposent les producteurs et les consommateurs a des risques sanitaires eleves et contribue egalement a la degradation de l’environnement dont sa composante eau. Une sensibilisation des acteurs aux bonnes pratiques agricoles pourraient contribuer a la promotion d’une horticulture durable dans la zone. Par ailleurs, il est important d’entreprendre des etudes sur les effets de la consommation de cette eau a long-terme sur les producteurs de cette localite. La promotion des plantes pesticides est une alternative a l’usage des pesticides de synthese. L’utilisation des plantes pesticides par les horticulteurs va permettre de proteger l’environnement et egalement la sante des producteurs et des consommateurs. Mots cles: risques sanitaires, environnement, phytosanitaire, horticulture, Azaguie English Title: Phytosanitary practice in horticulture in Azaguie area (Southern of Cote d’Ivoire): potential risks for health and the environment Enhlish Abstract Objectives: This study aims to assess the environmental and health risks associated with the use of plant protection products in horticulture in the area of Azaguie (southern Cote d’Ivoire). Methodology and Results: A survey was conduct among 32 horticulturists and 13 samples (rivers, wells and boreholes) waters were analysed to measure the residues of glyphosate and deltametrin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The results showed that herbicides and insecticides were the most phytosanitary products used by the growers. In addition, the horticulturists do their activity without any suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and respiratory masks. Recurrent health problems affecting producers include itching (52.94%), headaches (11.76%) and sneezing (35.29%). The average concentrations of glyphosate in boreholes, wells and rivers are 0.67μg/L, 0.19μg/L and 0.27μg/L respectively. These concentrations greatly exceed the WHO guidance values. These waters are qualify as unsuitable for direct source of drinking water. Conclusion and application of results: The results show that the inadequate practices in horticulture are the main factors for health and environment risks for producers and consumers. Promoting best agricultural practices could contribute to sustainable horticulture. Further studies should be carried out to determine the long-term health effects on the vegetable producers who drink that water in this area. The promotion of pesticides plants is an alternative to the use of synthetic pesticides. In addition, the use of plants pesticides by the producers can contribute to protect the environment and the health of producers and consumers. Keywords: risk, health, environment, phytosanitary, horticulture, Azaguie

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the evolution of agricultural impact intra-seasonal descriptors during the growing season in cotton production area of Cote D'Ivoire was analyzed. But the authors did not specify the type of descriptors that were most likely to influence agriculture.
Abstract: Objectif: Cette etude vise a caracteriser l’evolution des descripteurs pluviometriques intrasaisonniers a impact agricole durant la saison culturale dans le bassin cotonnier ivoirien. A cet effet, Methodologie et resultats: dix descripteurs pluviometriques intrasaisonniers susceptibles d’influencer l’agriculture ont ete analyses a partir des donnees pluviometriques couvrant les periodes 1951-2000 et 2011-2016 et provenant des bases de donnees de la Societe de Developpement et d’Exploitation Aeroportuaire, Aeronautique et Meteorologique et du Centre National de Recherche Agronomique. Les tests de tendance (Mann-Kendall) et de stationnarite (Pettitt) et une comparaison des periodes ont ete appliques aux variables determinees. L’analyse des cumuls pluviometriques saisonniers, du nombre de jours de pluie et des precipitations moyennes journalieres a mis en evidence une tendance significative a la baisse de ces parametres sur la periode 1951-2000. Les fins et les longueurs de la saison des pluies ont presente respectivement une tendance significative a la precocite et au raccourcissement. Les autres descripteurs intrasaisonniers ont peu varie. En revanche, des ruptures statistiquement significatives ont ete observees entre 1968 et 1979. La comparaison des periodes indique une degradation des conditions climatiques pendant la periode seche (1971-2000). Ces degradations se sont accentuees dans la periode actuelle (2011-2016). Conclusion et application: Les nouvelles conditions climatiques observees dans le bassin cotonnier traduites par une variabilite des descripteurs intrasaisonniers rendent de plus en plus difficile la planification agricole. Des lors, l’actualisation des calendriers culturaux dans le bassin cotonnier devient necessaire. Mots-cles: Descripteurs intrasaisonniers, pluviometrie, agriculture, bassin cotonnier, Cote d’Ivoire English Abstract Objective: This study aims to characterize the evolution of agricultural impact intra-seasonal descriptors during the growing season in cotton production area of Cote d’Ivoire. For this purpose... Methodology and results: ten intraseasonal descriptors likely to influence agriculture were determined from rainfall data covering the periods 1951-2000 and 2011-2016 from the Airport, Aeronautical and Meteorological Development and Operations Company and the National Agronomic Research Center. Trend (Mann-Kendall) and stationarity (Pettitt) tests and an inter-period comparison were applied to the identified variables. Analysis of seasonal rainfall accumulations, number of rainy days and average daily rainfall amounts showed a significant downward trend over the period 1951-2000. The cessation and length of the rainy season showed a significant trend towards early onset and shortening respectively. Other intraseasonal descriptors do not varied significantly. In contrast, statistically significant breaks were observed between 1968 and 1979. The period comparison indicated a deterioration in conditions during the dry period (1971-2000). The comparison of the periods indicates a deterioration of the climatic conditions during the dry period (1971-2000). These degradations have increased in the current period (2011-2016). Conclusion and application: New climatic conditions observed in the cotton production area translated by a variability of intraseasonal descriptors are making agricultural planning increasingly difficult. It is therefore necessary to update the crop calendars in the cotton production area. Keywords: Intraseasonal descriptors, rainfall, agriculture, cotton production area, Cote d'Ivoire

