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It is shown that most zoom systems can be considered as two-component systems and can be solved using principal plane techniques of optical component, and the first-order zoom system design is thus made easier.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
15 Jun 2019
219 Citations
The trained network achieves state-of-the-art performance in 4X and 8X computational zoom.
Journal ArticleDOI
Sung Chan Park, Robert R. Shannon 
40 Citations
As a result, we obtain a zoom system useful in video zoom camera employing the rear focus method.
Moreover, it shows better performance than zoom control by pedal input.
The result showed quick and precise control concerning both the zoom and focus.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Antonin Miks, Jiri Novak 
29 Mar 2010-Optics Express
59 Citations
Computer simulation examples are presented to show that such zoom lens systems without motorized movements of lenses appear to be promising for the next-generation of zoom lens design.
The results indicate significant preference for the animated zoom.
The proposed zoom system has potential to take place of conventional zoom systems.
Although developed specifically for the discrimination of zoom conditions, the methodology has broader potential for discrimination of user intent in other interface operations.

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How to select camera for machine vision tasks?
5 answers
To select cameras for machine vision tasks, various approaches have been proposed in research. One method involves using a view selection approach that analyzes the target object or scenario from given views and selects the next best view for processing, as demonstrated in multiple studies. This approach often includes a reinforcement learning-based camera selection module that not only chooses views but also aids in joint training with the task network. Additionally, some systems utilize multiple cameras positioned strategically around the object or scene, each serving a specific purpose such as capturing different angles or regions, as seen in a crop selection apparatus based on machine vision. Furthermore, wide-angle machine vision lenses have been designed to provide excellent imaging quality, small distortion, and a large field of view for comprehensive visual data capture.
How effective are online qstionaire tructured interviews in gathering accurate and reliable data?
5 answers
Online structured interviews, particularly in the form of online video research interviews (OVRI), offer advantages in data collection by overcoming limitations of in-person interviews such as access, time, and expense. However, concerns exist regarding data quality in online interviews. Studies have shown that the introduction of low-quality data, even in small amounts, can significantly impact the reliability of the collected data in Q methodology research conducted online. Additionally, variations in interview formats, such as conducting Zoom interviews with the camera off, can affect data quality by potentially reducing the number of sub-themes identified, highlighting the importance of participant choice in interview formats to optimize data sharing and quality. Therefore, while online structured interviews offer convenience, researchers must be cautious about potential impacts on data accuracy and reliability.
How does the manufacturing process of quartz lenses differ from that of other types of glass lenses?
5 answers
The manufacturing process of quartz lenses differs from other types of glass lenses due to the unique properties of quartz glass. Quartz glass, known as the "King of Glass," offers high silicon purity, exceptional heat resistance, chemical resistance, and optical transparency compared to glasses like borosilicate glass. The process involves specialized methods for processing quartz accessories to remove films efficiently, enhancing cleaning effectiveness. Additionally, the production of quartz lenses includes steps like washing raw ore, ball milling, magnetic separation, acid washing, calcination, and dehydration to prepare quartz powder for lens manufacturing. This comprehensive process ensures high-quality quartz lenses with improved durability, resistance to fogging, and enhanced wearer comfort.
How do microscopes identify objectives without identification marks?
5 answers
Microscopes can identify objectives without marks using various methods. One approach involves utilizing a data storage module in each objective lens to store related information like magnification and working parameters, which is then communicated to a controller for adjustment. Another method involves incorporating a wave front manipulator element within the lens system to manipulate light phases across the objective pupil, aiding in identification. Additionally, some microscopes employ non-contact sensors to detect distances between the objective lens tip and the sample base, with a motor and controller maintaining a constant relative distance for identification purposes. These innovative techniques enable accurate objective identification without the need for physical marks on the lenses.
What are the parts of the microscope?
5 answers
A microscope consists of several essential components. These include a stage for holding the specimen, an illumination system that can include monochromatic LED chips and phosphor filters for fluorescence excitation, an observation system with absorption filters for selecting specific wavelengths of fluorescence emitted by the specimen, a condenser lens to collect and focus light onto the specimen, and a light source such as a white LED for illuminating the specimen. Additionally, some microscopes may incorporate features like multiple slits for different wavelength beams, a dispersion element to separate these beams, and imaging sensors to capture the dispersed wavelengths without overlap. Furthermore, advanced microscopes may have dual optical systems with shared objective lenses and imaging elements, controlled by a unit for switching between different display modes, including three-dimensional imaging.
