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Using encryption for authentication in large networks of computers

Roger M. Needham, +1 more
- 01 Dec 1978 - 
- Vol. 21, Iss: 12, pp 993-999
Use of encryption to achieve authenticated communication in computer networks is discussed and example protocols are presented for the establishment of authenticated connections, for the management of authenticated mail, and for signature verification and document integrity guarantee.
Use of encryption to achieve authenticated communication in computer networks is discussed. Example protocols are presented for the establishment of authenticated connections, for the management of authenticated mail, and for signature verification and document integrity guarantee. Both conventional and public-key encryption algorithms are considered as the basis for protocols.

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Operating R. Stockton Gaines
Systems Editor
Using Encryption for
Authentication in
Large Networks of
Roger M. Needham and
Michael D. Schroeder
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Use of encryption to achieve authenticated
communication in computer networks is discussed.
Example protocols are presented for the establishment
of authenticated connections, for the management of
authenticated mail, and for signature verification and
document integrity guarantee. Both conventional and
public-key encryption algorithms are considered as the
basis for protocols.
Key Words and Phrases: encryption, security,
authentication, networks, protocols, public-key
cryptosystems, data encryption standard
CR Categories: 3.81, 4.31, 4.35
In the context of secure computer communications,
authentication means verifying the identity of the com-
municating principals to one another. A network in
which a large number of computers communicate may
have no central machine or system that contains author-
Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is
granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct
commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the
publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by
permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy
otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission.
Authors' present addresses: R.M. Needham, University of Cam-
bridge Computer Laboratory, Corn Exchange Street, Cambridge, Eng-
land; M.D. Schroeder, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, 3333 Coyote
Hill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304.
© 1978 ACM 0001-0782/78/1200-0993 $00.75.
itative descriptions of the connected computers, of
purposes for which they are used, or of the individuals
who use them. We present protocols for decentralized
authentication in such a network that are integrated with
the allied subject of naming. There is minimal reliance
on network-wide services; in particular there is no reli-
ance on a single network clock or a single network name
management authority.
Three functions are discussed:
(1) Establishment of authenticated interactive com-
munication between two principals on different ma-
chines. By interactive communication we mean a series
of messages in either direction, typically each in response
to a previous one.
(2) Authenticated one-way communication, such as
is found in mail systems, where it is impossible to require
protocol exchanges between the sender and the recipient
while sending an item, since there can be no guarantee
that sender and recipient are simultaneously available.
(3) Signed communication, in which the origin of
a communication and the integrity of the content can be
authenticated to a third party.
Secure communication in physically vulnerable net-
works depends upon encryption of material passed be-
tween machines. We assume that it is feasible for each
computer in the network to encrypt and decrypt material
efficiently with arbitrary keys, and that these keys are
not readily discoverable by exhaustive search or cryptan-
alysis. We consider both conventional encryption algo-
rithms and public-key encryption algorithms as a basis
for the protocols presented.
We assume that an intruder can interpose a computer
in all communication paths, and thus can alter or copy
parts of messages, replay messages, or emit false material.
While this may seem an extreme view, it is the only safe
one when designing authentication protocols.
We also assume that each principal has a secure
environment in which to compute, such as is provided
by a personal computer or would be by a secure shared
operating system. Our viewpoint throughout is to provide
authentication services to principals that choose to com-
municate securely. We have not considered the extra
problems encountered when trying to force all commu-
nication to be performed in a secure fashion or when
trying to prevent communication between particular
principals in order to enforce restrictions on information
Our protocols should be regarded as examples that
expose the authentication issues in large networks rather
than as fully engineered solutions to the overall security
problems of a particular application. While providing an
adequate solution to the authentication problems speci-
fied and meeting most common security objectives, our
protocols would need elaboration to meet other security
goals such as preventing traffic analysis, withholding all
matching cleartext-ciphertext pairs from an eavesdrop-
Communications December 1978
of Volume 21
the ACM Number 12