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The use of higher 18 μM concentrations of 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) could be used to overcome recalcitrance to somatic embryogenesis in cocoa and its application to other recalcitrant genotypes could confirm its beneficial effect on the removal of recal citrance.
Abstract: Objective: In cocoa tree ( Theobroma cacao L .), some elite genotypes have shown, in standard study conditions, an absence or a very weak response to induction of somatic embryos. This is the case of the original C8 genotype Trinidad. This study aims to improve the production of somatic embryos in this genotype Methodology and results : To do this, staminodes and petals excised from immature buds of genotypes C1, C8 and C14 were used. Genotypes C1 and C14 are embryogenic under standard conditions. These floral explants were cultured on induction media differing by the type and concentration of auxins. Callus induction obtained in the three studied genotypes ranged from 80% to 90% with the petal explants and from 70% to 80% with the staminodes regardless of the type and concentration of auxins. Transfer of callogenic explants to DKW (Driver & Kuniyuki, 1984) medium supplemented with sucrose and glucose allowed the induction of somatic embryos at mean rates varying from 5% to 20% after only 84 days with petal explants and media supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T). No induction of somatic embryos was observed on the control medium with the C1, C8 and C14 genotypes. The C1 genotype induced somatic embryos in the presence of all concentrations of auxins. The highest rate of embryogenic callus and somatic embryo induction was obtained with 18 μM of 2, 4, 5-T in all C1 genotypes (39.29 ± 0.28; 17.98 ± 0.10), C8 (36.29% ± 0.26 and 15.01 ± 0.07) and C14 (33.92% ± 0.26 and 14.50 ± 0.16). The 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4, 5-T). at 18 μM is the most appropriate auxin to remove recalcitrance in cocoa genotype C8. The use of higher 18 μM concentrations of 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4, 5-T). and its application to other recalcitrant genotypes could confirm its beneficial effect on the removal of recalcitrance to somatic embryogenesis in cocoa. Conclusion and application of results : 18 μM concentration of 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4, 5-T) gave the best percentage of embryogenic explants and the highest average number of embryos in the three genotypes tested. Therefore, this protocol using 18 μM of 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4, 5-T) could be used to overcome recalcitrance to somatic embryogenesis in cocoa. Keywords : recalcitrant, cocoa, auxins, somatic embryogenesis

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the authors evaluate the use value of the species for the populations of the Department of Bamboutos in western Cameroon. But the authors focus on the use of C. schweinfurthii in the context of the relaunching of the coffee sector.
Abstract: Objectif: La relance de la filiere cafeiere suscite un regain d’interet national pour la valorisation de Canarium schweinfurthii ou « Aiele », un arbre a usage multiple dominant des agroforets de l’Ouest Cameroun. Cette etude a pour but d’evaluer la valeur accordee par les populations a ses usages dans le Departement de Bamboutos. Methodologie et Resultats: Cent-sept interviews semi-structurees ont ete menees aupres des producteurs de l’espece dans trois groupements. Des parametres ethnobotaniques ont ete calcules et compares entre groupements. Sept utilisations de l’espece ont ete recensees, les usages alimentaires (27 %), d’ombrage (23 %) et commercial (19 %) sont predominants. Les organes utilises sont les fruits, la resine, le bois, les feuilles et la graine. Les plus fortes valeurs d’usages sont obtenues dans les localites de Babete (VUt = 1,53). Les valeurs d’indice de fidelite (NF) (0-100%) obtenues temoignent de la variation du niveau de connaissance des populations pour cette espece. Conclusion et application des resultats: La presence de C. schweinfurthii dans les plantations cafeieres fournit des benefices tres importants pour l’equilibre de ce systeme a travers ses multiples usages, la diversite des produits fournis et l’importance des services offerts pour la performance du systeme. La variation du niveau de connaissance en fonction des groupements est un atout majeur pour la valorisation de l’espece a travers des echanges de savoirs et savoir-faire inter groupements et au-dela du Departement. Cependant, la degradation des cafeieres au profit des systemes essentiellement vivriers pourrait affecter negativement la representation de l’espece dans l’espace agraire de la region et par consequent la perte des differents services qu’elle offre. L’etude recommande une valorisation des produits de l’espece et une promotion de la domestication a travers des pratiques de gestion favorisant son integration dans tous les types de systemes de production agricole de la localite. Mots cles: Agroforets cafeieres, Bamboutos, Canarium schweinfurthii , Parametres ethnobotaniques, Valeur d’usage English Title: Ethnobotanical study and contribution of Canarium Schweinfurthii (Engl) (Burseraceae) to ecosystems services of coffee-based agroforests in Bamboutos subdivision, West Cameroon English Abstract Objective: The relaunching of the coffee sector is generating a renewed national interest in the valuation of Canarium schweinfurthii or « Aiele », a multipurpose tree dominating agroforestry systems in western Cameroon. This study aims to evaluate the use value of the species for the populations of the Department of Bamboutos. Methodology and Results: One hundred and seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with producers of the species in three villages groups. Ethnobotanical parameters were calculated and compared between groups. Seven uses categories of the species were identified, among which Food uses (27%), Shade (23%) and Commercial (19%) were predominant. The organs used are Fruits, Resin, Wood, Leaves and Kernel. The highest values of uses are obtained in the localities of Babete (VUt = 1.53). The Fidelity Index (NF) values (0-100%) obtained showed the variation in the level of knowledge among studied populations and village groups. Conclusion and application of results: Presence of C. schweinfurthii in coffee plantations provides very important benefits for the performance of this system through its multiple uses, the diversity of the products supplied, and the importance of the services provided in the system. The variation of the level of knowledge according to populations and village groupings is a major asset for the valorization of the species through exchanges of knowledge and know-how between groups and beyond the Department. However, the degradation of coffee plantations in favor of mainly food –based systems could negatively affect the representation of the species in the agrarian landscape of the region and consequently the loss of the various benefits it offers. The study recommends a valorization of the products of the species and a promotion of the domestication through management practices favoring its integration in all existing agricultural production systems found in the western highlands. Keywords: Coffee agroforests, Bamboutos, Canarium schweinfurthii , Ethnobotanical parameter, value

