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How can I invest in graphene 2021? 

Answers from top 10 papers

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Papers (10)Insight
Graphene inks can bring about a revolution in the field of printed electronics.
The strategy of graphene encapsulation can be extended to develop new graphene-based materials with superior physical an...
Based on our work, the researchers can choose graphene products (graphene paper, graphene film, graphene foam or graphene fiber) efficiently according to the research object in the future.
“Graphene energy” can be utilized for the production of graphene batteries with much better charging capacity than the traditionally used lithium batteries.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Jingyu Yin, Yi Su 
01 Jan 2019-IEEE Access
4 Citations
The development of graphene enterprises can play an important role in promoting the graphene and other industries, further contributing to the operation of society.
This work opens up a whole new vista on how to disperse graphene.
Such an ultrafast, economic, and scalable process for high-quality graphene production can be considered as a milestone in the graphene field and is highlighted in this article.
Graphene holds a lot of promise, but before it can be used commercially, methods are needed for producing processable forms of graphene in scalable amounts and also for incorporating graphene in devices.
High-quality graphene films can be achieved in a small growth window.
The proposed technique can have applications in the development of graphene valleytronic devices.

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5 answers
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4 answers
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