per, and ensuring instantaneous detection of tampering,
and also to maximize efficiency in particular networks.
It is possible to devise other protocols similar to those
presented that also meet the stated objectives.
There is a modest amount of literature on our subject,
and methods have been proposed for several of the
individual functions we describe [1, 3, 5, 6], although no
work is reported that integrates these techniques and
applies them in a decentralized environment, or that
provides functionally equivalent protocols based on both
conventional and public-key encryption.
1. Encryption Algorithms
The important difference between conventional and
public-key encryption algorithms is the way keys are
used. With a conventional encryption algorithm, such as
the NBS Data Encryption Standard [7], the same key is
used for both encryption and decryption. Authentication
depends upon the two participants in a conversation
being the only two principals (apart possibly from trusted
servers) who know the key that is being used to encrypt
the transmitted material. With a public-key encryption
algorithm, a concept originated by Diffie and Hellman
[3], two keys are necessary: one that is used in the
conversion of cleartext to ciphertext, and another that is
used in the conversion of ciphertext to cleartext. Fur-
thermore, knowledge of one key gives no help in finding
the other, and the two keys will act as inverses for each
other. Elegant systems may be devised in which each
principal has one public key and one secret key. Anyone
may encrypt a communication for A using his public
key, but only A can decrypt the result using his secret
key. Likewise, only A can encrypt messages that will
decrypt sensibly with A's public key. The first example
of a public-key encryption algorithm was devised by
Rivest et al. [9], and others are sure to follow.
2. Authentication Servers
With both kinds of encryption the basis of authenti-
cated communication is a secret key belonging to each
principal using the network, and there is need for an
authoritative source of information about these keys. We
use the term
authentication server
for a server that can
deliver identifying information computed from a re-
quested principal's secret key.
Since the main database of an authentication server
is indexed by name, the management of authentication
servers is related to the management of names. In an
extended network it is inexpedient to have a single
central name registration authority, so we suppose that
there are multiple naming authorities, each of which
assigns and cancels names as it wishes. With this orga-
nization, principals have names of the form
"NamingAuthority.SimpleName." Associated with each
naming authority are one or more name lookup servers
and one or more authentication servers. 1
A name lookup server is prepared to provide various
network addresses associated with a given SimpleName,
for example, the address of that principal's mail system
buffer. One or more instances of a master name lookup
server will provide the network addresses of appropriate
name lookup and authentication servers when given a
naming authority's name. Authentication servers per-
form strikingly similar functions for the two classes of
encryption algorithms; the differences will be brought
out as they arise.
3. Means of Encryption
One significant issue in this area of study is where
the encryption and decryption are done. Branstad [2]
suggests that these actions take place in the network
interface of a computer. It is a requirement of some of
our protocols that the encryption be done elsewhere,
because it is necessary to prepare an encrypted message
without actually sending it yet or to receive an encrypted
message without knowing at the network interface what
the key is. Accordingly we have assumed that any hard-
ware encryption aid is located so one can say
X :--- encrypt(Y,
and still have X in hand, or say
(X := decrypt( Y,
= nonsense
X := decrypt(
Y, Key2) fi
4. Protocols for Establishing Interactive Connections
Protocol 1. With Conventional Algorithms
If a conventional algorithm is used then each prin-
cipal has a secret key that is known only to itself and to
its authentication server, the contents of which are ac-
cordingly secret. The essential step in setting up secure
communication between A and B is for the initiator, say
A, to generate a message with two properties:
(a) It must be comprehensible only to B, i.e. allow only
B to use its contents to identify himself to A.
(b) It must be evident to B that it originated with A.
The use of encryption to achieve these properties was
first described by Feistel [4] and applied to a network
context by Branstad [1].
Naming authorities are independent of network topology; they
need have nothing to do with subnetworks or with particular computers
on the network. Multiple identical name lookup servers and authenti-
cation servers for a single naming authority may be used to make sure
that these services are topologically "close" to those needing to use
them, and to enhance reliability. Our multiple authentication servers
must be carefully distinguished from those proposed by Diffie and
Hellman [3], which perform the quite different function of checking
one another. In that case every user is registered with every authenti-
cator, the aim being to defend against corruption of particular authen-
Communications December 1978
of Volume 21
the ACM Number 12