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, an enquete transversale was conducted to characterize the systeme de production and reproduction of the poule locale dans trois zones agro-ecologiques du Sud-Kivu d'Avril jusqu'en Decembre 2017.
Abstract: Objectif : Cette etude a ete menee envue de caracteriser le systeme de production et de reproduction de la poule locale dans trois zones agro-ecologiques du Sud-Kivu d’Avril jusqu’en Decembre, 2017. Methodologie et resultats: Une enquete transversale a ete menee a l’aide d’une interview aupres de 360 eleveurs repartis dans 3 zones agro-ecologiques dont la haute, moyenne et basse altitude. Les principaux resultats trouves indiquent que ces elevages sont geres par les hommes, ayant un objectif tourne vers le marche (90,28%), comptent 24,38 poules qui sont eleves en divagation (94,17%) sans logement specifique (81,11%). Les poules recoivent une supplementation alimentaire (65,28%) et un complement vitaminique (25,83%). La pseudopeste aviaire est la maladie la plus frequente (89,72%), suite a l’absence de la vaccination (96,67%), les eleveurs recourent a la pharmacopee traditionnelle (77,5%). Chaque poule donne 13 œufs par cycle de ponte pour 2,96 cycles par an. 70,37% des œufs pondus sont incubes pour un taux d’eclosion de 84,50% et un taux de sevrage de 57,25%, intervenant a 2,52 mois apres eclosion. Les epidemies et la predation sont les principales contraintes auxquelles font face les eleveurs de la poule locale en plus du manque d’appuis par les services etatiques. Conclusion et application des resultats: Quoique cet elevage soit une activite secondaire et selon les techniques de production traditionnelle avec des faibles performances, il reste primordiale dans l’economie des familles rurales et merite une attention particuliere visant son amelioration. Une stabulation ainsi qu’une alimentation equilibree permettraient d’accroitre la production et reduire les risques de perte des poules.Mots cles : Elevage, zones-agro ecologiques, Contraintes, poule locale, Sud-Kivu.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Foraging and pollination activity of flowers of Gossypium hirsutum (Malvaceae) by Apis mellifera Linne (Hymenoptera: Apidae) have been observed in Garoua (North Cameroon), to determine the impact of worker bees on fruit and seed yields of this plant species.
Abstract: Objectif: L’activite de butinage et de pollinisation des fleurs de Gossypium hirsutum (Malvaceae) par Apis mellifera Linne (Hymenoptera: Apidae) a ete observee a Garoua (Nord, Cameroun), afin d’evaluer l’impact de cette abeille sur le rendement fruitier et grainier de la plante. Methodologie et resultats: De juin a novembre des annees 2010 et 2011, 200 fleurs de G. hirsutum ont ete etiquetees et deux traitements formes selon la presence ou l’absence de protection vis-a-vis de Apis mellifera . Le comportement de butinage de l’Apide sur les fleurs, le taux de fructification, le nombre de graines par capsule et le taux de graines normales ont ete evalues. Les resultats ont montre que A. mellifera butinait de 6 h a 17 h et pendant toute la periode de floraison de G. hirsutum . A travers son efficacite pollinisatrice, A. mellifera a provoque un accroissement significatif du taux de fructification de 20,55 %, du nombre de graines par capsule de 26,21 % et du pourcentage de graines normales de 25,01 %. Conclusion et application des resultats: La pose des colonies de A. mellifera dans les plantations de G. hirsutum est recommandee pour augmenter la production des capsules et des graines. L’utilisation des pesticides est a eviter pendant la periode de floraison de la Malvacee. En cas de necessite, utiliser les pesticides les moins toxiques et a faible remanence pour les abeilles, puis les appliquer en dehors des tranches horaires d’activite de A. mellifera . Mots cles: Apis mellifera , Gossypium hirsutum , fleurs, pollinisation, rendements English Title: Pollination efficiency of Apis mellifera Latreille (Hymenoptera: Apidae) on Gossypium hirsutum (Malvaceae) at Djamboutou (Garoua, Cameroon) English Abstract Objective: Foraging and pollination activity of flowers of Gossypium hirsutum (Malvaceae) by Apis mellifera Linne (Hymenoptera: Apidae) have been observed in Garoua (North Cameroon), to determine the impact of worker bees on fruit and seed yields of this plant species. Methodology and results: From June to November 2010 and 2011, for each year, 200 flowers were labeled and divided in to two treatments, differentiated according to the presence or absence of protection against insect’s activities. The foraging behavior on flowers, the fructification rate, the number of seeds per pod and the normal seeds rate were evaluated. Results show that A. mellifera foraged on G. hirsutum flowers from 6 am to 17 pm and throughout the whole blooming period. Through its pollination efficiency, A. mellifera increased significant fructification rate in the order of 20.55 %, the number of seed yields per pod was 26.21 % and the percentage of the normal seeds was 25.01 %. Conclusion and application of results: The installation of A. mellifera colonies close to G. hirsutum field could be recommended to improve its pods and seeds production. Keywords: Apis mellifera , Gossypium hirsutum , flowers, pollination, yields

