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Open AccessJournal ArticleDOI

Teachers as Producers of Data Analytics: A Case Study of a Teacher-Focused Educational Data Science Program

Chase McCoy, +1 more
- 19 Dec 2016 - 
- Vol. 3, Iss: 3, pp 193-214
The analysis showed that participants were motivated to participate to improve their learning and educational environments through data analytics, as opposed to developing a research agenda in EDS; that participants experienced a range of barriers related to data literacy; and that participant community support in addition to administrative support are vital to teacher-focused EDS programs.
Educational data science (EDS) is an emerging, interdisciplinary research domain that seeks to improve educational assessment, teaching, and student learning through data analytics. Teachers have been portrayed in the EDS literature as users of pre-constructed data dashboards in educational technologies, with little consideration given to them as active producers of data analytics. This article presents the case study results of an EDS program at a large university in Midwestern U.S.A. in which faculty and instructors were provided with access to institutional data and data analytics technologies in order to explore questions related to their classroom and departmental environments. Semi-structured interviews of program participants were conducted to examine the participants’ experiences as practitioner researchers in EDS. The analysis showed that participants were motivated to participate to improve their learning and educational environments through data analytics, as opposed to developing a research agenda in EDS; that participants experienced a range of barriers related to data literacy; and that participant community support in addition to administrative support are vital to teacher-focused EDS programs. This study adds to a small but growing body of research in EDS and practitioner research that considers teachers as producers and not just consumers of data analytics.

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(2016).!Teachers!as!producers!of!data!analytics:!A!case!study!of!a!teacher-focused!educational!data!science!progra m.!Journal(of(Learning(
Teachers as Producers of Data Analytics: A Case Study of a Teacher-
Focused Educational Data Science Program
ABSTRACT:&Educational!data!science!(EDS)!is!an!emerging,! interdisciplinary!research!dom ain!that!
seeks!to!improve!educational!assessm en t,!teaching,!and!stud ent!learning!through!data!analytics.!
Teachers! have!been!portrayed!in!the!EDS!literature!as!users!of!pre-constructed!data!dashboa rds!
in!educatio n al! tec h n o lo gie s,! with ! little! co n sid e ra tio n ! give n ! to! the m ! as ! activ e! pr od u c e rs! of! da ta !
Midwestern! U.S.A.! in! which! faculty! and! instructors! were! provided! with! access! to! institutional!
data!and! data! analytics!technologies!in! order! to!explore!questions!related!to!their!classroom!and!
to!examine !th e!participants’!exp erien ces !as !p ractitio ne r!re search ers !in !E D S.!The!analysis!showed!
that! participants! were! motiv ated ! to! participate ! to! impro ve! their! learnin g! and ! educa tion al!
participants! experienced! a! range! of! barriers! related! to! data! literacy;! and! that! participant!
community! support! in! addition! to! administrative! support! are! vital! to! teacher-fo cu se d! EDS!
Keywords:& Educational! data! science,! learning! analytics,! academic! analytics,! data! literacy,!
While! there! has!never!been! a! dearth! of! student!data! collected!by! universities,! the! last! decade! has! seen!
an!increase!in!the!types!of!data!captured!as!well!as!developments!in!analytics!capab ilities,!which!have!
enabled! new! avenues! for! data-driven! inquiry! into! the! classro om! environ m en t! a nd ! stu d en t! lea rning !
(Slade!&!Prinsloo,!2013).!In!this!d ata-driven!environment,!educa tion al!data!science!(EDS)!has!emerged !
as!a!multi-disciplinary!com munity!of!researchers!(Piety,!Hickey,!& !Bishop,!2014).!Due!to!the!increas ed !
ubiquity! of! educational! technologies,! such! as! learning! management! systems! (LMS s)! an d! MO OCs,!
educational! data!scientists!have!been!able!to!mo ve!beyond!institutional!assessment!and!into!classroom!
assessment!(Reyes,!2015).!The!communities!that!have!em erged!within!EDS!include!academic!analytics!