Assuming for the moment that A and B are in the
purview of the same authentication server AS, we now
outline a protocol. The notation used will be followed
throughout: encryption is indicated by braces that are
superscripted with the key used.
The protocol opens with A communicating in clear
to A S his own claimed identity and the identity of the
desired correspondent, B, together with A's nonce iden-
tifier for this transaction, lax. ("Nonce" means "used
only once.") Here the nonce identifier must be different
than others used by A in previous messages of the same
type. The first message of the protocol is:
A --) AS: A, B, lal
Upon receiving message (1.1), AS looks up the secret,
identifying keys of both parties and also computes a new
key CK that will be the key for the conversation if all
goes well. 2 The next transaction is a rather complicated
message from A S to A:
AS--+ A: {IAI, B, CK, (CK, A}rB} ra
where KA and KB are A's and B's secret, identifying
keys. Because (1.2) is encrypted with A's secret key, only
A can decrypt it and discover the conversation key CK.
Following decryption, A checks for the presence of the
intended recipient's name, B, and the correct identifier,
IA,, in order to verify that the message really is a reply
by AS to the current enquiry. Both the name of the
intended recipient and the transaction identifier must
appear in message (1.2). If the recipient's name is left
out, then an intruder could change that name in message
(1.1), say to X, before A S receives it, with the subsequent
result that A would unknowingly communicate with X
instead of B. If the identifier is left out, then an intruder
could substitute a previously recorded message (1.2)
(from A S to A about B) and force A to reuse a previous
conversation key? A remembers CK and sends the part
encrypted with KB to B:
A --* B: (CK, A} rB
The real B, but no other, will be able to decrypt
message (1.3) and emerge with the conversation key CK,
the same as A has. B also knows the identity of the
intending correspondent, as authenticated by A S.
It is worth reviewing at this point the state of knowl-
edge of the two parties. A now knows that any commu-
nication he receives encrypted with CK must have orig-
inated with B, and also that any communication he emits
with CK encryption will be understood only by B. Both
are known because the only messages containing CK
that have ever been sent are tied to A's and B's secret
z The new key must be unpredictable and should never have been
used before.
3 Also note that messages (1.1) and (1.2) together, and others in
our protocols, make available known plaintext encrypted with a prin-
cipal's identifying key. If there is concern about cryptanalytic attack
based on known plaintext being used to expose an identifying key,
then an additional temporary key
may be used where appropriate
throughout, so that {X} ra becomes
{TK}KA{x} TM.
keys. B is in a similar state, mutatis mutandis. It is
important, however, to be sure that no part of the
protocol exchange or ensuing conversation is being re-
played by an intruder from a recording of a previous
conversation between A and B. In relationship to this
question the positions of A and B differ. A is aware that
he has not used the key CK before and therefore has no
reason to fear that material encrypted with it is other
than the legitimate responses from B. B's position is not
so good; unless he remembers indefinitely keys previ-
ously used by A in order to check that CK is new, he is
unclear that the message (1.3) and the subsequent mes-
sages supposedly from A are not being replayed. To
guard against this possibility, B generates a nonce iden-
tifier for the transaction, IB, and sends it to A under CK:
B -~ A:
{IB} cK
expecting a related reply, say one less:
A --+ B: (Is - 1} cK (1.5)
If this reply is satisfactorily received, then the mutual
confidence is sufficient to enable substantive communi-
cation, encrypted with CK, to begin.
There are five messages in protocol 1. The number
may be reduced to three by A's keeping, for regular
interaction partners, a cache of items of the form B: CK,
(CK, A) KB derived from message (1.2), thus eliminating
messages (1.1) and (1.2). Note however that, if such
authenticators are cached, changes are needed to the
protocol. With caching, the same CK is being used again
and again, so the conversation identifier handshakes
need to be two-way, for example, by replacing steps (1.3)
and (1.4) with:
A --+ B:
{CK, A} KB, {IA2) CK
B---) A:
1,1n} cr
The change does not increase the number of protocol
messages but does alter the content slightly. In practice,
messages (1.3)-(1.5) would be used to start a two-way
seriation in order to ensure the integrity of the subse-
quent conversation. Methods for ensuring integrity fol-
lowing initial contact have been studied by Kent [5].
Protocol 2. With Public-Key Algorithms
We use key labels such as PKA for A's public key
and SKA for his secret one. The exchange opens with A
consulting the authentication server in the clear to find
B's public key.
A-+AS: A, B
A S responds with:
AS .---> A:
where SKA S is the authentication server's secret key. A
is presumed to know the AS's public key, PKAS, which
is used to decrypt the message. A must obtain and store
PKAS in a reliable way, so he is sure it is correct. If an
Communications December 1978
of Volume 21
the ACM Number 12