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Psorospermum febrifugum Spach root bark had an excellent therapeutic efficacy and could be a good candidate for transformation into improved traditional medicines (ITM) for anaemia treatment, after acute and chronic toxicity tests and appropriate clinical trials.
Abstract: Objectives: Psorospermum febrifugum Spach. (Clusiaceae) is a medicinal plant found in Africa. It root bark was used in Benin to treat anaemia. This work aimed to study the therapeutic efficacy of that root bark extract on anaemia treatment. Methodology and Results: Wistar Rats were anaemic by intraperitoneal injection of phenylhydrazine chloridrate. The rats were then fed either with Psorospermum febrifugum Spach root bark extract at 200 or 300 mg / kg weight / day, or with vitafer® as the reference drug. Non-anaemic rats served as controls. The blood count and osmotic resistance of red blood cells carried out on blood samples of rats at different days (D 0 , D 2 , D 7 , J 10 and D15) showed a correction of anaemia with the extract in two weeks. The extract screening revealed saponosides, reducing sugars, polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, proteins, anthocyanins and alkaloids. Conclusion and application of results: The extract completely corrected anaemia in two weeks by increased stimulation of hemoglobin synthesis and the production of young red blood cells released into the blood. Its effect seems dose-dependent and at the 300 mg / Kg dose was even more effective than the vitafer. This remarkable efficiency would certainly be linked to its chemical composition, whose elements would act in an isolated or synergistic way to stimulate haematopoiesis.. In addition, the extract had no effect on blood thrombocytes suggesting a certain specificity of action on the erythrocyte line. Psorospermum febrifugum Spach root bark had an excellent therapeutic efficacy and could be a good candidate for transformation into improved traditional medicines (ITM) for anaemia treatment, after acute and chronic toxicity tests and appropriate clinical trials. Keywords: Psorospermum febrifugum Spach , anaemia, osmotic resistance

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Levels of each serum biochemistry parameters recorded by the different authors in rabbits in West Africa show that they vary enormously according to the feedstuffs used to feed them.
Abstract: L’evaluation des parametres biochimiques constitue une technique fiable utilisee de plus en plus pour apprecier et surveiller l'etat sanitaire et nutritionnel des animaux. Objectif: Le present article fait une synthese des etudes relatives a l’evaluation des parametres biochimiques seriques des lapins en Afrique de l’Ouest. Methodologie et resultats: Afin de realiser cette synthese bibliographique sur le profil biochimique des lapins en Afrique de l’Ouest, plusieurs publications scientifiques ont ete consultees. Les informations collectees montrent que les parametres biochimiques seriques des lapins sont notamment evalues au cours des etudes portant sur la valorisation d’une ressource alimentaire locale disponible en Afrique de l’Ouest. Ces publications consultees revelent que 11 parametres biochimiques seriques sont principalement evalues chez les lapins eleves en Afrique de l’Ouest. Il s’agit de : l’Albumine, la Globuline, le Glucose, le Cholesterol, l’Uree, les Proteines Totales, la Creatinine, l’ASAT, l’ALAT, l’Acide Urique et les Triglycerides. Conclusion et application des resultats: La grande variation obtenue dans les teneurs de chacun des parametres biochimiques seriques evalues lors de differentes etudes menees en Afrique de l’Ouest, montre que le profil biochimique des lapins varie enormement en fonction de la ressource alimentaire utilisee pour les nourrir. Ceci confirme que l’alimentation entraine des variations significatives d’un certain nombre de parametres biochimiques. Les differents profils biochimiques des lapins repertories dans les publications scientifiques consultees permettront de faire une comparaison avec le profil biochimique des lapins nourris avec des ressources alimentaires concentrees en cours de caracterisation au Benin. Mots-cles: Ressources alimentaires locales, Parametres biochimiques seriques, Lapin, Afrique de l’Ouest English Title: Biochemistry parameters in Rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus linnaeus, 1758) fed with diets based on west african local feedstuffs English Abstract Biochemistry parameters evaluation is a reliable technique used to assess and monitor animal’s health and nutritional status. Objective: The present review paper focused on studies related to the assessment of serum biochemical parameters in rabbits in West Africa. Methodology and Results: In order to realize this literature review on the biochemical profile of rabbits in West Africa, many scientific papers were consulted and analyzed. Information collected shows that rabbit’s serum biochemical parameters are notably evaluated during studies on the valorization of a local feedstuffs available in West Africa. These scientific papers indicate that 11 serum biochemistry parameters are mainly evaluated in rabbits bred in Africa. These are Albumin, Globulin, Glucose, Cholesterol, Urea, Total Protein, Creatinine, ASAT, ALAT, Uric Acid and Triglycerides. Conclusion and application of results: Levels of each serum biochemistry parameters recorded by the different authors in rabbits in West Africa show that they vary enormously according to the feedstuffs used to feed them. The large variation obtained in levels of each biochemical parameters evaluated in different studies conducted in Africa, shows that rabbit’s biochemical profile varies enormously according to the local feedstuffs used in their feeding them. This confirms that feeding leads to significant variations in biochemical parameters. The different biochemical profiles of rabbits listed in the scientific papers consulted will allow a comparison with the biochemical profile of rabbits fed with concentrated feedstuffs in characterisation in Benin. Keywords: Local Feedstuffs, Serum Biochemistry Parameters, Rabbit, West Africa