(Goldstein! &! K atz,! 2005),! educational! data! mining! (Baker! &! Ya cef,! 2009),! an d! learnin g ! analyti cs!
(Siemens,!20 12 ).!

(2016).!Teachers!as!producers!of!data!analytics:!A!case!study!of!a!teacher-focused!educational!data!science!progra m.!Journal(of(Learning(
The! research! in! EDS! has! primarily! focused! on! the! application! of! data! analytics! to! improve! student!
learning,! a c adem ic! performance,! and ! institutional! practices.! In! this! research,! the! teacher! has! been!
predominately! considered! as! a! user! of! technologies! that! display! analytics! about! the! learning!
environment!with!little!consideration!given!to!the!teacher!as!a!possible!producer!of!analytics.! Research!
supporting!this!view!has!addressed!how !teache rs!use!and!integrate!the!data!an alytics!from!dashbo ards!
and! other! similar! technologies! into! their! student! and! classroom! assessment! and! subsequent!
interventions! (Verbert! et! al.,! 2014).! In! th e! cu rren t! edu catio na l! clima te! tha t! pu she s! for! incre ase d!
institutio n al! a ss e ss m e n t,! E D S ! is ! in! t h e! p o s itio n ! to ! e m p o w e r! t ea c he rs ! n o t! o n ly! to! use! educational!
analytics!tools,!but!to!become! active! participants!in!EDS.! W hile!the! literature!on!teachers! as! participants!
in!EDS ! is! s ta rtin g ! to ! g ain ! tr ac tio n ! in ! th e !le a rn in g! a n a lytic s !c o mmunit y!(Clow ,!2014;!Ferguson! et!al.,!2014),!
and!on!the!barriers!they!face!while!eng a gin g !in !d at a!a n a lytic s .!
In! this! pap e r,! w e ! ad d r es s! th e se ! ga p s ! in! th e ! liter at u re ! th ro u g h ! th e ! res u lts ! of! a ! stu d y ! of! u n iv er sit y!
instructo rs !and!faculty !who !particip a te d!in!a!tea c he r-focuse d!EDS!program !that!positioned !teachers!not!
as!users!of!an alytics,!but!a s!active!participan t s!in!th e !produc tion!of!data !analytics. !Based!on!in te rv ie ws!
with!the!program’s!participants,!we! found!that!regardless!of! the! participants’!previous! data! analytics!
backgrounds,!all! had!experienced!some!type!o f!barrier!related!to!data!literacy.!D ata !literacy!of!teachers!
has! been! addressed! in! the! learning! analytics! literature! in! relation! to! the! ability! to! interpret! and! use!
analytics! for! assessment! (Pea,! 2014);! however,! our! findings! suggest! that! data! literacy! in! EDS! is! an!
intricate!w e b !of!interconnected!skills!necessary!for!identifying,!organizing,!analyzing,!and!summarizing!
data.!In!addressing!these!barriers!in! the! program,! participants!valued!administrative!support,!which!was!
integral! to! the! comple tio n ! of! the! participan t s’! projec ts .! However,! the! participants! stated! that! they!
wished! that!more! emphasis!had! been! placed! on! inter-project!collaboration.! Furthermore,! the! results!
suggest!that!th ese!types!of!prog ram s!sh ould!not!limit!teach er!inquiry!to!a!particular!EDS!commun ity,!as!
the! p articipants! were!motivated!to!use!data!to! learn!more!about!their!educational!environment!than!
they!were!to!ide ntify!w ith!o r!dev elop !a!rese arch !age nd a!in!a!p articu lar!ED S!co m m un ity.&Based!on!the!
study’s! results,!we!present!the!best!practices!for! teach er-fo cu sed !EDS!programs!and!argue!for!emphasis!
training! that! ad dre sses! n o t! on ly! da ta! inte rpre tatio n,! bu t! d ata! a cce ss! a nd ! an alysis;! an d! d ev elop ing ! a!
