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Discover 1.3K research papers published on
1st November, 1980 starting with "I"

Interactions Among Three Trophic Levels: Influence of Plants on Interactions Between Insect Herbivores and Natural Enemies
Immediate perceptual response to intersensory discrepancy.
Individuality and Selection
Induction and analysis of gibberellin sensitive mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) heynh.
Identification of Nonlinear Systems- A Survey
Intelligence as an information-processing concept
Iridoids. A review.
Is steady convection possible in the Earth's magnetotail?
Interstellar shock waves with magnetic precursors
Inhibition of lysosomal alpha-mannosidase by swainsonine, an indolizidine alkaloid isolated from Swainsona canescens.
Illusory correlation and the maintenance of stereotypic beliefs.
Intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of the differentiation of skin, corneal and esophageal epithelial cells.
Initial characterization of monoclonal antibodies against human monocytes
Interactions of insulin-like growth factors I and II and multiplication-stimulating activity with receptors and serum carrier proteins
Intermittency, self-similarity and 1/f spectrum in dissipative dynamical systems
Ionospheres of the terrestrial planets
Inhibition of histamine synthesis in brain by alpha-fluoromethylhistidine, a new irreversible inhibitor: in vitro and in vivo studies.
Iodothyronine 5′-Deiodinase from Rat Kidney: Substrate Specificity and the 5′-Deiodination of Reverse Triiodothyr onine
Improving the Quality of Shopping Center Sampling
Increase of neurotensin content elicited by neuroleptics in nucleus accumbens.
Intra-articular steroids in osteoarthritis
Integration versus differentiation of fluid/crystallized intelligence in old age
Incidental Carcinoma of the Prostate: a Review of the Literature and Critical Reappraisal of Classification
Iconic memory: a review and critique of the study of short-term visual storage.
Intravenous verapamil for termination of re-entrant supraventricular tachycardias: intracardiac studies correlated with plasma verapamil concentrations.
INTRODUCTION TO AFFINE GROUP SCHEMES (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 66)
Isolation and characterization of the mouse metallothionein-I gene.
Isolating the effects of symbolic distance, and semantic congruity in comparative judgments: An additive-factors analysis
Images of Savagery in American Justifications for War.
Immunogenic variants obtained by mutagenesis of mouse mastocytoma P815. II. T lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis.
Invading meningiomas of the sphenoid ridge
Incidence of periapical cysts in relation to the root canal
Identification of functional domains of human erythrocyte spectrin
Intermediate and transport hosts of Toxoplasma gondii in Costa Rica.
Intra-specific diversity in a natural population of trifolium repens
Inequality Measures between Income Distributions with Applications
Infrared absorption spectra of SiO2 precipitates of various shapes in silicon: calculated and experimental
Incidence and Prevalence of Clinical Peripheral Vascular Disease in a Population-based Cohort of Diabetic Patients
Intuitive Psychologist or Intuitive Lawyer? Alternative Models of the Attribution Process
Immunogenic variants obtained by mutagenesis of mouse mastocytoma P815. I. Rejection by syngeneic mice.
Interaction of Proteins of Epididymal Origin with Spermatozoa
Isolation of SPO12-1 and SPO13-1 from a natural variant of yeast that undergoes a single meiotic division.
Identification and characterization of a membrane component essential for the translocation of nascent proteins across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum.
Is the postphlebitic leg always postphlebitic? Relation between phlebographic appearances of deep-vein thrombosis and late sequelae.
Interrelationships between production and reproductive diseases in Holstein cows. Data.
Identification of tetracycline-resistant R-plasmids in Streptococcus agalactiae (group B).
Interval-dependent effects of small antiarrhythmic drugs on excitability of guinea-pig myocardium.
Immediate Seeding of Enzymatically Derived Endothelium in Dacron Vascular Grafts: Early Experimental Studies With Autologous Canine Cells
Intracranial complications of frontal sinusitis
Identification and geochemical significance of some aromatic components of coal
Investigation of 13C13C long-range couplings in natural-abundance samples
Impulse Impedance of Grounding Grids
Interferon induced in human leukocytes by mitogens: production, partial purification and characterization
Interaction of unilamellar liposomes with serum lipoproteins and apolipoproteins.
Interpersonal Trust: A Comparison of Attitudinal and Situational Factors
Io and its plasma environment
Interhemispheric connections of visual cortex in the owl monkey, Aotus trivirgatus, and the bushbaby, Galago senegalensis.
IgA glomerulonephritis (Berger's disease): evidence of high serum levels of polymeric IgA.
Isolation and characterization ofMethanococcus mazei
Impairment of insulin secretion in man by nifedipine.
Intracellular calcium accumulation during depolarization in a molluscan neurone.
Inhibition of immune precipitation by complement.
Influence of charge and discharge of electric double layer in pulse plating
In Vitro Susceptibilities of Nonfermentative Gram-Negative Bacilli Other than Pseudomonas aeruginosa to 32 Antimicrobial Agents
Individual loudness functions determined from direct comparisons of loudness intervals.
Increased Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein and Lidocaine Disposition in Myocardial Infarction
Ionic Conductivity and Magnesium Vacancy Mobility in Magnesium Oxide
Influence of extraction techniques on determination of alpha-tocopherol in animal feedstuffs.
Isolation and characterization of a new, methylotrophic, acidogenic anaerobe, the marburg strain
Infrared study of methanol, formaldehyde, and formic acid adsorbed on hematite
Isolation and characterization of the amyloid-related apoprotein (SAA) from human high density lipoprotein.
Implantation of bacteria from the digestive tract of man and various animals into gnotobiotic mice.
Insect hydrocarbons. 2. Mass spectra of dimethylalkanes and the effect of the number of methylene units between methyl groups on fragmentation.
Influence of breast-feeding on the bifid flora of the newborn intestine.
Intralamellar blood flow patterns in fish gills
Iron-sulfur proteins: spin-coupling model for three-iron clusters
Interaction of estradiol and progesterone: effects on circadian locomotor rhythm of female golden hamsters
Infrared and Raman spectral studies in cement and concrete (review)
Influence of maturation and aging on mechanical and biochemical properties of connective tissue in rats
Influence of manganese on morphology and cell wall composition of Aspergillus niger during citric acid fermentation.
Interstitial hyperosmolarity may cause axis cylinder shrinkage in streptozotocin diabetic nerve.
Influence of coronary artery disease on pulmonary uptake of thallium-201.
Improved medium for selective isolation and enumeration of Bifidobacterium.
Intertemporal Duality: Application to the Theory of the Firm
Immunoglobulin containing cells in inflammatory bowel disease of the colon: a morphometric and immunohistochemical study.
Increased cytidine 5'-triphosphate synthetase activity in rat and human tumors.
Influence of Propeller Design Parameters on Far-Field Harmonic Noise in Forward Flight
Increasing compliance. Patient-operated hypertension groups.
Incorporation of influenza virus M-protein into liposomes.
Is excitation by enkephalins of hippocampal neurones in the rat due to presynaptic facilitation or to disinhibition
Isotopic anomalies in meteorites
Improved methodology for generating controlled test atmospheres
Interlimb coordination in 20‐day‐old rat fetuses
Inhibition of Human Ovarian Cancer Colony Formation by Adriamycin and Its Major Metabolites
Investigation of the mid-growth spurt in height, weight and limb circumferences in single-year velocity data from the London, 1966-67 growth survey.
Inhibition of cellular alpha and virally induced deoxyribonucleic acid polymerases by the triphosphate of acyclovir.
Involutional Blepharoptosis: A Histopathological Study
Interaction of Lipids with the Plasma Membrane of Sperm Cells. I. The Antifertilization Action of Cholesterol
Influence of Dietary Protein Concentration on Milk Production by Dairy Cattle in Early Lactation
Influence of raphe nuclei on neuronal transmission from perforant pathway through dentate gyrus.
Increased levels of (2'-5')oligo(A) polymerase activity in human lymphoblastoid cells treated with glucocorticoids.
Intracellular distribution of low molecular weight RNA species in HeLa cells.
Isolation and identification of clara cells from rabbit lung
Information transfer in a socially roosting weaver bird (Quelea quelea; Ploceinae): An experimental study
Interocular comparison of contrast sensitivities in glaucoma patients and suspects.
Intracellular analysis of synaptic potentials in rat neostriatum following stimulation of the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and substantia nigra
Impaired response to pneumococcal vaccine in systemic lupus erythematosus
Individual magnitude estimates for various distributions of signal intensity
Interrelationships between production and reproductive diseases in Holstein cows. Age and seasonal patterns.
Influence of the hamstring muscles on lumbar spine curvature in sitting.
Influence of fortnightly Earth tides at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
IgA proteases of two distinct specificities are released by Neisseria meningitidis.
In vitro field screening for anthelmintic resistance in strongyles of sheep and horses
Identification of Amino‐Acid Substitutions in the Proteolipid Subunit of the ATP Synthase from Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide‐Resistant Mutants of Escherichia coli
Isolation of yeast genes with mRNA levels controlled by phosphate concentration
International migration and development in the Arab region
Inhibitory effect of hemin on the mutagenic activities of carcinogens
Influence of pH on the Response of Cells to Single and Split Doses of Hyperthermia
In vitro comparison of initiation properties of bacteriophage lambda wild-type PR and x3 mutant promoters.
Induction of growth in kidney epithelial cells in culture by Na
Ionic mechanism of morphological changes of cultured myocardial cells on successive incubation in media without and with Ca2
Ion transport by dog tracheal epithelium.
Intervals and tenses
Interaction of influenza M protein with viral lipid and phosphatidylcholine vesicles.
Immunoglobulin synthesis by neoplastic B lymphocytes: free light chain synthesis as a marker of B cell differentiation.
Infaunal benthos of a natural petroleum seep: Study of community structure
Inversion and inversion-rotation spectrum of 14NH3 in the ν2 excited state
Isolation of lung lamellar bodies and their conversion to tubular myelin figures in vitro.