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TL;DR: L’osemble des resultats obtenus ont montre clairement that les varietes analysees presentent une variation phenotypique pour l’ensemble des caracteres etudies, en particulier ceux lies a la phenologie, a l�’architecture and aux composantes du rendement.
Abstract: Objectifs : Caracteriser la diversite genetique puis analyser le degre de ressemblance entre 14 varietes de ble dur sur la base des parametres agro-morphologiques, biochimiques et physiologiques. Ces informations aideront a identifier les meilleurs cultivars qui pourraient etre utilises comme des geniteurs dans les futurs programmes d’amelioration. Methodologie et resultats : L’essai de plein champ a ete mene au cours de la campagne agricole 2016/2017 a la station experimentale de l’Institut Technique des Grandes Cultures (ITGC) a Oued Smar, Alger, Algerie. Il a ete conduit en blocs completement randomises a 4 repetitions. L'analyse de la variance a montre une certaine divergence entre deux groupes de varietes. Les varietes locales composees de Bidi17, Hedba03 et MBB ont ete groupees ensembles, elles sont hautes, tardives a l’epiaison et moins productives. Les varietes ameliorees, dotees d’une hauteur moyenne, sont precoces a l’epiaisonet plus performantes. Cette repartition a ete confirmee par l’analyse de la classification hierarchique ascendante (CHA). En fait, les selections locales etaient plus similaires les unes aux autres et dissemblables au materiel CIMMYT-ICARDA. Conclusion et application des resultats : L’ensemble des resultats obtenus ont montre clairement que les varietes analysees presentent une variation phenotypique pour l’ensemble des caracteres etudies, en particulier ceux lies a la phenologie, a l’architecture et aux composantes du rendement. L’analyse des coefficients de correlations entre caracteres indique que la selection indirecte pour le rendement en grains via le nombre d’epis par m² pourrait s’averer efficace. Sur la base du test de Duncan, deux varietes nommees Megress et Amar06 se montrent les plus performantes pour le rendement grains. Ces deux varietes pourraient etre utiles pour ameliorer la production du ble dur algerien.Mots cles: Ble dur, Caracterisation, Correlation, Relation genetique, Performance

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TL;DR: La fertilisation tardive a permis aux plantes stressees, de recouvrir la croissance telle si les apports etaient faits tot dans la saison, aussi bien pour le grain que the biomasse.
Abstract: Objectif : L'objectif est d'etudier les reponses de varietes de sorgho a des apports contrastes de NPK et uree qui pourraient etre dictes par les informations meteorologiques. Methodologie et resultats : Des essais en split plot avec quatre repetitions ont ete conduits a Nioro du Rip et Sinthiou Maleme (Senegal) sur sols sableux en conditions pluviales. Quatre varietes (Fadda, Faourou, Soumalemba et Soumba) ont ete soumises a cinq modalites de fertilisation : T1 = pas d'engrais ; T2 = 150 kg/ha de NPK (15-15-15) a la levee + 50 kg/ha d'uree (46%) au tallage + 50 kg/ha d'uree a la montaison (recommandation au Senegal pour le sorgho) ; T3 = moitie dose de T2 appliquee aux memes stades ; T4 = 150 kg/ha de NPK + 50 kg/ha d'uree a la montaison + 50 kg/ha d'uree a l'epiaison (T2 decale) et T5 = moitie dose T4 apportee aux memes stades. La fertilisation tardive a permis aux plantes stressees, de recouvrir la croissance telle si les apports etaient faits tot dans la saison. Les rendements ont varie suivant les localites. L'apport decale de la dose recommandee (T4) a ete plus benefique que la moitie dose decalee (T5). Les varietes ont montre des reponses differentes les unes des autres, avec Soumalemba qui a mieux reagi aux apports tardifs. Conclusion et application des resultats : Il ressort de cette etude que la fertilisation tardive a ete benefique aussi bien pour le grain que la biomasse. Elle reste une alternative a la gestion de fertilisation telle que recommandee ou pratiquee par les paysans en cas de debut de saison de pluie non favorable surtout dans des pays agropastoraux comme le Senegal. Les structures d'appui technique aux paysans devront integrer les previsions ou observations pluviometriques dans les recommandations de fertilisation afin d'optimiser l'efficience des engrais et la productivite du sorgho.

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TL;DR: The degrees of similarity between these contigs and the loci sequences of classified fungi in GenBank indicate that the fungal isolates are the same species with those in Genbank, particularly the first of the list show after the blastN.
Abstract: Objective : This study aims to update the database of fungi associated to Bambara groundnut foliar diseases in Burkina Faso using both molecular and morphological identification approaches. Methodology and Results: In this study, molecular approach based on the sequencing of ITS (Internal Transcripted Spacer) region of fungi and morphological approach were used to identify the main fungi associated to Bambara groundnut foliar diseases. The study was performed with universal polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer ITS1/ITS4. BlastN comparisons between 19 fungal isolates contigs of the 16 major fungi were produced by their DNA sequences assembly and GenBank sequences yielded identity scores of 99 to 100 % with all of them. The degrees of similarity between these contigs and the loci sequences of classified fungi in GenBank indicate that our fungal isolates are the same species with those in Genbank, particularly the first of the list show after the blastN. It is the first report of molecular characterization of the main fungi infecting Bambara groundnut in Burkina Faso. Conclusion and Application of results : Nineteen fungi associated to Bambara groundnut foliar diseases were identified and can be taken as targets in varietal improvement of Bambara groundnut for resistance to fungal diseases in Burkina Faso. Key words : Bambara groundnut, fungi, molecular characterization, PCR primer ITS1/ITS4, Burkina Faso.