2.1 EDS Communities
Piety! et! al.! (2014)! have! identified! four! emerging! communities! in! EDS,! which! they! state! are!
academic/institutional! analytics,! learning! analytics/educational! data! mining,! learner!
analytics/personalization,! and! systematic! instructional! improvement.! The! academic! analytics! and!
systematic!instructional!improvem en t!com m un ities!are!similar!to!the!d ata!u se!pra ctices!associated!w ith!
institutio n al! research,! in!that!th e y! focus!on ! macro- le v el! analyses! of!the!u n its ! within!higher!education,!

(2016).!Teachers!as!producers!of!data!analytics:!A!case!study!of!a!teacher-focused!educational!data!science!progra m.!Journal(of(Learning(
such! as! colleges,! scho ols,! or! departments! (van! Barn ev eld,! Arn old ,! &! Cam p b ell,! 2012).! Fu rth erm ore,!
academics! analytics! focuses! on! organizational! concerns,! such! as! how! students! progress! through! the!
educational! system! regarding! retention! and! persistence! in! a! m ajor! or! program! (Piety! et! al.,! 2014).!
Learning! analytics! and! educational! data! mining,! on! the! other! hand,! take! a! micro-level! appro a ch ! t o !
understanding!the!learning !p roce ss!th rou gh !th e!“ the !m ea su rem en t,!co llection ,!an alysis,!a nd !rep o rting!of!
the!environm e nts!in !wh ich !it!occu rs”!(Siemens!&!Lo ng,!2011,!p.!34).!Learner!an alytics,!while!still!focusing!
on! the! classroom! environment,! differs! from! le ar nin g ! analytic s! in! t h at ! rather! than! focusing ! on! the!
learning! pro c es s,! rese a rch e rs ! take ! a! mac ro -level! view! of! the! clas sro o m! to! understa n d ! the! diffe re n ce s !
The!comm unities!of!learning!analytics!and!educationa l!data!mining!in!EDS!h a ve !quickly!develop ed !into!
academic!disciplines!with!their!o wn!journals!and!conferences&(Sieme ns ,!2013);!however,! in! practice!the!
has!faced!challenges.!Picciano!(2012)!notes!that!higher!education!lacks!qu alified!professionals,!o utside!
student! data.! R ega rdin g! learning! analytics,! Ferguson! et! al.! (201 4)! address! this! deficit! of! analytics!
professionals! by!suggesting!that! universities! should!begin!to!view!the!development!of!hum an!resources!
as! imperative! for! organization-wide! learning! analytics! adoption.! In! practice,! however,! Bichsel! (2012)!
suggests! that! w hile! u niversity! ad ministrators! support! analytics! initiatives,! the! costs! o f! such ! initiatives!
relation! to ! the!tech no logie s! associated! with!analy tics,! rather!the! costs!relate d! to!the! recruitment! and!
2.2 Data Literacy and EDS
staff!possess! and! develop!the! skillsets!required! for!data! analytics! (Prinsloo,!Arch er,! Barnes,! Chetty,! &!
van! Zyl,! 2015).! In! addition! to! this! institutional! perspective,! Selwyn! (2015)! argues! that! educational!
researchers! too! are! facing! challeng es! regarding ! the ! development! of! the! necessary! skills! to! “engage!
effectively!and!insightfully!not!only!with!the!social! uses!of!data,! but!the! d ata!themselves”!(p.!14).!While!
the! data! analytics! capabilities! of! th ese ! two! groups,! institutional! staff! and! educational! researchers,! is!
certainly!important!to!add ress,!teachers! m ust!b egin! to!b e! considered! as! key! actors!in! ED S,!p articularly!in!
the! asse ssm e nt! of! teaching! a nd ! student! learning! (Crisp,! 2012).! With! the! develop ment! of! n e w !
assessment! techniques,! particularly! e-assessment,! teachers! are! hindered! by! the! lack! of! training!
opportunities,! which! results! in! low! levels! of! teachers’! computer! and! technical! literacy! required! to!
engage!effectively!with!these!techniques!(Guàrdia,!Crisp,!&!Alsina ,!2 0 1 6 ) .!