Interactions between Larval Size, Microdistribution and Substrate in the Stoneflies of an Iron-Rich Stream
Investigations into fetal and neonatal losses in the horse.
Intracellular metabolite gradients and flow of carbon during photosynthesis of leaf protoplasts.
Influence of cimetidine on the pharmacokinetics of desmethyldiazepam and oxazepam
Identification of dispersoid phases created in aluminum during mechanical alloying
Immunofluorescent localization of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases on the mitotic apparatus of cultured cells.
Immunogenic Correlation between Cross-Reacting Material (CRM197) Produced by a Mutant of Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Diphtheria Toxoid
Interaction of Mycoplasma gallisepticum with sialyl glycoproteins.
Intra- and extracellular K+ and Na+ activities and resting membrane potential in sheep cardiac purkinje strands.
Increased carbohydrate intake as a function of insulin administration in rats
Infrared study of the surface reactivity of hematite
Isolation and redefinition of the toxic agent from cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium).
Immunomodulating effects of antimicrobial agents.
Isolation of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria in the United States, 1979
Is the immediate memory span determined by subvocalization rate
Identification of primary aromatic amines in mutagenically active subfractions from coal liquefaction materials
Inhibition of T cells proliferation and SLE-like syndrome of MRL/1 mice by whole body or total lymphoid irradiation.
If you've seen one magnetosphere, you haven't seen them all - Energetic particle observations in the Saturn magnetosphere
Inhibition of alcoholic fermentation by substrate and ethanol
Influence of Soil Compaction on Three Turfgrass Species1
Identification of two Escherichia coli factor Y effector sites near the origins of replication of the plasmids (ColE1 and pBR322
Inheritance and Wealth Inequality in Britain.
Is diabetic osteoporosis due to microangiopathy
Intraperitoneal Hyperthermic Treatment of Implanted Peritoneal Cancer in Rats
Injury to the head and spinal cord. the epidemiological relevance of the medical literature published from 1960 to 1978
Intracellular localization of fibronectin using immunoperoxidase cytochemistry in light and electron microscopy.
Intercostal nerve block: a roentgenographic anatomic study of technique and absorption in humans.
Insulin inhibition of protein degradation in cell monolayers.
Identification of different cell types in the command (pacemaker) nucleus of several gymnotiform species by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase
Interaction of indomethacin and ibuprofen with lithium in manic patients under a steady-state lithium level.
Isolation and identification of the antifungal compounds accumulating in the induced resistance response of carrot root slices to Botrytis cinerea.
In vitro metabolism of T-2 toxin in rats.
Ischaemic optic neuropathy--a combined mechanism.
Intracranial hemorrhage and focal seizures secondary to use of l-asparaginase during induction therapy of acute lymphocytic leukemia
Influence of food odors on food aversions and preferences in patients with cancer.
Independence of sensitivity to relative reinforcement rate and discriminability in signal detection.
Interaction Between Aminoglycoside Uptake and Ribosomal Resistance Mutations
IgM associated primary diffuse mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis.
Identification of the products of bacteriophage P22 genes, including a new late gene.
Intermittent downbeat nystagmus and oscillopsia reversed by suboccipital craniectomy
Internal mammary artery-to-pulmonary artery fistulas. Case report and review of the literature.
In situ observation of the spherulite deformation in polybutene-1 (Modification I)
Induction of gene mutations in germ cells of the mouse
Interactions of valproic acid with phenytoin
Intravenous hyperalimentation. Effect on delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity in cancer patients.
In vitro evidence for T-B lymphocyte collaboration in the clawed toad, Xenopus.
Influence of amino acid starvation on guanosine 5'-diphosphate 3'-diphosphate basal-level synthesis in Escherichia coli.
Influence Of Phosphorus And Zinc Application On The Availability Of Zinc, Copper, Iron, Manganese, And Phosphorus In Waterlogged Rice Soils
Internal Wave Spectra at the Buoyant and Inertial Frequencies
Interspecific hybridization in Cucumis L.. II. The crossability of species, an investigation of in vivo pollen tube growth and seed set.
Introduction to Ethology
Immunohistological localization of γ-glutamyltrans-peptidase in cerebellum at light and electron microscope levels
Improvement of human myocardial mitochondria after dobutamine: a quantitative ultrastructural study.
Immunoglobulin class switching: Developmentally regulated DNA rearrangements during differentiation
Influence of treatment with radioiodine and propylthioracil on thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins in graves' disease
In vitro assembly of microtubule proteins from myxamoebae of Physarum polycephalum.
Isolation and characterization of chicken secretin.
Improvement in ventricular function during exercise studied with radionuclide ventriculography after cardiac rehabilitation
Inactivation of tyrosinase by dopa
Improved performance of ischemic canine myocardium in response to nifedipine and diltiazem.
Io: Observational constraints on internal energy and thermophysics of the surface
Infrared emission by dust grains near variable primary sources – III. Type II supernovae
Improved Interface in Inversion-Type InP-MISFET by Vapor Etching Technique
InGaAsP quaternary alloys: Composition, refractive index and lattice mismatch
In-vivo and in-vitro studies on the effects of maternal fasting during embryonic organogenesis in the rat
Improved Control in Diabetes with Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion
Indirect self-destructive behavior in the elderly nursing home patient.
Importance of preabsorptive insulin release on oral glucose tolerance: studies in pancreatic islet transplanted rats
In vivo covalent binding of aflatoxin B1 and aflatoxin M1 to liver DNA of rat, mouse and pig
Improved procedures for purification of the Bandeiraea simplicifolia I isolectins and Bandeiraea simplicifolia II lectin by affinity chromatography.
Inherited deficiency of the ninth component of complement in man.
Intravenous diazepam and oral ethanol interaction.
Interference in ragweed pollen and honeybee venom radioallergosorbent tests
Improving Discussion Leadership
Internal structure of electron-beam filaments
I. Experimental Approach and Histological Criteria for Evaluating Drug Effects
Insulin secretory reserve in insulin dependent patients at time of diagnosis and the first 180 days of insulin treatment
Implications of Different Sorts of Evidence for Competition
Instruction in Career Decision Making and Decision-Making Styles
Isolation of bovine virus diarrhoea virus from a Scottish red deer
Idiopathic osteoporosis in the young.
Isolation of an iridovirus from two terrestrial isopods, the pill bug, Armadillidium vulgare, and the sow bug, Porcellio dilatatus
Interrelationships between tumour size, age, plasma growth hormone and incidence of extrasellar extension in acromegalic patients.
Isoproterenol-Stimulated C-Peptide and Insulin Secretion in Diabetic and Nonobese Normal Subjects: Decreased Hepatic Extraction of Endogenous Insulin in Diabetes
Intermittent ataxia and immunodeficiency with multiple carboxylase deficiencies: A biotin‐responsive disorder
Intrasellar granuloma: Case report
Interpretation of the optical absorption spectrum and of the paramagnetic susceptibility of NdAlO3
Immune responses after localized lung immunization in the dog.
Interferon in experimental viral infections in mice: tissue interferon levels resulting from the virus infection and from exogenous interferon therapy.
Increasing happiness through cognitive retraining.
Ibuprofen induced hyponatraemia
Implications for phonetic symbolism: The relationship between pure tones and geometric figures
Instability in tyrR Strains of Plasmids Carrying the Tyrosine Operon: Isolation and Characterization of Plasmid Derivatives with Insertions or Deletions
Influence of Iconicity and Phonological Similarity on Sign Learning by Mentally Retarded Children.
Intrapleural immunotherapy with Corynebacterium parvum in recurrent malignant pleural effusions.
Impulsive stochastic models of molecular relaxation and isomerization reactions
Interaction of maize mutants floury-2 and opaque-7 with opaque-2 in the synthesis of endosperm proteins
Interstitial radiocolloid iliopelvic lymphoscintigraphy: technique, anatomy and clinical application
Inhibition of short-circuit current in toad urinary bladder by inhibitors of glandular kallikrein
Income Inequality and City Size: An Examination of Alternative Hypotheses for Large and Small Cities
Invariant volumes of compact groups
Interferometry using conjugate-wave generation
Interaction between wheat chromosomes and rye telomeric heterochromatin on meiotic pairing of chromosome pair 1R of rye in wheat-rye derivatives.
Interstitial brachytherapy of primary brain tumors: Preliminary report
Intramedullary abscess--a rare complication of spinal dysraphism.
Influence of suckling on gonadotropin secretion in the female rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta).
Insulin resistance in liver cirrhosis: decreased insulin binding to circulating monocytes.
Influence of Exogenous Estradiol-17β on Endometrial Progesterone and Estrogen Receptors During the Luteal Phase of the Ovine Estrous Cycle
Immunoreactive somatostatin and vasoactive intestinal peptide in the digestive tract of cats
Influence of induced lodging on pod distribution and seed yield in soybeans
Iconic memory-An artifact of perceptual reconstruction processes?
Inversed ratio ventilation (IRV). Role of the respiratory time ratio in artificial respiration in ARDS
Injuries in karate--a case for medical control.
Interneurones are probably not involved in the presynaptic dopaminergic control of dopamine release in rabbit caudate nucleus.
Intraspecific litter size variation in microtus californicus ii. variation between populations.
Impact of community health centers and Medicaid on the use of health services.
Identifying the child at risk for coronary disease as an adult: A strategy for prevention
Initiation of spherical detonation in hydrogenair
Implications for the primitive atmosphere of the oxidation state of Earth's upper mantle
Intrauterine Detection of Cystic Fibrosis
Indications for surgical treatment of localized Ewing's sarcoma of bone.
Implications of solar cycles 19 and 20 geomagnetic activity for magnetospheric processes
In vivo regulation of rat liver 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase: enzyme phosphorylation as an early regulatory response after intragastric administration of mevalonolactone.
Inhibitory and facilitatory neural mechanisms involved in the regulation of lordosis behavior in female rats: effects of dual cuts in the preoptic area and hypothalamus.
