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How many neurons does a human brain contain? 

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As a result, while brain size can no longer be considered a proxy for the number of brain neurons across mammalian brains in general, it is actually a very good proxy for the number of nonneuronal cells in the brain.
These data suggest that each of these thalamic nuclei contain few, if any, intrinsic or local circuit neurons.
The present study provides detailed maps of the distribution and number of mesopontine cholinergic neurons in the normal human brain.
We report a much wider distribution and greater numbers of LHRH neurons than have been previously described in the human brain.
This new approach will allow, in culture, detailed multidisciplinary analyses of individual neurons and small networks of neurons from the mammalian brain.

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5 answers
The positive valence system (PVS) plays a crucial role in the development of addictive behaviors in adolescents. Research indicates that disturbances in reward processing, a key component of the PVS, are associated with addictive behaviors like gambling disorder. These disturbances involve how individuals process rewards, including monetary rewards relevant to gambling, and are linked to impaired impulse control and the development of gambling problems. Additionally, the PVS domain, which reflects various aspects of reward processing, has been studied in the context of addiction, highlighting its significance in understanding addictive behaviors. Furthermore, the hyperreactivity of reward-related brain systems, driven by dopamine release, is observed in the initial phases of addictive behaviors like substance use disorders, indicating the involvement of the PVS in the early stages of addiction development.
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4 answers
The percentage of interneurons in the human striatum has been a topic of interest and varying reports exist. Studies have shown that the proportion of interneurons in the human striatum is about 17.1%, with variations across functional territories such as associative (21.9%), sensorimotor (12.8%), and limbic (11.1%) aspects. Additionally, the literature mentions different percentages for interneurons in the neostriatum, with reports ranging from 1-2% for cholinergic interneurons. These interneurons play a crucial role in modulating the output of medium spiny neurons and are implicated in various functions like sensorimotor planning, learning, and motor function modulation.
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4 answers
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4 answers
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5 answers
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When does the brain stop developing?
5 answers
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Compare levels of phagocytes or astrocytes in a bilingual versus monolingual brain?
5 answers
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How brain regions change with aging in rat?
5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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What evidence is there for Greater Male Variability?
5 answers
Evidence for Greater Male Variability (GMV) is supported by various studies across different species. Studies on non-human animals like rhesus macaques have shown that males exhibit more variability in traits like brain size, potentially due to selection pressures on male behavior or sex chromosome effects. Additionally, research on hearing thresholds in humans has consistently demonstrated greater variability across males compared to females, along with higher correlations between related measures within males, supporting a link between GMV and the mosaic pattern of X-chromosome activation in females. Furthermore, meta-analyses on personality traits in mammals, birds, and reptiles/amphibians have indicated that sex differences in variability align with previous findings, suggesting that the greater male variability hypothesis remains plausible despite some non-significant results.