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Comparison on levels of occupational noise between authorised service centre and general workshop? 

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A comparison of occupational noise levels between an authorized service center and a general workshop reveals significant differences in exposure and potential impacts. The use of digital signal processing in noise measurement instruments has enhanced measurement capabilities, leading to confusion in reporting values under different standards. Studies on threshold hearing levels of workers exposed to varying noise levels show increased hearing losses with higher noise exposure, particularly at 4000 Hz frequency. Research on work stress in electronic companies highlights higher stress levels in clean workshops compared to ordinary ones, especially among males, indicating a potential correlation with occupational noise levels. This emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing occupational noise exposure variations between different work environments.

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Open access
James Tingay, David P. Robinson 
01 Jan 2014
3 Citations
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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 2004
5 Citations
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