Identification of contractile proteins in basal bodies of ciliated tracheal epithelial cells.
Inadvertent "3-in-1 block" following injection of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
Impaired antigen‐specific suppressor cell activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Increased production of cellulase of Trichoderma sp. by pH cycling and temperature profiling
Isolation of Fasciola hepatica tegument antigens.
In vitro and in vivo adherence of tumor cell variants correlated with tumor formation.
Inhibition of neuroleptic-induced dopamine receptor supersensitivity by cyclo (Leu-Gly).
Intracellular localization of DNA polymerase activities within large oocytes of the frog, Xenopus laevis
Importance of Prereducing Selenium(VI) to Selenium(IV) and Decomposing Organic Matter in Soil Extracts Prior to Determination of Selenium Using Hydride Generation
Identification of the Volterra kernels of nonlinear systems
Inactivation of beta-adrenergic receptors by N-ethylmaleimide in S49 lymphoma cells. Agonist induction of functional receptor heterogeneity.
Ia antigens and epidermal Langerhans cells.
Inheritancee of Tolerance or Resistance to Manganese Toxicity in Soybeans
Immunocompetence over the lifespan of mice exposed in utero to carbofuran or diazinon: I. Changes in serum immunoglobulin concentrations.
Identification by selective ion monitoring of 1‐methyl‐1,2,3,4‐tetrahydro‐β‐carboline in human platelets and plasma after ethanol intake
Isolation of a cationic peroxidase from cultured peanut cells.
Induction of supernumerary molting by starvation in manduca sexta larvae
Influence of nutrition on postvaccinial tuberculin sensitivity.
Improved stop-flow apparatus to measure permeability of human red cells and ghosts
Involving husbands in treatment of obesity—Effects on weight loss, depression, and marital satisfaction
Identification of viruses in the urine of renal transplant recipients by cytomorphology.
Improved delivery through biological membranes VII. Dermal delivery of cromoglycic acid (cromolyn) via its prodrugs
Interactive effects of nutrition and cannabis upon rat perinatal development.
Ileal uptake of oleic acid: evidence for adaptive response to high fat feeding.
Identification of 19-hydroxydeoxycorticosterone in regenerating rat adrenal incubations
Interactions of molecules with nucleic acids. IV. Binding energies and conformations of acridine and phenanthridine compounds in the two principal and in several unconstrained dimer‐duplex intercalation sites
Impact of Chronic Illness on the Patient's Spouse
Increased muscle glucose uptake and lactate release after endotoxin administration
Intercalation of pyrographite by NO2+ and NO+ salts
Immunohistochemical localization of hexose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in various organs of the rat.
Inclusion of Generations in SO(14)
Isolation of monovalent sexual binding components from Chlamydomonas eugametos flagellar membranes
Interaction of alveolar macrophages with Nocardia asteroides: immunological enhancement of phagocytosis, phagosome-lysosome fusion, and microbicidal activity.
Ion channeling in GaAs: Si, S, Se, and Te
Involvement of calcium channels in short-term desensitization of muscarinic receptor-mediated cyclic GMP formation in mouse neuroblastoma cells.
Identification of a congenital dysthrombin, thrombin Quick.
Is raised plasma fibrinopeptide a a marker of acute coronary insufficiency
Immunization of patients with sjögren's syndrome with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine
Intermediate imports, the terms of trade, and the dynamics of the exchange rate and current account
Inhibitory Effects of Vancomycin on Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Thayer-Martin Medium
Influence of ion exchanger and diluent structure on uranyl ion selective electrode response
Infant feeding practices in rural Meheran, Comilla, Bangladesh.
Intracranial metastases of malignant melanoma treated by surgery
Intracranial abscesses secondary to ear and paranasal sinuses infections.
Interaction of methylmercury and selenium in mouse: formation and decomposition of bis(methylmercuric) selenide.
Interactions between naltrexone and non-opiate drugs evaluated by schedule-controlled behavior.
Immunogenicity of outer membrane derivatives of Haemophilus influenzae type b.
Interrelationships between ATP levels, enzyme leakage, gluconate uptake, trypan blue exclusion and length/width ratio of isolated rat cardiac myocytes subjected to anoxia and reoxygenation.
Impurity transport in the collisional regime for large poloidal variations
Internal representation of the months
Isotopic measurement of Sr and O exchange between meteoric-hydrothermal fluid and the Coire Uaigneich Granophyre, Isle of Skye, N.W. Scotland
Incorporation and disappearance of trans fatty acids in rat tissues.
In vivo changes in the GABA content of nerve endings (synaptosomes) induced by inhibitors of GABA uptake.
Inactivation of An Agent of Human Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis by Formalin
Intraocular Invasion by Papillary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Conjunctiva
Isotopenvariationen des Stickstoffs humoser und bituminöser natürlicher organischer Substanzen
Inhibition of X-ray-induced potentially lethal damage (PLD) repair by cordycepin (3'-deoxyadenosine) and enhancement of its action by 2'-deoxycoformycin in Chinese hamster hai cells in the stationary phase in vitro.
Intestinal Calcium Absorption in Patients with Hyperthyroidism
In vivo and in vitro effects of colchicine and vinblastine on the secretory process of antibody-producing cells.
Interfering with regular meiotic behaviour in avena sativa as a method of incorporating the gene for mildew resistance from a. barbata
Infrared spectra of matrix‐isolated uranium oxides. III. Low‐frequency modes
Impaction and Particle Bounce at High Stokes Numbers
Inhibition by Catalase of Dark-mediated Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activation in Pea Chloroplasts
Intracellular forms of simian virus 40 nucleoprotein complexes. III. Study of histone modifications.
Influence of male nuptial plumage on mate selection in the female mallard (Anas platyrhynchos).
Improving attitudes of high school students toward their handicapped peers.
Ion transport by the urinary bladder of the gobiid teleost, Gillichthys mirabilis
Identification of 2-amino-2,6-dideoxygalactose hydrochloride in a soil hydrolysate.
Influence of meso-caval shunt surgery on verapamil kinetics, bioavailability and response.
Immunobiological behaviour of rabbit precipitating and non-precipitating (co-precipitating) antibodies.
Identification of the CrH molecule in a sunspot spectrum.
In vitro demonstration of alternate stationary states in an open enzyme system containing phosphofructokinase
Improving Student Learning Skills: A Comprehensive Guide to Successful Practices and Programs for Increasing the Performance of Underprepared Students
Interference with ingestional aversion learning produced by preexposure to the unconditioned stimulus: Associative and nonassociative aspects
Incidence of marine bdellovibrios lytic against Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Chesapeake Bay.
Inhibition of protein synthesis in lettuce (Latuca sativa L.) by allelopathic compounds
Immunopathological studies on rosacea.
Intralesional bleomycin injection in treatment of condyloma acuminatum.
Interpretation of Experimental Liquid Phase Micromixing Phenomena in a Continuous Stirred Reactor with Short Residence Times
Interactions of molecules with nucleic acids. III. Steric and electrostatic energy contours for the principal intercalation sites, prerequisites for binding, and the exclusion of essential metabolites from intercalation.
Inhibition of turnip (Brassica rapa) seed germination by velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) seed.
Intravenous and oral disopyramide after myocardial infarction
Intravenous Morphine Infusion for Chronic Pain
Intra-osseous venography in patellofemoral disorders. A preliminary report
Incessant reciprocating atrioventricular tachycardia. Factors playing a role in the mechanism of the arrhythmia.
Interferometric construction of circular gratings
Improved Ball Sealer Diversion
Is UV laser induced fluorescence a method to monitor tropospheric OH
Infrared observations of a BOK globule in the southern Coalsack.
Inhibition of fertilization in the hamster by sodium aurothiomalate, a hyaluronidase inhibitor.
Influence of vascular and transpulmonary pressures on the functional morphology of the pulmonary microcirculation.
Influence of prolonged recumbency on drug disposition.
Inhibition by Putrescine of the Induction of Epidermal Ornithine Decarboxylase Activity and Tumor Promotion Caused by 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate
Intra-arterial nitroprusside treatment of acute experimental vasospasm.
Iodinated polystyrene: An ion‐millable negative resist
Intertheoretic approximation: the Kepler-Newton case
In vitro antimicrobial activity of rosoxacin against Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Ureaplasma urealyticum.
Increased Ratio of Carbidopa to Levodopa in Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
Impurities in single crystal indium phosphide
Is the renin system necessary
Inducible β‐Xyloside Permease as a Constituent of the Xylan‐Degrading Enzyme System of the Yeast Cryptococcus albidus
Initiation of DNA replication in a ColE1-type plasmid: isolation of mutations in the ori region.
Immunohistochemical localization of IgA and secretory component in rat liver
Intravenous self-administration of metallic mercury.
Influence of site and unstirred layers on the rate of uptake of cholesterol and fatty acids into rabbit intestine.
Intestinal kinetic parameters: effects of unstirred layers and transport preparation
Infection of Man with Trichuris Vulpis, the Whipworm of Dogs
Integration of paleobiogeography and paleogeography: evidence from arenigian nautiloid biogeography
Interaction between primary afferent nerves in the elicitation of reflex swallowing
Identification of the avian myeloblastosis virus genome. II. Restriction endonuclease analysis of DNA from lambda proviral recombinants and leukemic myeoblast clones.
Interaction of auditory and visual information in speech perception
Improved syntheses of the dimeric complexes [Fe2X2(SC6H4Y)4]2- and [Fe2X2((SCH2)2C6H4)2]2- (X = sulfur, selenium), analogs of the 2-Fe sites of oxidized ferredoxin proteins
Isolated dislocation of the trapezoid bone.
Is postextrasystolic potentiation dependent on Starling's law? Biplane angiographic studies in normal subjects.
Inhibition of depressor cardiovascular reflexes by a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and by general anesthetics with suspected GABA-mimetic effects.
Influence of glucagon on plasma levels of potassium in man.
