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It is concluded that virus particles of both serotypes of VSV contain RNA rather than DNA.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
60 Citations
This suggests that nepovirus RNA molecules contain polyadenylate [poly(A)].
The results indicate that visna virus contains RNA.
It appears unlikely, therefore, that RNA is a constituent of either virus.
Since no prominent subgenomic virus-specific RNA was identified in infected cells, an RNA species of this size may also act as a messenger RNA.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
David A. Brian, D. E. Dennis, James S. Guy 
53 Citations
This coronavirus can therefore be characterized as a positive-strand RNA virus.
This was later supported by the finding that MVV is an RNA virus.
Journal ArticleDOI
30 Mar 1973-Science
36 Citations
By this criterion visna virus resembles RNA tumor viruses.
However, 18/24 of RNA-negative samples detected by the commercial kit were tested to be positive for virus RNA using a hyper-sensitive method, suggesting the carrier status of virus possibly existed in patients recovered from COVID-19.
Taken together, the study identifies an RNA virus ExoN activity that is involved in the synthesis of multiple RNAs from the exceptionally large genomic RNA templates of CoVs.

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What are latest machine learning or deep learning model?
5 answers
The latest machine learning and deep learning models encompass a variety of advanced techniques. These include deep neural networks (DNN) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) for image data analysis, as well as recurrent neural networks (RNN), long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, and generative adversarial networks (GAN) for tasks like time series modeling and data generation. Additionally, recent methodologies in deep learning have been applied to predict RNA-RNA interactions, utilizing deep learning models specifically designed for microRNA-mRNA and long non-coding RNA-miRNA interactions. The field of deep learning continues to evolve rapidly, with models like CNNs, RNNs, generative models, deep reinforcement learning (DRL), and deep transfer learning being extensively researched and applied across various domains.
What are the optimal methods for isolating DNA from strawberry fruit for genetic analysis?
5 answers
The optimal methods for isolating DNA from strawberry fruit for genetic analysis involve various techniques. Firstly, the use of the unamplified Raman scattering analysis (URSA) instrument with a 532 nm diode-pumped laser can provide consistent DNA Raman spectra. Additionally, RNA isolation methods such as the CTAB3-LiCl and Commercial Kit methods can be employed, with the former showing higher RNA concentration. For virus detection, the RNeasy plant RNA kit is recommended for optimal RNA extraction from strawberry leaves. Furthermore, transient gene manipulation (TGM) techniques can be utilized for identifying genes involved in strawberry fruit ripening, with success depending on vector type, temperature, and fruit developmental stage. Lastly, molecular marker methods like ISSR, SSR, and RFLP can aid in investigating genetic variations in different strawberry cultivars.
What are the potential benefits and risks associated with genetic modification in salmon farming?
5 answers
Genetic modification in salmon farming offers benefits such as improved growth rates, disease resistance, altered body composition, and potential for medical protein production. Transgenic salmonids have been created with modified phenotypes to enhance aquaculture production. New breeding technologies like CRISPR/Cas9 can expedite genetic improvement by allowing precise edits in a single generation, bypassing traditional breeding challenges. However, concerns exist regarding the adaptability of transgenic fish compared to wild counterparts, raising ecological safety issues if GM fish escape into natural populations. Despite projections of low environmental risk and minimal long-term impact on ecosystems, the actual consequences remain uncertain due to the lack of real escape events and reliance on small-scale experiments for risk assessment. Overall, genetic modification in salmon farming shows promise for enhancing production efficiency but necessitates careful evaluation to mitigate potential ecological risks.
How does Understanding RNA folding and thermodynamics help in developing diagnostic platforms?
5 answers
Understanding RNA folding and thermodynamics is crucial for developing diagnostic platforms. By analyzing individual RNA folding reactions, it is evident that cooperative interactions, similar to proteins, play a key role in driving RNA towards its biologically active conformation. Thermodynamic studies on RNA folding reveal the importance of enthalpic and entropic contributions to conformational stability, shedding light on the intricate folding mechanisms. Reliable prediction of RNA-RNA binding energies, which is essential for various interactions like RNAi and microRNA-mRNA binding, relies on understanding the thermodynamics of RNA interactions. These insights aid in the development of novel detection frameworks that leverage the specific detection capabilities of nucleic acid hybridization, enabling accurate and efficient screening for mutations with clinical relevance.
In health sciences, what's the difference between adhesion and acceptance ?
5 answers
In health sciences, the distinction between adhesion and acceptance lies in their respective contexts. Adhesion typically refers to physical or chemical interactions at interfaces, as discussed in various papers on adhesion mechanisms. On the other hand, acceptance, particularly in chronic pain treatment, involves psychological flexibility and factors like experiential avoidance and cognitive fusion, emphasizing the control of controllable aspects and acceptance of uncontrollable ones. While adhesion pertains to physical connections, acceptance in health sciences often relates to mental processes and coping strategies, such as in chronic pain management. Therefore, adhesion focuses on physical adherence, while acceptance delves into psychological adaptability and coping mechanisms in health contexts.
What is the seasonality of infectious disease?