intn~der somehow could provide an arbitrary value that
A thinks is
then that intruder could impersonate
The importance of the reciprocity between the public
and secret keys is shown here. Encryption of message
(2.2) is required not to ensure the
of the infor-
mation but to ensure its
It is important that A
should be sure that he is getting
rather than the
public key of some miscreant. A knows that the name of
the intended recipient, B, was correctly communicated
because that name is returned in message (2.2).
The next step is for the communication with B to be
A ~ B: {IA, A} PKB
This message, which can only be understood by B,
indicates that someone purporting to be A wishes to
establish communication, and secretly communicates a
nonce identifier,
generated by A. B decrypts the
message with his secret key and then f'mds PKA with
steps similar to (2.1) and (2.2):
----> AS:
B, A
AS'-" B: {PKA, A} sras
Message (2.5) is encrypted for integrity, as was (2.2), not
for secrecy. At this point a double handshake is needed
to authenticate A and B to one another and to establish
the time integrity of the conversation. The handshake is
completed as steps (2.6) and (2.7):
B "---> A: {Ia, In} era
A ~ B: {In} ern
There are thus seven steps in this protocol as against five
with protocol 1, but four of them (2.1, 2.2, 2.4, and 2.5)
can be done away with by A and B both having local
caches of commonly used public keys. The resulting
three protocol steps have very similar purposes to the
three remaining after caching in protocol 1.
Observe that, because public keys are not secret,
double encryption, i.e.
({message)Sra) eKn,
or some
equivalent is required during the course of the ensuing
interaction. If the data were simply encrypted with the
public key of the recipient, then anyone else could inject
material into the stream. An equivalent safeguard is to
use an arbitrary number from a large space as the base
for seriation of encryption blocks. This number may be
initialized as la or 1B according to direction. An intruder
would have no way of knowing what was the correct
serial to insert in a forged packet, even if he had counted
previous packets, since he could not know the correct
base. The more bits that are devoted to this redundant
seriation the fewer good data bits we get per unit de-
cryption effort.
restriction is not necessary, and we now remove it. When
extending the protocols we must bear in mind that, while
an authentication server must be regarded as the final
authority for its clients, it must be able to have no effect
for good or ill on communication between clients of
other authentication servers. Then our system will not
be upset completely by the conduct of a shoddy authen-
ticator. Of course, outsiders will show circumspection on
a human level in their dealings with a shoddy authenti-
cator's clients.
The effects on the protocols of multiple authentica-
tion servers differ somewhat between the two encryption
techniques. Consider first the case of conventional en-
cryption. The requirement is still to produce an item of
the form {
A } K/~ for A to use when making his first
approach to B (see step (1.3)). To produce this quantity
both authentication servers (which will be called
and A SB) are involved, since only A SB can produce items
encrypted with
and only
can produce items
encrypted with KA. We fred two more steps between
(1.1) and (1.2), which constitute an interchange between
the two servers. We suppose that separate measures have
been taken to ensure secure communication between the
servers--for example, their secret keys are held by a
master server, and the regular servers establish secure
links (by protocol 1 already given) whenever they come
into operation. We also presume that names are, where
necessary, always full "NamingAuthority.SimpleName"
names, so that the correct authentication server can be
located. As explained above, the knowledge of a naming
authority's name leads to the network address of the
associated authentication server.
ASA---> ASB: CK, B,A, IA1
ASB"'> ASa: {CK, A}ICB, IA1, A
(Ial is transmitted to avoid retention of state in
between messages (1.11) and (1.12).) Following (1.12)
A SA is in a position to complete the protocol.
In the public-key ease, since no secret keys are moved
around, it is possible for A to approach
directly ifA
knows that server's public key. We assume that A already
has this knowledge, though in a strict case of total
ignorance there would be key lookup steps, for example,
correspondence with a master authentication server, be-
fore (2.1). With the knowledge of PKA SB, A corresponds
directly with A SB in steps (2.1) and (2.2). Likewise, with
knowledge of PKA SA, B corresponds directly with A Sa
in (2.4) and (2.5).
In both eases caching can be expected to reduce the
number of protocol messages to three.
6. Implementing Authentication Servers
5. Multiple Authentication Servers
In the protocols just given we assumed that A and B
were clients of the same authentication server. This
There are differences in the implementation of au-
thentication servers for the two varieties of encryption.
In the conventional case the content of the database,
items of the form A :KA, must be kept secret (which could
Communications December 1978
of Volume 21
the ACM Number 12