Isolated mediastinal mass in primary amyloidosis.
Izumenolide-a novel beta-lactamase inhibitor produced by Micromonospora. II. Biological properties.
Identification and quantitation of elongation factor EF-P in Escherichia coli cell-free extracts
Induction of parturition.
Influence of an atherogenic diet on the structure of swine low density lipoproteins
In situ HVEM studies on the effects of electron-irradiation on the thermal stability of Ni-based amorphous alloys
Infrared spectroscopy of some chemisorbed molecules on tungsten oxide-silica
In vivo activation of serum complement by contrast media: a clinical study.
Increase in blood silicon concentration in patients with renal failure.
Influence of temperature on isometric tension development in mouse fast- and slow-twitch skeletal muscles
Induction of spontaneous and UV-induced mutations during commitment to meiosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Interregional feedbacks in input‐output models: some formal results*
Influence of Cultivar, Between-row Spacing, and Plant Population of Fixation of Soybean 1
Interferences of zearalenone, zearalanol or estradiol-17β with the steroid-metabolizing enzymes of the human prostate gland
Influence of maternal distress during pregnancy on postnatal development.
Identification of Equivalent Faults in Logic Networks
Infiltration with lignocaine and adrenaline in adult tonsillectomy
Isozymic Characterization of Three Mating Groups of the Tetrahymena pyriformis complex
Introduction to algebraic geometry and algebraic groups
Immunoassay of human tear lysozyme.
Introduction to resection of musculoskeletal sarcomas.
Immunoregulation Abnormalities in Familial Addison's Disease*
Iron studies in pregnant and non-pregnant women with haemoglobin SS or SC disease.
Intra-island variation in the 'elepaio on the island of hawai'i
Interval Therapy of Migraine: Long‐term Results
Interaction of display mode and character size in vibrotactile letter recognition
Interaction between Sediment and Interstitial Water near the Japan Trench, Leg 57, Deep Sea Drilling Project
Indirect and direct determination of the portal vein pressure in normal and abnormal dogs and normal cats1
Interneuronal circuitry underlying cyclical feeding in gastropod molluscs
Improved optimization of FORTRAN object programs
Invariant Sets for Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Systems
Interaction of some serum proteins with hydroxylapatite and other materials
Infective endocarditis: therapeutic considerations.
Improved ultrafiltration method for determining unbound cortisol in plasma.
Indira Gandhi in the Crucible of Leadership: A Political Biography . By Mary C. Carras. Boston: Beacon Press, 1979. xvi, 289 pp. Index. $13.95.
Interior Structure of Saturn Inferred from Pioneer 11 Gravity Data
Incomplete inactivation of sodium currents in nonperfused squid axon.
Intraocular carbon dioxide laser photocautery.
Ion molecule reactions in ethane. Thermochemistry and structures of the intermediate complexes: C4H11+ and C4H10+ formed in the reactions of C2H5+ and C2H4+ with C2H6
Insects of western canada, with special reference to certain carabidae (coleoptera): present distribution patterns and their origins
Immunological Properties of the β-Subunit of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. I. Effect of Chemical and Enzymatic Modifications*
Influence of sensitisers on the photostabilising action of a hindered piperidine compound in polypropylene
Influence of the time duration of yellow traffic signals on driver response
Inflation and Unemployment in Open Economies
Intracerebral hemorrhage as a complication of artificial embolization.
I-like R plasmids promote degradation of stable ribonucleic acid in Escherichia coli.
Intralitter Transmission of Haemophilus influenzae Type b in Infant Rats and Rifampin Eradication of Nasopharyngeal Colonization
Impaired thromboxane production by newly formed platelets after aspirin administration to thrombocytopenic rats.
Influence of chronic carbon disulphide intoxication on the development of experimental atherosclerosis in rats.
Intramedullary spinal teratoma: case report and review of the literature.
Integrated rural development in Nigeria. The Funtua Project.
Induction of Epstein-Barr virus antigens in human lymphoblastoid P3HR-1 cells with culture fluid of Fusobacterium nucleatum.
Ion flotation studies of the chlorocomplexes of some platinum group metals
Influence of hydrogen on superconducting niobium cavities
Increased hypothalamic noradrenergic activity in one-kidney, one-clip renovascular hypertensive rats.
Inventories in the keynesian macro model
Inoculation of Beef Steaks with Lactobacillus Species Before Vacuum Packaging. I. Microbiological Considerations.
Intrasystem Electromagnetic Compatibility Program (IEMCAP)
Involvement of central GABA receptors in the regulation of the urinary bladder function of anaesthetized rats
Ingestion of Partial Denture
Identification of Callery pear cultivars by peroxidase isozyme patterns
Influence of alcohol on anesthetic requirements and acute toxicity.
Importance of age in prehospital and hospital mortality of heart attacks.
Iodinated contrast material: studies relating to complement activation, atopy, cellular association, and antigenicity.
Immunogenetic relationships among genetically defined, inbred domestic Syrian hamster strains.
Influence of oxygen adsorption on perpendicular anisotropy in amorphous Gd‐Fe and Gd‐Co films
Issues in Southeast Asian History: Room for Interpretation- A Review Article
International Advances in Surgical Oncology
Intermediate Oxide Formation in Double‐Polysilicon Gate MOS Structure
Influence of feed ingredients upon the prediction of protein in animal feed-mixes by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy.
Identification of the major adherence ligand of Klebsiella pneumoniae in the receptor for coliphage T7 and alteration of Klebsiella adherence properties by lysogenic conversion
Isoelektronische Radikalionen und Redoxsysteme
Identification of the subunits of bovine heart mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase that are exposed to the phospholipid bilayer by photo-labelling with 5-iodonaphth-1-yl azide.
Intrauterine growth: correlation of infant birth weight and maternal postpartum weight.
In vitro inhibitory effect of interferon on colony formation of myeloma stem cells
Infrared spectrum and molecular constants of CO2 in the 1.4–1.7 μm atmospheric window by very high resolution Fourier transform spectroscopy
Isolated right atrial tamponade caused by hematoma complicating coronary artery bypass graft surgery.
Is airway hyperactivity in asthma due to histamine H2-receptor deficiency?
Ingestion of mandibular complete denture.
Introduction to the Proceedings of the 1979 Sea Lamprey International Symposium (SLIS)
Intracystic papillary carcinoma of the breast.
Ionic conductivity of 8mol.%Sc2O3ZrO2 measured by use of both A.C. and D.C. techniques
Identification and initial characterization of a new low-molecular-weight virus-encoded T antigen in a line of simian virus 40-transformed cells.
Io - Energy constraints and plume volcanism
Inheritance of β-Amylase Nulls in Soybean Seed 1
Improved protection against cholera in adult rabbits with a combined flagellar-toxoid vaccine.
Infertility: A Psychiatrist's Perspective*:
Interaction of piles and cap in piled footings
Integral cross sections for the reaction F + H2, (vi = 0) → HF(vf = 0,1,2,3) + H: a quantum-mechanical calculation within the infinite order sudden approximation
Ionization of sodium vapour by intense laser light tuned to 3S → 3P transition
In search of marker for genetic susceptibility to reflux nephropathy.
Independent desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptor-regulated magnesium transport and cyclic AMP accumulation.
Inhibition of emergence, hatching, and protein biosynthesis in embryonic Artemia salina.
Inheritance of lps nonresponsiveness and elevated splenic iga immune responses in mice orally immunized with heterologous erythrocytes.
Intraocular photocoagulation with the argon-krypton laser.
Inadvertent transplantation of a melanoma.
Inactive renin of high molecular weight (big renin) in normal human plasma. Activation by pepsin, trypsin, or dialysis to pH 3.3 and 7.5.
Infraazygous pneumomediastinum in the newborn
Impact Bending Test on Steel at Low Temperatures Using a Split Hopkinson Bar
Intravasation During Hysterosalpingography Using Oil-Base Contrast Media
Induction of Leukemia-associated Inhibitory Activity and Bone Marrow Granulocyte-Macrophage Progenitor Cell Alterations during Infection with Abelson Virus
Intraoperative angiography and the localization of bleeding from the small intestine.
Individual and combined effectiveness of palpation, thermography, and mammography in breast cancer screening.
Io's sodium emission cloud and the voyager 1 encounter☆
Identification of the avian myeloblastosis virus genome. I. Identification of restriction endonuclease fragments associated with acute myeloblastic leukemia.
Inflammatory bowel disease presenting as liver disease during childhood
Influence of sex and gonadectomy on sex steroid receptors in rat adrenal gland.
Immunogenic Properties of Soluble Cytosol Fractions of Meth A Sarcoma Cells
Inhibition of maturational changes in Leydig cell function by treatment of rats with an agonist of LH-RH.
Izumenolide-a novel beta-lactamase inhibitor produced by Micromonospora. I. Detection, isolation and characterization.
Impedance measurement source and microphone proximity effects
Influence of a skeleton photoperiod on reproductive organ atrophy in the male golden hamster.
Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of the NS radical
Induction of colon tumors by a single oral dose of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine.
Isolation and characterization of native single-chain porcine pancreatic kallikrein, another possible precursor of urinary kallikrein.
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry, Scientific Committee Expert Panel on Nomenclature and Principles of Quality Control in Clinical Chemistry. Approved recommendation (1979) on quality control in clinical chemistry. Part 3. Calibration and control materials.
Investigation of Energy Traps and Phosphorescence in Zinc Silicate Phosphors by Photostimulated Emission
Increasing returns, the competitive model and the enigma that was alfred marshall
Intensive combination chemotherapy with vincristine, adriamycin and prednisolone (VAP) in the treatment of diffuse histology non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. (A report of 89 cases with extensive disease from the Manchester Lymphoma Group).
Intradermal reactivity of excretory and secretory products of onchocercal microfilariae.