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TL;DR: In this paper, a study was initiated to evaluate the effects of lettuce-citronella associations on the transfer of heavy metals in lettuce organs and soil chemical parameters, showing a significant reduction (p> 0.05) of the amount of lead accumulated in the leaves of lettuce compared to that of lemongrass for treatments T1 and T2.
Abstract: The ability of certain vegetable crops has been proven in the accumulation of heavy metals. Among these species is lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). In Burkina Faso, the ability of some local species to accumulate heavy metals has also been demonstrated. Among these species we have lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus). To promote their introduction into cropping systems, a study was initiated to evaluate the effects of lettuce-citronella associations on the transfer of heavy metals in lettuce organs and soil chemical parameters. The experimental setup was in completely randomized factorial blocks comprising three treatments and three replicates. Treatments compared pure lettuce (T0) culture with alternating lettuce-lemongrass combinations on the same line (T1) and citronella lettuce where lemongrass plants are placed in interline lettuce (T2). The effects of these associations on the transfer of heavy metals in lettuce were evaluated. Their effects on soil chemical parameters were also evaluated. The results obtained show a significant reduction (p> 0.05) of the amount of lead accumulated in the leaves of lettuce compared to that of lemongrass for treatments T1 and T2. As for the chemical parameters of the soil; cation exchange capacity, organic matter, assimilable phosphorus and total potassium were significantly affected by the associated culture compared to the pure culture of lettuce. The promotion of lettuce-citronella associations can be considered for the reduction of lead accumulation by lettuce.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The Potato Sub-Program of Rwanda agriculture and Animal Resources Development board (RAB) in collaboration with the International Potato Center (CIP), has introduced and evaluated the yield performance of six advanced potato clones in comparison with most popular local varieties under Rwanda climatic conditions.
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the yield performance of new potato clones under Rwanda climatic conditions in attempt for developing new potato varieties with market lead traits, that can replace the existing having more than 20 years old. Methodology and Results: the Potato Sub-Program of Rwanda agriculture and Animal Resources Development board (RAB) in collaboration with the International Potato Center (CIP), has introduced and evaluated the yield performance of six advanced potato clones(CIP388676.1, CIP392657.8, CIP398190.89, CIP392797.22, CIP398193.511, and CIP394611.112), in comparison with most popular local varieties (Kinigi and Kirundo)under Rwanda climatic conditions. Trials were established at Kinini, Rwerere, and Tamira RAB Research Station located in a randomized complete block design with three replications for two growing seasons. The analysis of variance revealed high significant effects (p-value < 0.01) of genotype, site, season, genotype x site, and site x season on total tuber yields. A positive correlation of 90% was observed between number of tuber per plant and yield of no marketable roots. Across sites and seasons genotypes showed variation in the performance. The high average yields of 47.08 and 54.58 t/ha were observed at Rwerere, in season 2017B and season 2018A, respectively. The Kinigi site had tuber yields of 32.02 and 36.44 t/ha, while Tamira site has 20.25 and 35.71 t/ha for season 2017B and season 2018A, respectively. The Rwerere site revealed a high dry matter content compare to other sites. The dry matter was 22.18, 19.34 and 18.74% of tuber fresh weight for Rwerere, Kinigi and Tamira, respectively. At each site, the genotype CIP 394611.112 revealed the highest dry matter content, this dry matter content was 20.67, 25.95 and 20.78 % of tuber fresh weight at Kinigi, Rwerere and Tamira. This dry matter was higher than the dry matter content of local check Kinigi with 18.05, 21.42, and 19.11 %, and Kirundo with 16.69, 21.88 and 15.6% of tuber fresh weight at Kinigi, Rwerere, and Tamira respectively. The genotype CIP392657.8, CIP392797.22, CIP398190.89, Kinigi and Kirundo had marketable yields that are above 30 t/ha, while genotypes such as CIP388676.1, CIP394611.112 and CIP398193.511 revealed marketable yield which was below 27.5 t/ha. Conclusion and Application of results: The clones CIP392657.8, CIP392797.22, and CIP398190.89 which showed the yields comparable to local checks are candidate for new potato varieties in Rwanda. The release of these new potato varieties will increase the number of approved varieties and farmers choices to diversify the potato production. Keywords: Clone, performance, potato, yields

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, a simple slot grafting and lateral in sapwood grafting techniques are described to improve the productivity of existing agroforestry parks and to provide improved plant material for Shea tree plantations.
Abstract: Objectif: Dans le cadre de la gestion et de l’exploitation durable des ressources genetiques de karite le programme d’amelioration du karite de l’Universite Peleforo Gon Coulibaly (UPGC) de Korhogo en Cote d’Ivoire developpe des technologies agroforestieres prometteuses. Methodologie et resultats: Ainsi, la technique de greffage du karite est diffusee pour ameliorer la productivite des peuplements existants et fournir du materiel vegetal haut producteur pour l’installation de veritables plantations de karite. Pour realiser le greffage, les greffons sont preleves sur des arbres elites de karite prealablement identifies afin de les multiplier par greffage sur des porte-greffes en pepiniere ou en milieu naturel. Sur l’ensemble des techniques de greffage disponibles dans le regne vegetal, les techniques de « greffage en fente simple » et « greffage de cote dans l’aubier », plus accessibles au monde rural, sont decrites. Conclusion: En Cote d’Ivoire, lorsque ces deux techniques de greffes sont appliquees aux jeunes plants de karite en pepiniere et au champ des taux de reussite eleves (jusqu'a 85%) sont enregistres. Mots cles: Karite, greffage en fente simple, greffage de cote dans l’aubier, Cote d’Ivoire English Abstract Objective: For sustainable management and exploitation of Shea tree genetic resources, the Shea research program of Peleforo Gon Coulibaly University (UPGC) of Korhogo in Cote d’Ivoire develops an innovate agroforestry technology through grafting methods. Methodology and results: This Shea grafting technique aimed to improve the productivity of existing agroforestry parks and to provide improved plant material for Shea tree plantations. To achieve the grafting, the grafts are collected on elite Shea trees previously identified and then multiplied them by grafting on rootstock in nursery or natural habitat. From plant grafting methods "simple slot grafting" and "lateral in sapwood grafting" techniques, more accessible to the farmers, are described. Conclusion and application of results: In Cote d’Ivoire, highest rates (until 85%) are reached when these both grafting techniques are applied to the young Shea plants in nursery and field: Keywords: Shea tree, simple crack grafting, lateral in sap-wood grafting, Cote d’Ivoire