be done by encrypting it with the secret, identifying key
of the server). A secure transaction takes place every
time the server is used: at step (1.2) the keys of both
customers must be extracted in order to construct the
message contents. By contrast, in the public-key case the
content of the database need not be secret, and no secure
transaction need take place when the server is used if the
server's database is set up to contain items of the form
A: {PKA, A} sKAs as required at step (2.2). (If the server
contained the public keys directly, there would still be a
secure operation at each use, for the reasons mentioned
in the discussion of step (2.2).) With the public-key
authentication server there still is a requirement for a
secure computation, creating {PKA, A} sras, but only
when a new public key is registered, and this operation
may be done outside the authentication server and the
result added to the database in a nonsecure way. In
practice, however, we suspect that the implementation of
authentication servers would not differ as much as we
have indicated, for reasons such as the need to prevent
corruption of the public-key authentication server's data,
which could prevent communication even though it will
not lead to faulty authentication.
Note that with both encryption techniques the com-
munications with servers can be done without the for-
malities of establishing what is usually called a "connec-
tion." The servers need never retain information about
an ongoing transaction from one message to the next, so
that repetition or loss of protocol packets does not matter.
Only at step (1.11) does anything special have to be done
to ensure lack of connection state. If this simplicity were
lost, then the total cost of protocol exchanges would
become higher.
7. One-Way Communication
In a computerized mail system it is impossible to
depend upon interaction between the sender and the
receiver in the course of each delivery. The mail is put
into the hands of a transport mechanism and may be
delivered later when the sender is no longer available.
On the other hand, two-way authentication of sender
and receiver is as desirable for mail as it is for interactive
communication. Good design of a mail system would
suggest that the mail transport mechanism not be part of
the security system, and the proposals here meet that
With Conventional Algorithms
We assume that the subsequent individual blocks of the
mail are securely seriated in, for example, the manner of
Kent. The very fact of delay, however, causes special
steps to be needed to ensure the time integrity of mail,
i.e. that it has not been recorded by an intruder from an
earlier transmission and repeated. We have avoided
proposing the use of time-stamps elsewhere, because it
presupposes a network-wide reliable source of time. Here
there seems little alternative to the use of time-stamps;
but it is possible to use them here without requiring a
universal clock. A suitable technique is as follows. Each
message has in its body a time-stamp indicating the time
of sending. (Such a time-stamp is a normal part of most
mail anyway.) The resolution needs to be free enough
that no two messages from the same source will have the
same stamp. Any recipient, say B, maintains a register in
which an entry of the form {source, time-stamp} is stored
for each mail item received. A time interval T is associ-
ated with B. T is taken as an upper bound on clock
asynchrony in the network and the interval between the
time the mail was sent and the time of its arrival within
B's security control, after which time the mail cannot be
diverted. A mail item is rejected if either its {source,
time-stamp} is on the register or its time-stamp predates
the current time by more than T. The register is kept
small by discarding entries older than T. T may vary
dependent on B's activity if a message may only arrive
in his security control when he is present.
With Public-Key Algorithms
The means of ensuring time integrity are identical in
this case and will not be repeated. We have two alter-
native courses. With the first a header is sent that iden-
tifies A to B without using a handshake:
.4 ---, B: {.4, L {B}S~} pKB
Here A denotes the sender and {B} srA enables au-
thentication by B of the identity of the sender using
protocol transactions as at (2.4) and (2.5) (which may of
course be short-cut by caching). I is a nonce identifier
that is used to connect the header with the ensuing
message text sent under the protection of PKB, with a
time-stamp as above and with a secure seriation as
discussed earlier. The connection between header and
message provided explicitly by I in this protocol is
provided implicitly by CK in the case of a conventional
encryption algorithm.
The other way to handle mail using the public-key
system achieves the additional function of signature and
is described in the next section.
Consider a message used in a previous protocol:
A ~ B: {CK, A} Kn
This message has the property that if it be put at the
head of mail encrypted with CK, then the whole is self-
authenticating both as to recipient and originator even
though B played no part at all in the setting-up protocol.
8. Digital Signatures
The previous protocols are designed to authenticate
each communicant to the other. It is sometimes necessary
to provide evidence to a third party that a particular
communication is exactly as received from a particular
Communications December 1978
of Volume 21
the ACM Number 12