Investigation on fine particle deposition from flowing suspensions onto planar surfaces
Iron chelating capability of physcion, a yellow pigment from Aspergillus ruber
Intracavity second harmonic generation using a synchronously mode-locked C.W. dye laser
Intracranial Teratocarcinoma in a Dog
Investigation of the parameters which control the growth of {111} and {111} faces of GaAs by chemical vapour deposit
Isometries of the Space of Convex Bodies in Euclidean Space
Immunological Properties of the β-Subunit of HumanChorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). II. Properties of a hCGSpecific Antibody Prepared against a Chemical Analog of the β-Subunit
In vitro evaluation of LY127935 (6059S) compared with cefotaxime, eight other β-lactams and two aminoglycosides
Icons of justice
Interpretation of the far-infrared spectrum of Fe 2+ in cubic CdTe and ZnS
Island orphans: Barbuda and the rest
In vitro studies on L-serine deaminase activity of Escherichia coli K12.
Immobilization of yeast cells with retention of cell division and extracellular production of macromolecules
Intracavity double resonance on optically pumped submillimeter lasers
Interest as a predeterminer of the GSR index of the orienting reflex.
In Vitro Responses of Tolerant and Susceptible Lines of Lotus corniculatus L. to 2,4‐D1
INDO study of the anion radicals of acetic acid and acetamide. Nonplanarity and barriers to methyl group rotation
Inhibition of mammary tumorigenesis by a reduction of fat intake after carcinogen treatment in young versus adult rats
In vivo tumor response to single and multiple exposures of adriamycin
Influence of fluoride on the formation of calcium phosphates in moderately supersaturated solutions
Indole metabolites ofPenicillium cyclopium NRRL 6093
Insecticide inhibition of growth and patulin production in penicillium expansum, Penicillium urticae, Aspergillus clavatus, Aspergillus Terreus, and Byssochlamys nivea
Inflation, Tax Rules, and Investment: Some Econometric Evidence
Images of the Pathan: The Usefulness of Colonial Ethnography
Interaction of Immune and Connective Tissue Cells
Identification of three FcR-positive T cell subsets (T gamma, T mu and T gamma mu) in the cerebrospinal fluid of multiple sclerosis patients.
Increasing the degree of information system integration and developing an integrated information system
Interchange complexes in Italian populations of Reticulitermes lucifugus Rossi (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)
Identification of alkylureas after nitrosation-denitrosation of a bonito fish product, crab, lobster, and bacon.
Isolation and partial characterization of an Acid endoprotease present in dormant apple shoot bark.
Immunoassay of poliovirus antigens by single-radial-diffusion: development and characteristics of a sensitive autoradiographic zone size enhancement (ZE) technique.
Imbibitional chilling injury in soybean axes: relationship to stelar lesions and seasonal environments.
Incompatible blends: Thermal effects in a model system
Inhibitory effect of somatostatin on gastric acid secretion and serum gastrin in dogs with and without duodenogastric reflux.
Initiation and stages of mineralization in tympanosclerosis.
Inotropic effect of PGE1 and PGE2 on isolated rat atria. Influence of adrenergic mechanisms.
Is the slow learner in the classroom learning disabled
Inhibition of lipid-linked mannose and mannoprotein synthesis in yeast by diumycin in vitro.
Inhibition of the glabella reflex by monaural and binaural stimulation.
Intramyocardial pH during Elective Arrest of the Heart: Relative Effects of Hypothermia versus Potassium Cardioplegia on Anaerobic Metabolism
Infrared spectrum and vibrational potential function of thionylimide (HNSO)
Immunological aspects of tri-o-tolyl phosphate-induced delayed neurotoxicity in chickens.
Immunisation of calves against bovine tropical theileriosis (Theileria annulata) with graded doses of sporozoites and irradiated sporozoites.
Irreversible binding of isolated benzo[a]pyrene metabolites to specific rat liver microsomal proteins.
Isolation and characterisation of Bacteroides nodosus from foot lesions of cattle in Western Australia.
Inhibition by arylsulphatase A of Na-independent [3H]-GABA and [3H]-muscimol binding to bovine cerebellar synaptic membranes.
Increase in pepsin content in gastric mucosa during the course of aspirin- and taurocholate-induced gastric ulceration in rats.
Intramembrane events accompanying junction formation in a liver cell line.
Interaction of mechanical stress with residual defects in implanted Si
Interactions of boar acrosin with detergents.
Improved Contrast in Special Procedures Using a Rotating Aperture Wheel (RAW) Device
Inhibition of peptidoglycan transpeptidase by beta-lactam antibiotics: Structure-activity relationships.
Improving accuracy in multiple regression estimates of population using principles from causal modelling.
Interpreting Associative-Learning Stages.
Intracerebral myiasis in a child
Influence of the spatial periodicity of moving gratings on motion response.
Identification of cavity fillers in elastic solids using the resonance scattering theory
Industrial applications of XPS: Recent developments in catalysis and polymer adhesion studies
Instability of the Planar Freeze Front During Solidification of an Aqueous Binary Solution
Influence of food on absorption of erythromycin ethyl succinate.
Increase in photoconductivity of polycrystalline silicon by plasma annealing
Immediate pollicization of an amputated index finger.
Inoculation of Beef Steaks with Lactobacillus Species Before Vacuum Packaging. II. Effect on Meat Quality Characteristics.
Identification of methylated amino acids during sequence analysis. Application to the Escherichia coli ribosomal protein L11.
Intestinal immune response to cholera toxin: dependence on route and dosage of antigen for priming and boosting.
Isoelectronic Radical Ions and Redox Systems
In vitro translation of adenovirus type 12-specific mRNA complementary to the transforming gene.
Immunofluorescence findings in human renal amyloidosis.
Influence of broadband photocoupling on K-shell excitation in aluminum
In vitro fertilization and seed development inTrifolium
Identification of target antigen for antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity on cells carrying Epstein-Barr virus genome.
In vitro foeto-maternal lymphocyte responses at delivery: No gross changes in MLC and PLT responsiveness
Incomplete mixing of drugs in intravenous infusions.
Identification of auroral EUV emissions
InGaAsP n-Channel Inversion-Mode MISFET
Interfacial tensions in healthy and atherosclerotic rabbit aortae. Higher values and lesion surfaces.
Interaural time and amplitude discrimination in noise
Immunodiagnosis of infection with Schistosoma haematobium and S. mansoni in man.
Influence of interchain coupling on the one-dimensional magnon raman spectrum of CsCoBr3
Intergranular embrittlement caused by the precipitation of M6C carbide containing silicon
In vitro study of frog (Rana ridibunda Pallas) interrenal function by use of a simplified perifusion system. III. Influence of previous hypophysectomy or dexamethasone treatment of donors upon corticosterone and aldosterone production.
Infantile spasms syndrome in monozygotic twins.
Inhibition of Streptococcus mutans by Human Plaque Flora
Immunotherapy of a Carcinogen-Induced Murine Sarcoma With Soluble Tumor-Specific Transplantation Antigens
Influence on macrophage functions as a possible basis of immunomodification by polyanions.
Intranasal beclomethasone in the treatment of middle ear effusion: a pilot study.
Interrelationships between lipids, lipoproteins, and blood pressure in children from kindreds with essential hypertension☆
Incorporation of glucosamine by activated human neutrophils. A myeloperoxidase-mediated process.
Isolation and structure of the novel branched-chain amino sugar derived from antibiotic A35512B
Interaction of Lipids with the Plasma Membrane of Sperm Cells. II. Evidence of a Membrane Thermotropic Transition
In Vivo Quality of Tall Fescue as Influenced by Season, Legumes, Age, and Canopy Strata1
Inorganic phosphate uptake in a brackish tropical lagoon
Immunofluorescence analysis of normal and malignant lymphoid tissues with selected combination of antisera.
Identification of intermediates in the formation of onion flavor.
Immobilization of heparin with trichloro-s-triazine: purification of mouse antithrombin.
Immunological abnormalities in cystic fibrosis: chicken or egg?
Inflammatory fibroid polyp
Is practice a viable faculty role
Identification of the in vivo liver metabolites of (--)-delta 7-tetrahydrocannabinol produced by the mouse.
Inbreeding systems: classification by a canonical form.
Incidental appendectomy at the time of vaginal surgery.
Intrahepatic Distribution of Plutonium in Beagles
Investigation of surface reactions by SIMS and TDMS: Interaction of ethylene and acetylene with hydrogen on polycrystalline nickel
Influence of similarly flavored milk replacers and starters on calf starter consumption and growth.
In vitro cultivation of Ostertagia ostertagi, the medium stomach worm of cattle. II. Effect of insect-growth-disrupting amines and amides on development.
Isolation ofEscherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin by affinity chromatography: Characterization of subunits
Idiopathic Infarction of Intraabdominal Lymph Nodes: A Cause of Fever of Unknown Origin
Immunological studies in sickle cell disease: I. Analysis of circulating T-lymphocyte subpopulations☆
Informal Assessment of Written Expression
In Search of a Lost Reformation: A Reconsideration of Kamakura Buddhism
Isolation and characterization of a tartrate-sensitive splenic acid phosphatase in Gaucher's disease
Influence of pyrolysis temperature on the aromatic fraction of flash pyrolysis tars
Improvements in the passive immune hemolysis test for assaying enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli.
Improvement in Intensity Fluctuation Noise of a 1 Gbit/s-Modulated InGaAsP Laser by a Light Injection Technique
Industrial Conflict in Modern Britain
Interactions Between Light and Gas Vacuoles in Halobacterium salinarium Strain 5: Effect of Ultraviolet Light.
Isothermal quenching of the oxidation of wet CO
Influence of the route of administration on the mean hepatic extraction ratio of propranolol in the rat.
Ignition of a liquid fuel under high intensity radiation. Annual progress report, 1 October 1979-30 September 1980
Inaccuracies encountered in sulfur determination by particle induced x-ray emission. Comments
Irrigation of intensively cultured plantations with paper mill effluent
Industrialization in India: Growth and Conflict in the Private Corporate Sector, 1914–1947. By Rajat K. Ray. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. xi, 384 pp. Primary Sources, Index. $15.95.
