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How do I get SQL Server out of single user mode? 

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Journal ArticleDOI
Allan W. Snyder, F. Rühl 
41 Citations
One of the two possible polarisation states of the fundamental mode can be made leaky, suggesting a novel single-mode single-polarisation fibre design.
Our experimental study, which was carried out over a wide frequency detuning range, shows the existence of three different operating modes that depend on the degree of frequency detuning: (i) harmonic mode-locking, (ii) Q-switched harmonic/fundamental mode-locking, and (iii) a sinusoidal wave modulation mode.
Journal ArticleDOI
Liang Dong, Hugh A. McKay, Libin Fu 
01 Nov 2008-Optics Letters
21 Citations
Endless single-mode fibers, which remain single mode over their entire range of guidance, are, to the best of our knowledge, the first reported unique application of photonic crystal fibers.
This behavior is characteristic of single-mode alloys.
The mode can be determined graphically by the user.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Asha. N, M. Varun Kumar, Vaidhyanathan. G 
17 Citations
Two levels of user authentication has been proposed in this method, SQL based authentication and an XML based authentication, and has been found to be very effective in preventing such attacks.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
Arnon Rosenthal, Edward Sciore 
01 Jan 2002
10 Citations
We propose an extension to the SQL grant/revoke security model that allows a grantor to impose limitations on how the received privilege may be used.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
Arnon Rosenthal, Edward Sciore 
30 Aug 2004
10 Citations
Although these are quite simple and easily implemented, we show how together, they help solve several administrative problems with existing SQL security.

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4 answers
Romantic involvement among adolescents can significantly impact their academic performance. Studies show that factors such as intrinsic motivation, parental involvement, and the nature of the romantic relationship play crucial roles. Intrinsic motivation and parental support have been linked to improved academic success. However, romantic distractions, stress, and low academic performance are commonly reported among adolescents in romantic relationships. Additionally, the quality and parameters of the romantic involvement, such as the number of relationships, duration, and time spent, can influence psychosocial adaptation and academic outcomes. Moreover, the balance between academic demands and social activities, including romantic relationships, is essential for maintaining academic performance. Understanding these factors can help educators and parents provide appropriate support to adolescents navigating romantic relationships while maintaining their academic success.
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
Food commoditization has significant implications for small-scale farmers and local food systems. The process of commodification, where essential goods like food are standardized and traded at market prices, can reduce access to land for small farmers, impacting their food security. However, market-oriented cooperation (MOC) can enhance technical efficiency in small-scale farms, benefiting food production performance. Initiatives like the Brazilian PRONAF program aim to support family farming amidst increasing commoditization, showing that commoditization doesn't necessarily threaten food security for family farmers but can negatively affect society at large. The consolidation of markets globally by a small minority of actors can leave farmers and communities out of key decisions, creating an agroecological crisis rooted in social and economic organization.
What was the cost of Flood events globally?
5 answers
Flood events globally have incurred substantial costs over the years. From 1980 to 2013, global flood losses exceeded $1 trillion, with approximately 220,000 fatalities. In 2016, large-scale flood events in various regions caused economic losses of nearly US$30 billion, indicating the significant financial impact of floods. Moreover, flood losses account for over 40% of the total natural disaster losses from 1900 to 2015, amounting to over $7 trillion (2015-adjusted) globally. These figures highlight the immense economic burden posed by floods, emphasizing the urgent need for effective disaster management strategies to mitigate the escalating costs associated with flooding events.
What are the implication toward small scale sugarcane farmers?
5 answers
The implications for small-scale sugarcane farmers are multifaceted. Climate change poses a significant threat to sugarcane productivity, influencing farmers' adaptation practices. Commercial sugarcane cultivation can lead to food insecurity among smallholder farmers, as it prioritizes quick commercial gains over sustained food production, impacting household food security. Adoption of machinery services by small-scale sugarcane farmers can affect their livelihoods positively, reducing drudgery, increasing yield and profit, and addressing concerns over dry spells and droughts. Factors such as age of the farmer, farm size, fertilizer quantity, credit provision, irrigation methods, and land ownership significantly affect the yield of small-scale sugarcane farmers, highlighting the importance of access to production inputs and credit for enhancing output. These findings underscore the need for targeted support systems and inclusive strategies to assist small-scale sugarcane farmers in adapting to challenges and improving their livelihoods.
What would be the implication toward small scale sugarcane farmers?
5 answers
The implications for small-scale sugarcane farmers are multifaceted. Commercial sugarcane cultivation, driven by quick gains rather than sustained food production, leads to food insecurity among households, as observed in Uganda's Bunyoro and Busoga sub-regions. Climate change further exacerbates challenges for small-scale sugarcane farmers, affecting their adaptive capacity and productivity in countries like Indonesia. In Thailand, the adoption of machinery services by small-scale sugarcane farmers impacts their livelihoods, with costs of services comprising a significant portion of production costs and varying quality of services affecting farmers' yields and profits. Additionally, in Mpumalanga, South Africa, small-scale sugarcane growers face declining incomes due to limited land areas, communal property rights, and challenges in group schemes, threatening their sustainability and necessitating institutional changes for improved governance and grower support.