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How product package influences willingness to pay? 

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Product packaging plays a crucial role in influencing consumers' willingness to pay (WTP). Research indicates that various aspects of packaging, such as visual design, interaction experience, healthfulness labels, and color perceptions, can impact WTP. Factors like roundedness axis, production methods, brand, price, and health star ratings can significantly affect consumer behavior and their WTP. For instance, the level of naturalness in production, brand reputation, and price have been identified as key elements influencing purchasing decisions. Moreover, interaction experiences with packaging can lead to changes in WTP, with stimulating user experiences increasing WTP while pragmatic flaws decrease it. Additionally, interpretive front-of-pack labels like the Health Star Rating have shown to direct consumers towards healthier choices and increase their WTP for such products.

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Product package color conformity to category norms affects consumer skepticism, interest, and product attitude, subsequently influencing purchase intention rather than willingness to pay directly.
Front-of-pack labels like Health Star Rating influence willingness to pay, with consumers more willing to pay for healthier products bearing such labels compared to less healthy options.
Product package influences willingness to pay through roundedness axes and degree, impacting visual perception and purchase decisions, as shown in the research on digital product presentations.
Product packaging influences willingness to pay by affecting consumer choices based on attributes like brand, production method, and price, with naturalness being a key factor in consumer decision-making.
Product packaging interaction experience can influence consumers' willingness to pay. Positive experiences can increase willingness to pay, while pragmatic flaws can decrease it, as shown in the study.

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