Interaction of Lipids with the Plasma Membrane of Sperm Cells. III. Antifusigenic Effect by Phosphatidylserine
Immunoglobulin-secreting cells in SLE: correlation with disease activity.
Improved assays for hydralazine and hydralazine pyruvic acid hydrazone in human plasma
Issues in Contemporary Sociological Work on Black Women
Inhibition of flowering and growth in Pharbitis nil by the growth retardant ancymidol.
Input output analysis & the Australian information economy
Inanspruchnahme medizinischer Leistungen
Isolation and partial characterization of mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae altered in sensitivities to lethal effects of bleomycins.
Intensity distribution in powder X‐ray diffraction from nonstoichiometric titanium sulfide containing stacking faults
Ising Model Treatment of Short-Range Interactions in Polypeptides and Its Application to the Structure of Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor
Increased frequency of homogeneous immunoglobulins in the sera of nude athymic mice with age.
Incomplete gas mixing in air sacs of the duck.
Inhibition by Xanthates of Nitrification and Urea Hydrolysis in Soil
Immunoreactive plasma estrogens and vaginal hormone cytology in postmenopausal women.
Identifying Comparatively Excessive Sentences of Death: A Quantitative Approach
Invertebrate drift lost to the sea during low flow conditions in a small coastal stream in Western Canada
Influence of matrix on relative sensitivity factors in spark-source mass spectrometric analysis
Intercalate layer structure in graphite-alkali metal compounds
Independence of radial localization from refractive error
IgD (kappa) "nonsecretory" multiple myeloma: report of a case.
Indochina moves to Main Street. The refugees and childbearing: what to expect.
Is there a common genetic factor in bipolar and unipolar affective disorder
Improving perishable product inventory management using goal programming
Isolation and characterization of Escherichia coli dnaA amber mutants.
Incorporation of Selenium into Liver Glutathione Peroxidase in the Se-Adequate and Se-Deficient Rat
Isozymes of alginate lyase in the mid-gut gland of Turbo cornutus.
Improved MgF2 etalon plates for Fabry-Perot interferometry in the VUV from 170 to 138 nm
Is the Unemployment Rate of Women Too Low? A Direct Test of the Economic Theory of Job Search
Interobserver and intraobserver variability in lung scan reading in suspected pulmonary embolism.
Influence of geology on tunnelling conditions and deformational behaviour of supports in faulted zones — A case history of the Chhibro-Khodri tunnel in India
Ideology, class and the origin of the Islamic state
Immunoreactive calcitonin in pheochromocytomas.
Infrared laser magnetic resonance detection of SD at 1885·76 cm-1
Inhibition of hypoxia-induced cardiac hypertrophy by verapamil in rats.
In vivo Binding of Gibberellin A1 in Dwarf Pea Epicotyls
Integrating primary health care and mental health services: a preliminary report.
International Federation of Clinical Chemistry, Scientific Committee Expert Panel on Nomenclature and Principles of Quality Control in Clinical Chemistry Approved recommendations (1979) on quality control in clinical chemistry, Part 6. Quality requirements from the point of view of health care.
Induction of Lung Cancers in Preselected, Localized Sites in the Dog
Interacting gravitational shocks in vacuum plane-symmetric cosmologies
In vitro metabolism of carbofuran by liver microsomes of the padifield fish Trichogaster pectoralis.
Isotope effect in peroxidation of deuterium-labelled ethanol by liver catalase.
Improving the formability of low carbon sheet steel by control of interstitial carbon content and temperature
Intracellular penetration of liposomes containing a water insoluble antimitotic drug in L1210 cells
Investigation of the Spatial Coherence of a Laser Beam by a Laser-Induced Grating Method
Immunoreactive helix-destabilizing protein localized in transcriptionally active regions of Drosophila polytene chromosomes
In vitro stimulation of lymphocytes in patients with chronic urticaria induced by additives and food
Influence of acetamide herbicide applications on efficacy of the protectant CGA-43089 in grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor).
Interrelationships between the retinal pigment epithelium and the neurosensory retina
Iopamidol: new preclinical and clinical data.
Influence of Temperature Increases During the Induction Period of C3S Hydration on the Microstructure and Strength of C3S Mortars
Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Children
Interaction between Salmonella bacteria and mammalian nonprofessional phagocytes.
Inflammatory bowel disease: where are the frontiers?
Interrupted lighting programs for brown egg breeds.
Identification of hazardous organic chemicals in fish from the Ashtabula River, Ohio, and Wabash River, Indiana.
Isolation and Characterization of Non-haemagglutinating Echovirus 11
Inhibition of ACH release by prostaglandin E1 in the rabbit superior cervical ganglion.
Infectivity of Plasmodium gallinaceum Sporozoites from Oocysts
Inhibition of pentagastrin stimulated gastric acid secretion and rise in the plasma concentration of neurotensin-like immunoreactivity (NTLI) by intraduodenal oleic acid in man.
Immunocytochemical Discordance in Localization of Pregnancy Specific beta-1 glycoprotein, Alpha-Fetoprotein and Human Chorionic gonadotropin in Testicular Cancers
Irrigation Regime and Honeybee Activity as Related to Seed Yield in Alfalfa1
Investigation on Gas Flow of Puffer-Type Gas Circuit Breaker Based on Observation of Arc and Pressure Measurement
Investigation of the possibility of using photoneutron beams for radiation therapy
Immunodeficiency in congenital chyluria.
Influence of ranitidine on antipyrine pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers
Imagination—Aesthetic and Religious
Isotope Dilution Resin Bead Mass Spectrometry—An Ultra Trace Technique for Measuring Nuclides in Three-Mile Island Water
Intracavity adaptive optics
Inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase. 3. 4.6-Diamino-1,2-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-1-(2-substituted-phenyl)-s-triazine inhibition of bovine liver and mouse tumor enzymes.
Idiopathic arterial calcification in infancy. Report of a case in a premature fetus.
Interactions Between Marine Zooplankton and Suspended Particles: A Brief Review
Induction of prematurely condensed chromosomes by mitoplasts
Interdependence and Foreign Policy
Immediacy in Counseling: Recognizing Clients' Unspoken Messages
Inhibition of glycolysis in boar sperm by α-chlorohydrin
Improving fuel utilization in steel mill operations using linear programming
Interpretations of Heyting's arithmetic—An analysis by means of a language with set symbols ☆
Impotence in diabetic and non-diabetic hospital outpatients.
Immunochemical distinction between two different chains of type IV collagen.
Inhibition of Rat Skin Ornithine Decarboxylase by Nitrofurazone
Influence of respiratory stress and hypertension upon the blood-brain barrier.
Influence of increased temperature on the inhibition of rat osteosarcoma cell multiplication "in vitro" by interferon.
Insecticidal properties of N-sulfonyl derivatives of propoxur and carbofuran.
Indomethacin increases leucocyte beta-adrenoreceptors in man.
III. Comparative Quantitative Analysis
In-Pile Diameter Measurement of Light Water Reactor Test Fuel Rods for Assessment of Pellet-Cladding Mechanical Interaction
Inhibition of epidermal migration in the skin of rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson in the presence of achromogenic Aeromonas salmonicida
Infrared Spectra of Superionic Conducting Glasses in the System AgI-Ag2O-GeO2
Investigations on the distribution of genetic polymorphisms in Greece. 1. Blood group polymorphisms.
Importance of akinesia: plasma chlorpromazine and prolactin levels.
Isotope Derivative Measurements of Catecholamines in the Study of Human Metabolic Physiology and Pathophysiology: A Symposium
Intramolecular reactivity of azidoenones
In Vivo Measurement of Long-Term Laser Induced Retinal Temperature Rise
Influence of moisture content on curing behavior of two-step phenolic molding compounds
Interactions of sodium, calcium, and lanthanum ions with methyl glycofuranosides in methanol
Individual Differences in Dual-Task Performance.
Important considerations in the design and construction of groin flaps.
Introduction à la Théorie Écologique : J. Vieira Da Silva, Masson (Collection d'Écologie, No. 14), New York, 1979, 112 pp.; paper: $29.10.
Interpretation of the glucose tolerance test.
Isolated chylopericardium associated with lymphoma.
Influence of Solvent Size on the Concentration Dependence of Polymer-Solvent Diffusion Coefficients
Iterated Binomial Coefficients
Ichthyoliths from Site 436, Northwest Pacific, Leg 56, Deep Sea Drilling Project
Is cholesterol the receptor for polyene antibiotic-induced B-lymphocyte activation
Impact of developing technology on indirect liquefaction
In Vivo Study of Acute Hematotoxicity of Three Nitrosoureas, Chlorozotocin, (Chloro-2-ethyl)-ribofuranosyl-3-nitrosourea, and (Chloro-2-ethyl)-1-ribopyranosyl-3-nitrosourea
Investigation of Interrupting Performance of Puffer Type Gas Blast Circuit Breaker Under Various Nozzle Clogging Conditions
Inhibition by the polychlorinated biphenyl Aroclor 1242 of limb regeneration in the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, in different salinities from which different numbers of limbs have been removed.
Immunologic detection of inactive enzyme molecules in the aging lens
Ist Lutschen wirklich schädlich
Intracavity spectroscopy with a photon detector based on stepwise atom photo-ionization.
Infrared study of the secondary structure of lac repressor and its tryptic core
Influence of maternal distress during pregnancy on complications in pregnancy and delivery.
Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Premature Infants
Improved transformation algorithm of two‐electron integrals from atomic orbital basis to a symmetry orbital basis
Identification of imperfections contribution to electronic conductivity in monocrystalline metal film
Isolation of phenylalanine hydroxylase-stimulating monoclonal antibody by rat-myeloma–rat-spleen-cell fusion
-ity: A study in word formation restrictions
Influence of Compression upon the Shear Properties of Bonded Rubber Blocks
Immunotherapeutic effect of cryosurgical tumor necrosis.