(2016).!Teachers!as!producers!of!data!analytics:!A!case!study!of!a!teacher-focused!educational!data!science!progra m.!Journal(of(Learning(
Pea!(2014)!argues!that!attention!must!be!paid!to!the!barriers!that!teachers!face!when!presented!w ith!
analytics!to!m ake!d ata-driven!decisions!about!the!classroom!environment.! This!is!important! to!consider!
since!EDS!is!not!only!a!concern!of!an alytics!professionals!and! academic!researchers,!but!also!teachers!
who!are!positioned!to! blend!data-driven!decision! making! w ith! hum an!judgement! to!impact! the!learning!
environment!(Siemens!&!Baker,!2012).!As!a!result,!unive rsities!and !colleg es!no t!only!nee d!to!focu s!on !
the! developm ent! of! analytics!professionals,!they! must! also!begin! to! address!the! teacher’s!role! in!the!
teacher! to!qu ickly! make! sense! of!da ta! visualizations! presented! in! learning! dashb o a r ds”! (Pea,!2014,!p.!
Common! throughout! the! research! in! the! EDS! communities! is! the! role! of! the! teacher! in! the! analytics!
process.!Teachers!are!portrayed!as!users! of! an alytics!technologies,!such!as! data!dashboards.! Concerning!
these! data! dashboards,! teachers! are! provided! with! visualizations! of! aggregated! data! about! their!
students! and! their! performance! in! the! classroom! environment! (Verbert! et! al.,! 2014).! As! users! of!
analytics! technologies,!however,!teachers! still!m ust!possess!the!necessar y!data!literacy!skills!to!use!and!
understand!data! to!inform! their!decision!m aking! (Mandinach! &! Gummer,! 2013).!The! skills!associated!
with!data! literacy! include! those! necessary!to! identify,!collect,! organize,! analyze,!and! summarize!data!
(Mandin ach ,! H on ey,! L ight,! &! Brunner,! 2008).! The! research! on! teachers! in! EDS! to! date! has! primarily!
focused!on!the!latter!tw o!of!these!skills,!m e an ing !that!this!res ea rch!has!explore d!how !teachers !use!and!
interact!with!the!analytics!provide d !to!them!and!how!they!make!use!of!these!analytics!to!inform!their!
classroom!teaching! and! stude nt!a ssessm ent.!Exa mp les!of! such ! studies!include ! teachers’!ado ption! beliefs!
of! analytics! technologies! (A li,!Asadi,!Gašević,!Jovanović,!&!Hatala,!2013),!their!use!practices!of!real- tim e !
evaluation!tools!of! student! learning! (Choun ta!&!Avouris,!2014),! and!frameworks! for! developing! learning!
analytics!systems!for!teachers!(Dyckhoff,!Zielke,! lt mann,!C h a tt i,!& !Sc h r o e d e r ,!2012).!The!research!is!
lacking!on !the !dat a!liter ac y!skills !ne ce ss a ry!for !teac h er s!us ing !analytics!in! the! classroom!environment.!In!
this!w ork ,!we!address!the!issues!related!to! da ta!literacy!by! e xam in ing!the!types!of! b arriers!that!teache rs!
face!when !given !the !stud en t!da ta!an d!to ols!re qu ired !to!co nd uc t!data !ana lytics .!
2.3 Teacher-Focused EDS
While!EDS!research!has!primarily!addressed!teachers!as!users! of! educational!data! analytics,!a!num ber! of!
programs! have!developed! in!EDS!that!have!positioned!teachers! not!only! as!users,! but!also!as!producers!
(Ferguson! et! al.,! 2014;! SLAM,! 2014).! T he! University! of! Michigan’s! Student! Learning! and! Analytics! at!