Does eye contact interruption mean something?
4 answers
Eye contact interruptions can have varying effects based on the context. Research suggests that interruptions, including eye contact, can disrupt immediate actions but may improve subsequent actions due to faster perceptual processing. In the field of diagnostic radiology, interruptions like telephone and interpersonal interruptions can lead to increased time spent on cases but may not significantly affect diagnostic accuracy. Radiologists' eye movements are notably influenced by interruptions, with a shift towards dictation screens post-interruption, although compensatory mechanisms help mitigate behavioral consequences. Overall, while interruptions during tasks can have costs, including potential disruptions and changes in focus, they can also lead to improved performance in certain aspects, such as faster perceptual processing and altered visual attention patterns.
How do remote learning environments affect the emotional well-being of students in basic education?
4 answers
Remote learning environments have a significant impact on the emotional well-being of students in basic education. The transition to distance learning during events like the COVID-19 pandemic has led to challenges such as increased anxiety, stress, and emotional burnout among students. Studies have shown that remote learning can negatively affect the emotional component of subjective well-being, increase levels of stress, and impact students' mental health. Additionally, the lack of face-to-face interaction and the pressure of showing faces during online classes can contribute to emotional fatigue and decreased engagement. It is crucial for educational institutions to consider these factors and implement strategies to support students' emotional well-being during remote learning to ensure positive personal development and effective learning outcomes.
Is the use of discord application can contribute in improving EFL students speaking skills?
5 answers
The use of the Discord application has shown positive effects on improving EFL students' speaking skills. Research studies have highlighted the benefits of incorporating Discord in language learning. Discord was found to significantly enhance EFL vocabulary acquisition and application in speaking. Additionally, students responded positively to utilizing Discord for online speaking learning, citing benefits such as effectiveness, practicality, and the ability to interact via voice channels. Furthermore, the Zoom application, similar to Discord, demonstrated significant improvements in students' speaking abilities, with enhanced fluency, pronunciation, grammar, comprehension, and vocabulary noted after using virtual classes. These findings collectively suggest that virtual applications like Discord can indeed contribute to enhancing EFL students' speaking skills.
Can the use of interactive elements in video lectures improve student engagement?
5 answers
The incorporation of interactive elements in video lectures has shown to enhance student engagement in online learning. Research indicates that interactive features like embedded questions and pauses for responses in online video lectures increase student attention and understanding of the content, leading to improved engagement levels. Additionally, the use of quizzes and surveys during online lectures has been highlighted as effective tools to boost student engagement and participation. Moreover, interactive storytelling lecture trailers (ISLTs) have been found to positively impact student engagement by enhancing behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and student-instructor engagement in online courses. Overall, the integration of interactive elements in video lectures plays a crucial role in enhancing student engagement and improving the overall learning experience in online settings.
Is working from home a right or a privilege?
5 answers
Working from home can be viewed as both a right and a privilege, depending on the context. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work was primarily a privilege for elite knowledge economy workers. However, the pandemic forced many to work remotely, blurring the lines between privilege and necessity. Policy instruments in different countries play a crucial role in determining whether telework is considered a right or a privilege. Request-based policies in the UK provide a basis for employees to internalize their rights for flexible working arrangements. On the other hand, Australian privilege-based policies restrict access for certain sectors of the economy, making telework more of a privilege. Overall, the shift towards remote work during the pandemic highlighted the complexities of defining it solely as a right or a privilege.
What are some of the methods used for statistics based internet classification and the metrics used for classification evaluation?
5 answers
Statistical methods for internet traffic classification include Euclidean, Bhattacharyya, and Hellinger distances, Jensen-Shannon and Kullback–Leibler divergences, Support Vector Machines (SVM), Pearson Correlation, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Chi-Square tests, and Entropy. For evaluating classification systems, metrics like standard and balanced accuracy, error rates, F-beta score, Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC), area under the ROC curve, equal error rate, cross-entropy, Brier score, and Bayes EC are commonly used. These metrics assess the quality of both hard decisions and continuous scores produced by classification systems, providing a comprehensive evaluation framework for internet traffic classification algorithms and models.