Inner ear disease characterized by rolling in C3H mice.
Identification and optimal output control of a laboratory power system
Inclusion of hydrogen p orbitals in the semiempirical calculation of NMR parameters. I. Influence on the FPT INDO spin–spin coupling constants
Instructional Counseling for Chronic Underachievers.
Increased oxygen uptake following phlebotomy and simultaneous fluid replacement in polycythemic patients.
Is dopamine antagonism a requisite of neuroleptic activity
Isotactic poly(allyl vinyl ether), 2. An NMR-study of stereoregularity and relaxation times
Inhibition Studies in situ of Yeast Catalases
Independent regulation of atrial coronary blood flow by atrial contraction rate in conscious dogs
Increased erythrocytic spermine in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Immune regulation in inflammatory bowel disease: absence of a serum inhibitor of suppressor cell function.
Immunoglobulins in the Semen of Men with Azoospermia, Oligospermia, or Self-Agglutination of Spermatozoa
Isotactic poly(allyl vinyl ether), 1. A study of the polymerization and a proposal of a mechanism of stereocontrol
In utero diagnosis of multicystic kidney disease by sonography.
Improving Achievement Testing
Internal topography of major nerves of the forearm and hand. A current review
Isolation of three hordeins.
Intermittent neurological symptoms in a girl with a maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) variant.
Influence of chemical modifications of amino acid side chains on the binding or progesterone to uteroglobin
Isolation and Characterization of Temperature-Sensitive Mutants of Sendai Virus
Inaction, interaction and action: regulated agricultural markets in Tamil Nadu.
Identity of cactus and lettuce spiroplasmas withSpiroplasma citri as determined by DNA-DNA hybridization
[Isolation and physico-chemical properties of homogenous nuclease from Serratia marcescens].
Inhibition of IgE-mediated histamine release from human leukocytes by a new xanthine derivative, D 4026.
Investigating explosive and material properties by use of the plate dent test
Infrared investigation of chemisorption of cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone on Pt/SiO2
Improved methodologies for the isolation and purification of tropoelastin.
Influence of Planting Pattern on Estimated Digestibility of Smooth Bromegrass 1
Ion induced desorption from stainless steel studied with isotope techniques
Innovation adoption behaviour of Ghana cocoa farmers
Increased weight gains of Wisconsin dairy heifers following systematic deworming with fenbendazole.
Influence of NCO:OH relation and chain extender on primary and secondry valence crosslinks in urethane elastomers
Immunoregulation of the proliferative response of lymphocytes by soluble E receptors
Illuminance and caustic surfaces in multi-interface variable-index media. 1: Theory.
Investigations on surface diffusion in sparingly soluble monolayers at the gas/liquid interface using radiotracer technique
Issues in the Assessment of Language and Reading Disorders in Learning Disabled Children
International seismological datacenter. An algorithm for associating reported arrivals to a global seismic network into groups defining seismic events
Inhibitory interactions between normal fecal flora and Clostridium difficile
Investigations on barium getter films by AES and XPS
Incommensurate and Commensurate Smectic a Phases with Pressure Induced Nematic Phases
Infusion pump artifacts: the potential danger of a spurious dysrhythmia.
[Initiation mechanism of intrinsic blood coagulation: activation of factor XII and roles of high-molecular-weight kininogen (author's transl)].
[Influence of sorbitol and mannitol on intracranial pressure (author's transl)].
Impact of the new technology.
Inhibition of diamine oxidase by antimalarial drugs.
Infrared spectra and structure of carbanions: XVIII. A semiempirical study of carbanions of cyanoacetic acid derivatives1
Improved piezoelectric transducers for acoustic emission signal reception
Ionospheric density enhancement during relativistic electron precipitation
Identification of a dynamic lake model by the group method of data handling: An application to lake ontario
Intermittent and arrhythmic "runaway" pacemaker.
Isolement en France de souches appartenant au groupe bactérien EF-4
Involvement with a disease and primary care utilization.
Interpersonal Conflict: Relational Strategies and Intimacy.
In-flight boundary-layer measurements on a hollow cylinder at a Mach number of 3.0
Inhibition of the monkey corpus luteum with 15-methyl prostaglandins.
Inexpensive modification of a Polytron for rapid mincing of pancreases for islet isolation.
Indications for hyperalimentation in the treatment of head and neck malignancies.
In vitro culture of higher plants: R.L.M. Pierik (Editor). Ponsen en Looijen, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1979, 149 pages, U.S. $ 32.00/Dfr. 58
Inhibition of platelet aggregation by tartrazine and a pyrazolone analogue in normal and allergic individuals.
[Individual and family therapy of schizophrenic psychoses (author's transl)].
Intervention as Interference.
Influence of vagus nerves on electrical activity of opossum small intestine
Intercollegiate Athletics and the Unrelated Business Income Tax
Importance of 5α-reduction for the trophic effects of androgens on rat accessory sex organs and LH control
Influence of procedural variables on estimates of inspection time for mildly mentally retarded adults.
Influence of the strain rate sensitivity of diffuse necking in tensile tests
Isosmotic volume reabsorption in rat proximal tubule.
Indian childhood cirrhosis: clinical features, prognosis and treatment.
Isolation and identification of the major polar metabolites of methidathion in tomatoes.
Iron line emission and variability in the X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 5548
Immuno-overlay: a method for identification of hepatoma cell colonies that secrete albumin.
Inactivation of rabies diagnostic reagents by gamma radiation.
Influence of Meloidogyne incognita on growth of corn in pots.
In vitro conversion of squalene from squalene-phospholipid liposomes into sterols by rat liver microsomes and cytosol.
[Isolation of NAD-kinase from pigeon heart].
Invariants of finite groups acting non-linearly on rational function fields
Improved renal graft survival in transfused uremics. A result of a number of interacting factors.
Insulin Receptor Function and Insulin Effects on Glucose Metabolism in Adipocytes from Ventromedial Hypothalamus-Lesioned Rats
Ingestion of hashish oil-filled condoms.
In vitro filament formation of a new fiber-forming protein from Tetrahymena pyriformis.
Ion-Transport Chain of Cytochrome Oxidase: The Two Chain-Direct Coupling Principle of Energy Coupling
In the Land of the Grasshopper Song: Two Women in the Klamath River Indian Country in 1908-09
Interaction of gases in ionic liquid. 2. The solubility of argon and nitrogen in molten lithium nitrate and potassium nitrate
Indonesia and the Philippines: American Interests in Island Southeast Asia
Influence of nuclear-trajectory variations on atomic-excitation probabilities
Integrating Ethical Considerations Into Marketing Courses: the Role of the Marketing Professor:
Inadequacy of reported intake in assessing the potential hepatotoxicity of acetaminophen overdose.
Inhibition of microsomal metabolism and chemical oncogenesis in culture by naphthalene quinones.
Isospin-symmetry violating branch of /sup 42/Sc. beta. /sup +/ decay
Intensification of tube drawing by axial ultrasonic oscillation of the plug
Interaction of 9-Aminoacridinium and 10-Methylacridinium Cations with Polyelectrolytes, with Emphasis on the Bound-dye Spectra
Investigating a tactile speechreading aid: Transmission of prosodic information in connected discourse and sentences
Inhibition by normal immunoglobulins of thyrotrophin-stimulated production of cyclic AMP in slices of normal human thyroid.
Information sequence security system
Inflation, stabilization and attempted redemocratization in Peru, 1975–1979
Indices of energy consumption: An exploratory analysis of a utility's monthly billing data☆
Inhibition of chondrogenesis by normal mouse serum in cultured chick limb cells
Instructional Uses of the Cloze Procedure.
IV. Influence of Vestibular Stimulation
Immunoglobulin levels in heroin addicts after treatment with methadone and methadyl acetate
Isolation and identification of biologically active contaminants from soft contact lenses. I. Nicotine deposits on worn lenses.
Insect Flight Times and Atmospheric Hydrocarbons
Inflation and Foreign Exchange Rates Under Production and Monetary Uncertainty
[Intervertebral disc calcification in childhood (author's transl)].
Innovation and Long-Term Economic Growth
Improvements in the theory of growth of LPE layers of GaAs and interpretation of recent experiments
Improved Reservoir CharacterizationA Key to Future Reservoir Management for the West Seminole San Andres Unit
Immobilization of Diammonium Phosphate and Monocalcium Phosphate in Calcareous Soils1
Identification of Mycobacterium leprae: use of wall-bound mycolic acids.
Internal Fire. The Internal Combustion Engine 1673-1900 . Cummins Lyle. Carnot Press, Lake Oswego, Oregon. 1976. 351 pp. Illustrated. $18.95.
Interaction of a population of the black-kneed capsid, Blepharidopterus angulatus, and its prey, the lime aphid
Interferon: a perspective.
Improved media for the culture of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Investigation of order in AgxNbS2 by electron diffraction
[Investigations of the mineral topography in human vertebral bodies. A comparison of results derived from bone-ashing, photodensitometry and attenuation coefficients by CT (author's transl)].
Intercostal pedicle method for control of postresection esophagitis. Thirteen-year clinical study.
[Increased hair growth during prolonged tocolytic therapy with fenoterol. Measurements of testosterone, androstandiol, cortisol and ACTH (author's transl)].
Increased local uptake of 2-deoxyglucose after electrochemical or direct deposition of iron into the rat brain
Isoelectric focusing of beta-lactamases.
Intestinal parasitic infections and malnutrition
In vivo mobilization of bone calcium in thyroparathyroidectomized rats by 1 alpha ,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol) and related compounds.
Integrated NTSC Chrominance/Luminance Processor
Influence of dose on the pharmacokinetics of Cefadroxil
Interaction of phosphamidon & benzene in female rabbits.
Intraluminal Intestinal Calcifications in a Newborn with Atresia of the Esophagus and Imperforate Anus
International comparisons of health services: how? who? why?*
Intestinal ascariasis and the acute abdomen in the tropics.