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Q1. What are the contributions in "Using encryption for authentication in large networks of computers" ?

In this paper, Schroeder and Needham presented protocols for the establishment of authenticated connections, for the management of authenticated mail, and for signature verification and document integrity guarantee. 

Since the main database of an authentication server is indexed by name, the management of authentication servers is related to the management of names. 

It is a requirement of some of their protocols that the encryption be done elsewhere, because it is necessary to prepare an encrypted message without actually sending it yet or to receive an encrypted message without knowing at the network interface what the key is. 

On the other hand, two-way authentication of sender and receiver is as desirable for mail as it is for interactive communication. 

Observe that, because public keys are not secret, double encryption, i.e. ({message)Sra) eKn, or some equivalent is required during the course of the ensuing interaction. 

The essential step in setting up secure communication between A and B is for the initiator, say A, to generate a message with two properties: (a) It must be comprehensible only to B, i.e. allow only B to use its contents to identify himself to A. (b) 

The authors are indebted to a number of people who have read drafts of this paper and made careful and helpful comments, notably: Peter Denning, Stockton Gaines, Jim Gray, Steve Kent, Gerry Popek, Ron Rivest, Jerry Saltzer, and Robin Walker. 

In the public-key ease, since no secret keys are moved around, it is possible for A to approach ASB directly ifA knows that server's public key. 

Example protocols are presented for the establishment of authenticated connections, for the management of authenticated mail, and for signature verification and document integrity guarantee. 

In practice, however, the authors suspect that the implementation of authentication servers would not differ as much as the authors have indicated, for reasons such as the need to prevent corruption of the public-key authentication server's data, which could prevent communication even though it will not lead to faulty authentication. 

The intrinsic security requirements of a public-key authentication server are easier to meet than those of a conventional one, but a complete evaluation of the system problems in implementing such a server in a real system, and the need to retain a secure record of old public keys to guarantee future correct arbitration of old signatures may minimize this advantage.