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the spatial distribution and the period of activities of the forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) at Tai National Park (TNP) were determined by using 87 camera traps with date and time-stamped settings.
Abstract: Objective : This study aims at determining the spatial distribution and period of activities of the forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) at Tai National Park (TNP) to contribute to its conservation. Methodology and results: Observations of elephants at different locations and time periods were recorded by using 87 camera traps with date and time-stamped settings. Cameras were installed following a systematic placement approach, and their geographic coordinates were recorded using a GPS. After 120 days of trapping, we observed a high concentration of activities in the southern areas of the park. For the period of activities, we noted that observations of unit individuals were recurrent during the day while those of elephant groups were more important at night. Conclusion and application of the results : The south of the park where there is a large distribution of elephants would be more favourable to these animals. The small number and remoteness of large cities on the periphery of this area of the park could explain that pattern. The distribution and activity period information is useful for park surveillance by rangers. In addition, further studies are needed for a better explanation on the distribution pattern of elephants at TNP. Key words : Tai National Park, elephant, camera traps, distribution, activity period.

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: Maintaining trees and shrubs in fields in association with crops is linked to their use as food, firewood and pharmacopoeia, but also to their ability to improve physicochemical properties of soils, which led to the hypothesis that M. polyandra has interesting agroecological properties.
Abstract: Objectif: Le maintien d’arbres et d’arbustes dans les champs, en association avec les cultures est certes lie a leur utilite alimentaire, medicinale, mais aussi a leurs aptitudes a ameliorer la fertilite des sols. Des observations ont revele une flore ligneuse abondante qui pousse preferentiellement au pied de Maranthes polyandra (Benth.) Prance. Elles ont suscite l’hypothese que M. polyandra a des proprietes agro-ecologiques interessantes. L’objectif de l’etude est d’evaluer les relations entre M. polyandra et les proprietes physiques et chimiques du sol. Methodes et resultats: La quantite de litiere foliaire sous le houppier de M. polyandra a ete collectee et pesee. Des echantillons de sol ont ete preleves sous le houppier et hors du houppier de M. polyandra pour des analyses physico-chimiques. Les memes travaux ont ete realises a titre comparatif avec Vitellaria paradoxa C.F.Gaertn., qui est une espece agroforestiere connue. La quantite moyenne de litiere foliaire sous M. polyandra est de 28,82 ± 16,08 kg par individu contre 5,92 ± 3,07 kg pour V. paradoxa . Nous avons trouve des teneurs significativement plus elevees en carbone total, en azote total, en phosphore total, en potassium total et en somme des bases echangeables sous M. polyandra , comparativement a V. paradoxa . Les parametres de texture sont significativement meilleurs pour le sol sous houppier de M. polyandra . Conclusion et application des resultats: Ce travail a permis d’etudier les relations entre M. polyandra et les proprietes physiques et chimiques du sol. Il a montre que l’espece a un potentiel a ameliorer la fertilite physique et chimique du sol. Maranthes polyandra pourrait etre adoptee comme espece agroforestiere pour ameliorer la fertilite du sol. Au Burkina Faso, plus de la moitie des terres sont pauvres en matiere organique, en phosphore et en azote. Ces niveaux bas constituent la contrainte majeure pour la production agricole. Ainsi, M. polyandra pourrait etre adoptee comme espece agroforestiere pour ameliorer la fertilite du sol en plus de son exploitation pour l’alimentation et comme bois d’energie ; Cela pourrait constituer une raison supplementaire pour sa conservation. Mots cles: Agroforesterie, Maranthes polyandra , Fertilite du sol, Burkina Faso, Domestication, Conservation English Title: Agroforestry potentials of Maranthes polyandra (Benth.) Prance in the south-west of Burkina Faso English Abstract Objective: Maintaining trees and shrubs in fields in association with crops is linked to their use as food, firewood and pharmacopoeia, but also to their ability to improve physicochemical properties of soils. Observations revealed the presence of many plant species that grow preferentially at the foot of Maranthes polyandra (Benth.) Prance. These observations led to the hypothesis that M. polyandra has interesting agroecological properties. The objective of the study is to assess the relationship between M. polyandra and the physical and chemical properties of soil. Method and Results. The leaf litter under the crown of M. polyandra was collected and weighed. Soil samples were collected under the crown and outside the crown of M. polyandra for physicochemical analyses. The same work was carried out with Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn. which is a known agroforestry species. The litter under M. polyandra is 28.82 ± 16.08 kg per individual plant compared to 5.92 ± 3.07 kg for V. paradoxa . Physicochemical analysis of the soil revealed, higher contents of organic carbon, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium and values in the sum of exchangeable bases under M. polyandra compared with those obtained under V. paradoxa . These texture parameters are significantly better for the soil under crowns of M. polyandra . Conclusion and application of results: This work studied the relations between M. polyandra and the physical and chemical properties of the soil. It has shown that the species has potential to improve the physical and chemical fertility of the soil. Maranthes polyandra could be adopted as an agroforestry specie to improve soil fertility by its ability to enhance organic matter, phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium of the soils. In Burkina Faso, more than half of the land is poor in organic matter, in phosphorus and in nitrogen. This low levels are the major constraint for agricultural production. Thus, M. polyandra can be used to improve soils fertility in addition to its exploitation as food and firewood. This may be an additional reason for its conservation. Keywords: Agroforestry, Maranthes polyandra , Soil fertility, Burkina Faso,Domestication, Conservation