Inner ear lidocaine concentrations following iontophoresis
In situ study of SV40 virus DNA in lytic infection by mild loosening of nucleoproteins.
Induction of mitotic crossing over, mitotic gene conversion & reverse mutation by epichlorhydrin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
In-vitro development of the rat parietal yolk sac
Inflation and Farm Tractor Replacement in the U.S.: A Simulation Model: Comment
Implantable stimulating electrode for baroreceptor afferent nerves in rabbits
Infiltration rates on rootplowed rangeland.
Integration in finite terms: the liouville theory
Is the (6Li, 7Be) reaction a useful spectroscopic tool?
Import Targets and the Equivalence of Optimal Tariff- and Quota-Structures
Influence of the temporal evolution of turbulent inhomogeneities on frequency spectra
Intrathecal anti-tetanus serum in management of tetanus neonatorum.
Instability of the knee resulting from ligamentous injury a plea for plain words
Induction kinetics of human suppressor cells in the mixed lymphocyte reaction and influence of prednisolone on their genesis.
Isolation and characterization of lymphocyte mitogenic factor released in vivo during a cell-mediated immune reaction in the guinea pig.
Iodinated contrast media in cranial tomography.
Independent sets of knots and singularity of interpolation matrices
IEP Development and Implementation: The Role of the Elementary Principal.
Ion-solvent interactions - studies on the solvation of electrolytes in mixed solvents
Investigations of the 1978 epidemic of encephalitis in Asansol, West Bengal and Dhanbad, Bihar.
IEP Assessment for LD Students
Inhibition of thyrotropin releasing hormone--induced growth hormone secretion in domestic fowl by adrenaline and prostaglandin E1 and E2.
Interval velocity and attenuation measurements in sediments from marine seismic reflection data
In vivo D-ethionine inversion and its inhibition.
Interregional Migration in the U.S.S.R.: Economic Aspects, 1959-1970
Interphalangeal joint destruction: A complication of cryotherapy
In vitro cultivation of Amblosoma suwaense (Trematoda: Brachylaimidae) from the metacercaria to the ovigerous adult
Introduction to the Symposium: Analysis of Form Some Problems Underlying most Studies of Form
Inadvertent primary vaginal incision during cesarean section.
Immunochemotherapy studies with murine lymphoma cells growing in mouse brain
Implementing an operating/service plan: a case study of the boston & maine. studies in railroad operations and economics. volume 29
Improved spherical electrical feedthroughs for high‐pressure, nonambient temperature vessels
Induction of ovulation with human menopausal gonadotropin; with special reference to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and hormone excretion.
Industrial applications of microwaves
Infectious hazards of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Isolated ureteritis emphysematosa simulating pneumatosis intestinalis.
Influence of chemical composition and temperature on the passivation of some stainless steels and nickel-based alloys in sulphuric acid
Intra-arterial Reserpine
Is type lb glycogenosis related to an anomeric preference for glucose-6-phosphate uptake by hepatic microsomes?
In vivo inoculum effect and resistance selection with cefamandole and cefoxitin against Enterobacter cloacae in mice.
Interferences in Sputter-Atomization Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Inhibition of DNA replication in HeLa S3 cells by macromomycin-I, an antitumor protein antibiotic.
Influence of proliferative rates and A system substrate availability on proline transport in primary cell cultures of the R3230AC mammary tumor.
Influence of Gas Flow on Burden Distribution in Blast Furnace
Intraportal embolization of fragments during intrasplenic pancreatic autotransplantation in dogs.
In vitro characteristics on human lymphocyte functions of a new immunomodulatory agent, a cyclic peptide, cyclomunine.
Immunoregulatory influence of thymic epithelium and thymopoietin on human B-lymphocyte differentiation
Ion scattering spectrometry
In vivo effects of Sumithion on tissue respiration and enzyme activity in the fish, Etroplus maculatus.
Idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis and HLA-B27.
Influence of lattice instability on the superconducting properties of “La3S4”
Influence of cyclic load input on the mechanical properties of a sensitive soil from Orleans, Ontario
Influence of reported helplessness on client-clinician relationships in an alcoholism program
International programme for the evaluation of short-term tests for carcinogenicity.
Investigation of Blowdown Problems with the Computer Code DRIX-2D
Influence of Low Glucosinolate Rapeseed Meal and Rapeseed Screenings Meal on the Eating Quality of Broiler Chickens
Identification ofN-methylpyrazole analog isomers by13C NMR
Inexpensive Method of Increasing Immunization Rates
Is an Olive Oil Lake to Join the Butter Mountain
Inductest and spermatest in genetic toxicology testing
Igniter for engine
Investigation of thermal hysteresis near the Neel transition in chromium
Interpolation by non-negative polynomials
If we teach holistic care, can we exclude perioperative nursing?
Implicit isotherm migration: A numerical method for the two-dimensional quench front problem
Isolated rat cardiac myocytes as an experimental tool in the study of anoxic cell injury. Effect of reoxygenation — A preliminary report
Immunisation of pigs with Campylobacter sputorum subspecies mucosalis vaccine.
Illinois Vocational Agriculture Teachers' Acceptance of an Instructional Unit on International Agriculture.
Interindustry flows, non-traded intermediate goods and the theory of effective protection: A general equilibrium analysis
Induction of Cancer by DNA Viruses
Immobilization of β‐glucuronidase on inorganic supports
Intrapulmonary benign cystic teratoma.
If you have it--flaunt it.
Ion exchange between agonists and inorganic ions at the acetylcholine receptor of Torpedo californica.
Interlaboratory Analysis of Natural Fresh Waters for Copper, Zinc, Cadmium and Lead
Implications of the new globular-cluster metal-abundance scale for the helium abundance in the Galactic halo
Induction of arginase and ornithine transaminase in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe.
Is Uredo Iyoensis Dimorphic
Investigations on connective tissue metabolism: Ageing of the human heart
Inhibition of platelet factor 3 availability by prostacyclin.
Initial Caution among Students towards Micro-teaching
In vitro inhibition of the absorption of oestradiol-17 beta in rat intestine by acetylsalicylic acid.
Integrability: A difficult analytical problem
Incidental intoxication with phencyclidine.
Infection and chronic rheumatic disease in children.
Interaction between polyacrylamide and sodium dodecyl sulfate
Isolation and characteristics of Penicillium roqueforti lipases
International Effects on the U.S. Capital Market
Is English inconsistent
Integration of feed sources in property management: extensive systems.
Intracranial midline cyst in association with myelodysplasia.
Induction of labor with anencephalic fetus.
Induction of nonspecific, proliferative dependent suppressor T lymphocytes in human mixed lymphocyte cultures.
II. Quantitative Analytical Procedure
Isolation of active ribulose 1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase from glanded cotton (G. hirsutum)
Insideout: Making Environmental Control Systems a Part of Design
Intraoperative hemodynamic changes in patients undergoing mixed-cell intraportal autotransplantation of pancreatic tissue.
Is There Life Outside of Standard Deviations? Measuring Creativity in a Tests and Measurements Classroom.
Influence of atomic order-disorder transitions on the thermopowers of Cu3Au and Cu0.83Pd0.17
Immunohistochemical Localization of C-chain Collagen Peptides in Gingiva and the Dental-epithelial Attachment
Isolated erythroid aplasia during immunosuppressive therapy with azathioprine after kidney transplantation
Idiopathic Lower Esophageal Sphincter Incompetence and Esophageal Stricture
Indications for medical treatment of ocular hypertension and the initial use of pilocarpine
Identifiability of compartmental models: algorithms to solve an actual problem by means of symbolic calculus
Interpretation of research data: hypothesis testing.
Immunosuppressive effect of serum from human hydatid disease: preliminary communication.
Induction circuit component and method of fabricating same
IGU commission on the coastal environment
Iosulamide: a new intravenous cholangiocholecystographic medium.
Indicator systems for the assessment of the external debt situation of developing countries
Intrauterine aspiration of amniotic fluid in a chimpanzee.
Infants' discrimination of full and partial cues to place of articulation in stop consonants
Identification of n-methylpyrazole analog isomers by (13)c nmr
Identification and Characterization of Computational Estimation Processes Used by Inschool Pupils and Out-of-School Adults. Final Report.
Illuminance and caustic surfaces in multi-interface variable-index media. 2: Application to radial dependent variable-index singlet.
Identification of L-Baikiain from Calcareous Red Algae Serraticardia maxima (Yendo) Silva and Its Distribution in Some Rhodophyta
Influence of ethanol on the interaction between polychlorinated biphenyls and drug metabolism.
Inheritance: the immunological challenge
Investigations of metabolic parameters in male and female rats during the course of life
Individualized impression trays from existing complete dentures
Inaccuracies encountered in sulfur determination by particle induced x-ray emission. Comments
Isolierung und Identifizierung von Vibrionaceae
Immunology Methods Selected Methods in Cellular Immunology Barbara B. Mishell Stanley M. Shiigi
I, i and IT antigens in lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and multiple myeloma.
Inflammatory polyarthritis associated with villous atrophy of the small intestine. Study of 2 cases
Incentives for quality in a restructured medical care system
Induction of suppressor cells by burn treatment with povidone-lodine
Interférence, Indifférence, Indépendance
Institutional Participation and Reciprocity in State-Level Program Reviews.
Industrial assessment of nonbackfittable PWR design modifications. Final report
Ideas and Intervention: Social theory for Practice
Informal Reading Inventories Go Commercial.
Integrating Engineering and Technical Communications in Sophomore Electrical Engineering Projects
Interproton coupling over dual vicinal and homoallylic paths in 4-membered rings
Isomorphisms of symplectic groups over skew fields of characteristic different from 2
Improving Ins and Questionnaire Design: Res Threatening Questions in Survey research
Intake system for internal combustion engine
Infarct distribution in subhuman primates after acute coronary occlusion.
In vitro action of ketoconazole on Prototheca and Fissuricella filamenta