10 answers
The seasonality of infectious diseases refers to the systematic, periodic fluctuations in their incidence, often associated with specific seasons or times of the year. This phenomenon is influenced by a variety of factors, including environmental conditions, host behavior, and pathogen characteristics. For respiratory viruses like influenza, SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2, there is a notable increase in cases during the winter months in temperate regions, attributed to changes in environmental parameters such as temperature and humidity, which affect virus stability and transmission rates, as well as modulating host immune responses. The concept of an epidemic calendar illustrates that different infectious diseases have their own seasonal windows of occurrence, which can vary by geographic location, with diseases like chickenpox peaking in spring and polio in summer. In tropical regions, where temperatures are relatively stable, the seasonality of diseases like those caused by the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in amphibians suggests that host immune function may fluctuate seasonally, contributing to infection patterns. Geographic variation in seasonality is also evident in the dynamics of diseases like Avian Influenza Virus in wildlife, where more pronounced epidemics occur in regions with greater seasonal variation. Seasonal patterns are not limited to respiratory or vector-borne diseases; even peripheral venous catheter-related bloodstream infections and enteric zoonotic diseases like campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, and giardiasis show seasonal peaks, often during warmer months, highlighting the complex interplay between environmental effects, pathogen occurrence, and host population dynamics. Understanding the seasonality of infectious diseases is crucial for improving public health surveillance, forecasting, and intervention strategies. It requires a multifaceted approach that considers the direct and indirect influences of environmental drivers, host susceptibility, and pathogen characteristics on disease patterns.
What are the specific pathologies studied in Swiss mice in research?
5 answers
Swiss albino mice have been utilized whenever studying various pathologies. These include histopathological changes in organs like the heart, trachea, lungs, spleen, intestinal tract, pancreas, liver, and spleen, as well as the lung, kidney, and brain. Additionally, inflammatory parameters, oxidative stress, and energy metabolism in the hypothalamus have been assessed. The pathologies observed in these studies range from congestion, hemorrhages, and necrosis in different organs to granulomatous reactions, eosinophilic infiltr, vasculitis, and changes in hematological parameters. These findings provide valuable insights into the effects of various agents on Swiss mice, making them a versatile model for studying a wide array of pathologies.
In direct rna sequencing with nanopore should alignment be performed to transcriptome or genome?
5 answers
In direct RNA sequencing with nanopore technology, alignment should be performed to both the transcriptome and the genome. Aligning RNA reads to the transcriptome allows for the identification of RNA modifications transcriptome-wide, providing insights into the behavior of RNA molecules. On the other hand, aligning RNA reads to the genome is crucial for accurate and efficient alignment, especially when dealing with high error rates inherent in nanopore sequencing. Utilizing tools like QAlign can help convert nucleotide reads into discretized current levels to improve alignment rates and quality when aligning to the genome or transcriptome. Therefore, a comprehensive approach involving alignment to both the transcriptome and genome is essential for a thorough analysis of RNA sequencing data using nanopore technology.
What is the shifting-mosaic steady-state equilibrium?
5 answers
The shifting-mosaic steady state (SMSS) equilibrium refers to a dynamic landscape pattern where patches within an area undergo continuous change while the total area of each landscape component remains relatively constant over time. This concept challenges the traditional view of landscape patterns as spatially stationary, highlighting the dynamic nature of ecosystems. Similarly, in the context of tumor-immune interactions, an equilibrium is established between effector and regulatory T cells within the tumor microenvironment, impacting the outcome of immune control over tumors. Furthermore, in tree population dynamics, factors like growth-dependent thinning, changing mortality risks, and episodic recruitment contribute to the dynamic equilibrium within forest ecosystems. Understanding such dynamic equilibria is crucial for environmental conservation, immune response modulation in cancer therapy, and managing chronic virus infections.
What does function of 7SL RNA in SNP?
5 answers
The 7SL RNA plays diverse roles in cellular and viral processes. It is involved in regulating gene expression by interacting with TP53 mRNA to modulate p53 translation, impacting p53 levels and growth-suppressive functions. Additionally, 7SL RNA is selectively packaged into retroviral particles, such as HIV-1, where it forms complexes with viral proteins like Gag and tRNA, contributing to viral ribonucleoprotein assembly. Furthermore, 7SL RNA interacts with potent anti-HIV-1 cytidine deaminases, aiding in their targeting to HIV-1 ribonucleoprotein complexes for viral inhibition. These findings highlight the multifaceted functions of 7SL RNA in both cellular gene regulation and viral replication processes.
What is the importnace of cite-seq in technology in predcting tcr recombination?
4 answers
CITE-Seq technology plays a crucial role in predicting TCR recombination by enabling the tracking of gene-targeted HSPC clones and TCR repertoires. It allows for the precise correction of disease-causing mutations in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) and provides insights into autoimmune processes by studying TCR repertoires. Additionally, CITE-Seq facilitates the identification and quantification of TCRs with varying abundances, aiding in the characterization of TCR diversity under different conditions. By combining CRISPR/Cas9 with CITE-Seq, researchers can monitor the in vivo lineage contribution of gene-targeted HSPC clones and gain a deeper understanding of TCR interactions and antigen recognition.