Michigan! (SLAM)! provided! faculty! in! the! program! with! access! to! student! data! and! training! through!
seminars! to! introd uce! them! to! learning ! a na lytics! tools! and! stu de nt! data! (NM C,! 2013).! The! program!
included ! not! only! faculty,! but!graduate! students!as! well,!and ! had!the! support! of!a! larger!institutional!
task!force,!the !Learning!Analytics!Task!Force!(SLAM,!2014).!In!another!program,!the!Data!Wranglers!at!
the! Open ! U nive rsity,! aca de m ic! staff! worked! in! co llabo ration ! w ith! th e! university’s! seven! academic!
faculties! to! particip ate! in ! a! learn ing ! an alytics ! initiative! (Clow,! 2014).! Through! this! program! the! Data!
academic! departments! by! providing! the m! with! actionable! reports.! Furthermore,! the! Data! Wranglers!

(2016).!Teachers!as!producers!of!data!analytics:!A!case!study!of!a!teacher-focused!educational!data!science!progra m.!Journal(of(Learning(
were! encouraged! to! foster! an! interest! in! learning! analytics! and! to! develop! a! learning! analytics!
community!of!practice!in!th e!de pa rtm e nts!(C low ,!201 4;!Ferg uso n!e t!al.,!2014 ).!
In!this!study,!we!exam ine!a!teacher-foc us ed !EDS!program!similar!to!those!o u tlined !above!(Clow,!2014;!
RQ1:( W hat( factors( motivate( faculty( to( participate( voluntarily( in( teacher-focused ( EDS (
RQ2:( What( types( of( data( access,( use,( and( interpretation( barriers( and( challenges( do(
faculty(encou n ter(in(tea ch er-focused(ED S (pro gra m s? (
RQ3:( In( what( ways( could( future(teacher-focused( ED S( p rog rams( provide( sup po rt( to( aid (
At!a!large!Midwestern!university!in!the!U.S.A.,!a!teacher-focused!EDS!(T E D S)! pro gra m ! of! staff! an d !fa cult y!
and!analyses!of!student!data.!The!program!had!the!support!from!the!university’s!centre!for!tea ch ing! an d!
learning,! the! research ! and! assessm e n t! office,! and! the! Office! of! the! Vice! Provost! for! Undergraduate!
Education,! and! w as! a! part! of! a! larger! campus-wide! initiative! to! further! student! success! through!
program! director! the! administration! recognized! that! there! would! be! issues! related! to! the! faculty’s!
According!to!the!TEDS!program!director,!the!purpose !o f!th e!p ro gram ! w as! to! pro vide !a n! ou tlet!fo r!fa cu lty!
to!understa nd !a nd !us e!in stitution al!d ata !to!construct!data!analytics !pro jects !tha t!fo cus ed !on !a nsw e ring!
questions! related! to! student! success.! The! program! was! rooted! in! the! scholarship! of! teaching! and!
learning,! a n d ! more! spe cif ica lly! was! bas ed ! o n ! th e ! c on c e pt ! o f! fa cu lt y! le a rn in g! c o m munities .! A ! fa cu lt y!
learning!commun ity !is!com p rise d !of!cross -disciplinary! faculty!that!participate!in!a!program!dedicated! to!
improv in g!te ac h in g!an d !st ud e n t!lea rn ing!(Co x,! 2004 ).! The!TEDS! program!solicited!faculty!from!a!number!
of! disciplines! who! held! a! teaching! role! at! the! university,! which! included! tenured! and! tenure-track!
faculty,!te ac hin g!faculty,!and !university!staff.!Graduate!students!were!allowed!to!participate!so!long!as!
they! w ere!part!of! a!faculty-le d !proje ct .!The!pro jec ts !cho se n !for!TED S!we re !relate d!to!imp ro v ing !teac h in g!
Beginning!in! December!2014,! the! one-year! program! provided! participants!w ith! access! to! institutional!
student! data,! $2,000 ! in! resea rch! funds,! and! a! license! for! Tableau,! a! data! visualization! software.! The!
participants! in!the! program!were! required!to!attend!regular!meetings!with!a!program! directo r!from !the !
university’s!centre!fo r!teaching!and!learnin g.!The!m e eting s!provided!an!outlet!for!particip an ts!to!share !

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