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Can quantum chaotic enhancement in sensitivity be made if partial access to a system ? 

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Enhancing quantum sensitivity in chaotic systems with partial access is achievable. By combining knowledge of energy expectation values with quantum phase estimation techniques, sensitivity beyond classical limits can be attained, especially in systems like atomic clocks . Additionally, introducing relaxation channels in large-spin XXZ chains with disorder can restore chaotic behavior, requiring only a few excitations for strong level repulsion and ergodic eigenstates . Moreover, employing a cosine chaotification technique can transform classical maps into hyperchaotic states with enhanced sensitivity, making them valuable for chaos-based sensor applications . Ultimately, integrating chaotic signals with quantum key distribution protocols like BB84 can significantly boost the security of quantum cryptography systems .

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Enhancing security in quantum cryptography with chaotic signals and one-time pad technique improves sensitivity even with partial system access, ensuring ultimate security against eavesdropping.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Yes, quantum sensitivity can be enhanced beyond the classical limit by utilizing knowledge of the average energy, even with partial system access, leading to significant sensitivity gains.
Open accessPosted ContentDOI
31 Mar 2022
Quantum chaotic enhancement in sensitivity can be achieved by introducing additional decay channels to large-spin chains, even with partial system access, requiring only three excitations for strong chaos.

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