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The plants and their derivatives used by patients prior to their admission to the Medicine and Hepato-gastroenterology department of the University Hospital Center (UHC) of Cocody in Cote d’Ivoire may contribute to improving the diagnosis of liver diseases.
Abstract: Objectif: Cette etude a ete menee afin d’identifier les plantes et leurs produits derives utilises par les patients avant leur admission au service de Medecine et d’Hepato-gastroenterologie du Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire (CHU) de Cocody en Cote d’Ivoire.Methodologie et resultats: Un questionnaire a ete administre a ces patients au cours d’entretien semistructure lors des enquetes menees entre fevrier et mai 2016. Un total de 125 patients a ete enquete dont 88 % ont eu recours a la medecine traditionnelle les 12 derniers mois precedent l’enquete. Les plantes medicinales sont le plus souvent consommees par les patients pour traiter des maladies telles que le paludisme et l’asthenie avec des frequences de citation (fc) de 45,5 % et 11 % respectivement. Vingt (20) plantes medicinales appartenant a 13 familles et 19 genres ont ete citees. Vernonia amygdalina (Asteraceae) « feuille amere", avec une fc de 16,32 %, Alchornea cordifolia (Euphorbiaceae) "Arbre de djeman" et Senna occidentalis (Fabaceae) "faux kinkeliba" (fc = 12,24 %), etaient les especes les plus utilisees.Conclusions et application des resultats: Les patients hepatiques ont eu recours aux produits de la medecine traditionnelle. Ces resultats sont importants pour la securite sanitaire des consommateurs de plantes medicinales. Ils pourront contribuer a ameliorer le diagnostic des maladies du foie.Mots-cles: Centre hospitalier, Cote d’Ivoire, Hepatotoxicite, Maladies du foie, Plantes medicinales, PatientsEnglish Title: Survey on the use and effect of herbal medicines on hospitalized liver patients in the Department of Medicine and Hepatogastroenterology at the University Hospital Center (UHC) of Cocody in Cote d’IvoireEnglish AbstractObjective: This descriptive study was conducted to identify the plants and their derivatives used by patients prior to their admission to the Medicine and Hepato-gastroenterology department of the University Hospital Center (UHC) of Cocody in Cote d'Ivoire.Methods and Results: A semi-structured interview questionnaire was applied to these patients from February to May 2016. A total of 125 patients were interrogated, 88% of whom used traditional medicine in the last 12 months prior to the survey. The medicinal plants were mostly consumed by patients to treat diseases such as malaria and asthenia with citation frequencies (cf) of 45.5% and 11%, respectively. Twenty (20) plants species belonging to 13 families and 19 genders were cited. Vernonia amygdalina (Asteraceae) "bitter leaves" with cf of 16.32%, Alchornea cordifolia (Euphorbiaceae) "christmas bush" and Senna occidentalis (Fabaceae) "negro coffee" (cf = 12.24%) were the most used species.Conclusion and application of results: The liver patients have used products of traditional medicine. The results are important for the safety of consumers of medicinal plants. These results may contribute to improving the diagnosis of liver diseases.Keywords: Hospital center, Cote d’Ivoire, Hepatotoxicity, Liver diseases, Medicinal plants, Patients

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: The physiological state of the rubber trees was good, characterized by a well-balanced physiological profile and a low tapping panel dryness rate, independently of design and planting density.
Abstract: The design and planting density can influence certain agronomic parameters. To enable Hevea brasiliensis clone GT1 to better express their agrophysiological potentialities and sensitivity to the tapping panel dryness a study, of the design and planting density was undertaken at the SCASO experimental site in southwestern of Ivory Coast. The experimental design applied, split-plot of three treatments (designs in lines separated from 6 or 7 m and staggered) and three sub-treatments (350; 510 and 650 trees/ha) with four repetitions, was installed on 12, 22 ha. Only one latex collection system was applied (S/2 d/4 6d/7 ET 2.5 % Pa 1 (1) 6/y). The parameters measured were rubber production, circumference increase, physiological profile and tapping panel dryness sensitivity. The rate of trees present in the plots was good (87.27 %) and have not varied with the design and planting density. Vegetative growth tapping (2.69 cm.year-1), and mean yield (1926 kg.ha-1.year-1) were influenced by density unlike design. Despite good productivity, the physiological state of the rubber trees was good, characterized by a well-balanced physiological profile and a low tapping panel dryness rate (2.73 %), independently of design and planting density. The density and the suitable planting design were planting in separate rows of 6 m / 650 t/ha. Keywords : Hevea brasiliensis; density and planting design; Rubber production; GT 1; Vegetative growth tapping

Journal ArticleDOI
TL;DR: In this paper, the anaerobic digestion of green macroalgae (Ulva lactuca and Codium tomentosum ), which cause severe environmental problems in Dakar-Senegal, and elsewhere along Africa's Atlantic coast, was investigated.
Abstract: Anaerobic digestion is a biochemical process that occurs naturally in the absence of oxygen. It is used commonly in developing countries to produce both energy and biofertilizers. Objective : The purpose of this work was to study the anaerobic digestion of green macroalgae ( Ulva lactuca and Codium tomentosum ), which cause severe environmental problems in Dakar-Senegal, and elsewhere along Africa's Atlantic coast. Methodology and Results : These green macroalgae were characterized in terms of physicochemical properties and biochemical methane potential (BMP). Their characteristics were compared to those of other locally available feedstock, such as cow manure and Jatropha curcas cake. The results showed that volatile solids of macroalgae were about 500 g VS/kg and twice that of cow manure. Furthermore, the methane potential of macroalgae was twice (216.4 L CH4/kg VS) that of cow manure (100.3 L CH4/kg VS). The green macroalgae achieved a heating value potential of 2151 kWh/t VS. The methane potential of Jatropha cake as a substrate for anaerobic digestion was intermediate (133.6 L CH4/kg VS) but contained a large quantity of lignin (34%), a slowly biodegradable organic substance. Conclusions and application of findings : This study results showed that green macroalgae could be used as a substrate for the production of renewable energy the biogas in Senegal. Keywords : Biogas, renewable energy, biochemical methane potential, macroalgae, Jatropha curcas.