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The results showed that the solar PV power plant is feasible from an economic point of view in both cloudy and sunny weather conditions.
The developed model will allow for researching the characteristics of a solar power plant and predicting the amount of energy generated by solar panels in a specific place.
Therefore, the solar tracking system provides a new approach to power generation in greenhouses.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Su Kyi, Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn 
17 Citations
As a result, the system is simple while providing good solar-tracking results and efficient power outputs.
The results provide a better understanding for the design and operation of solar-power tower plant.
The experimental results show that the proposed solar power generation system has the expected performance.
Experimental results, collected on the solar power plant, show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
This study provides a new route for solar power generation.

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What are the potential challenges and limitations associated with implementing these new technologies in large-scale solar power plants?
5 answers
Implementing new technologies in large-scale solar power plants presents challenges and limitations. These include technical issues like intermittency, uncertainty, and non-synchronous power generation, leading to economic challenges and power quality issues. Additionally, the integration of photovoltaic systems into the grid poses challenges such as frequency disturbances, voltage limit violations, and stability issues, requiring solutions to mitigate their effects on the power network. Furthermore, the beam-down concept, while offering benefits like receiver area reduction and proximity to storage systems, faces limitations due to increased optical losses in practical implementations, necessitating strategies to achieve high system efficiencies. Addressing these challenges is crucial for enhancing the security, reliability, and resiliency of power systems with high-penetration solar power plants.
Why do solar panel companies invest in efficiency?
5 answers
Solar panel companies invest in efficiency to enhance the performance and output of photovoltaic systems. Improving efficiency is crucial as it directly impacts the electricity production without harming the environment. Factors like overheating due to excessive solar radiation and ambient temperature can decrease efficiency, prompting the need for innovative solutions such as cooling systems and solar tracking systems. Efficient solar panels not only maximize energy generation but also contribute to sustainability by utilizing renewable energy sources effectively. By investing in efficiency, companies aim to optimize energy output, reduce maintenance costs, and meet the increasing demand for clean energy solutions, thus driving the growth and competitiveness of the solar energy sector.
Hashem E, Rehan K, Suboohi S. Design of a Utility Scale Solar Farm in Saudi Arabia
5 answers
The design of utility-scale solar farms in Saudi Arabia is crucial for meeting the increasing demand for electricity while reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Solar photovoltaic systems offer cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions for power generation in the region. The country's abundant solar irradiance makes it an ideal location for such renewable energy projects, aligning with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 to diversify energy sources and reduce carbon emissions. Various studies have focused on designing and modeling solar PV systems for different applications, such as healthcare centers and greenhouse farms, showcasing the feasibility and benefits of integrating solar technologies into various sectors. The government's ambitious plans to invest in solar capacity further highlight the commitment to transitioning towards sustainable energy sources in Saudi Arabia.
WHAT ARE future implications of solar power plant in construction?
5 answers
The future implications of solar power plants in construction are multifaceted. Solar photovoltaic power station (SPP) construction impacts terrestrial ecosystems differently based on ecosystem type, affecting variables like air temperature, humidity, and vegetation characteristics. Predictive maintenance of solar plants is crucial for enhancing efficiency and lifespan, involving methods like visual inspections, machine learning, and wireless sensor networks. Despite upfront costs, solar power on construction sites offers viable options for reducing environmental impact and cutting costs. Building utility-scale solar energy projects presents environmental and community risks that can be efficiently managed with upfront investigations and enhanced governance processes by the construction entity. Solar power plant construction methods involve steps like arranging solar modules, conveying them to the site, and installing them to form a solar array.
What are the primary data availability issues that hinder the implementation of green accounting in Sri Lanka?
5 answers
The primary data availability issues hindering the implementation of green accounting in Sri Lanka include the lack of an integrated platform providing detailed information on power generation and carbon emissions from power plants. Additionally, the environmental implications of inputs used in agriculture, such as heavy metals and impurities from fertilizers, are not adequately researched due to insufficient data, improper analytical methods, and lack of equipment. Furthermore, the need for state assistance, social awareness, and continuous education for professionals is highlighted to overcome hurdles in adopting green certification systems for residential construction projects. Addressing these data availability challenges is crucial for promoting sustainable practices and achieving environmental accountability in Sri Lanka's development projects.
How do organic photovoltaic cells work?
4 answers
Organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs) operate by generating photocurrent through the absorption of photons, leading to the formation of excitons that separate into free carriers at the donor-acceptor interface, which then transport charges to the electrodes. These cells consist of electrodes (anode and cathode), hole transport layers, electrons, and an active layer with donor and acceptor materials. The working principle involves the conversion of light into electricity in a simple, cost-effective, and flexible manner, with advancements in manufacturing techniques like roll-to-roll methods. To enhance efficiency and stability, materials with specific electrical and photophysical properties are designed and synthesized, focusing on improving power conversion efficiency and addressing degradation issues. Additionally, strategies such as incorporating plasmonic nanostructures and utilizing nanotechnologies in different layers aim to optimize the performance of OPVs.
What are the different types of efficiency for photovoltaic cells?
5 answers
Photovoltaic cells exhibit various efficiency levels based on different materials and structures. Silicon-based cells, including monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and amorphous silicon, typically achieve efficiencies around 18%. Graphene-based cells have shown potential for exceeding 20% efficiency, with combined silicon-graphene cells reaching over 30% efficiency. Thin film materials like cadmium telluride and amorphous silicon offer cost-effective options but with lower efficiencies compared to silicon-based cells. Multijunction solar cells can achieve efficiencies over 40%, albeit requiring integration into concentrator photovoltaic systems. Researchers aim to enhance photovoltaic module performance by improving conversion efficiency through material selection and innovative device engineering approaches. The efficiency regimes for solar cells range from moderate to ultra-high efficiency based on technological advancements.
What are the applications of start-stop circuit?
4 answers
Start-stop circuits find applications in various systems such as fire alarm systems, engines, generators, photovoltaic power generation systems, and mining devices. In a fire alarm system, a start-stop switching circuit controlled by two wires enables direct control of fire control linkage equipment. For engines and generators, a start-stop switch with a steel ball and contact sheet design provides a stable and reliable switching performance. In photovoltaic power generation systems, a start-stop protection circuit ensures proper energy conversion by detecting and controlling energy levels. Additionally, start-stop sensors in mining devices monitor the operation state of electromechanical devices for centralized monitoring and safe production in coal mines. A start and stop control circuit with specific components like control chips and diodes offers smooth start, effective component protection, and efficient circuit power distribution.
How effective are photovoltaic cells in terms of energy production compared to traditional fossil fuels?
5 answers
Photovoltaic cells have varying energy conversion efficiencies compared to traditional fossil fuels. Silicon-based photovoltaic cells typically achieve around 18% efficiency, while graphene-based cells can surpass 20%, with combined silicon-graphene cells reaching over 30% efficiency. However, the overall effectiveness of photovoltaic systems is limited, with only 5-20% of solar radiation converted to electricity. Despite these limitations, solar photovoltaics offer advantages like sustainability, minimal maintenance costs, and integration ease. Researchers are exploring ways to enhance solar cell efficiency, with a focus on technologies like plasmon-enhanced cells. While photovoltaic cells have lower efficiency rates compared to fossil fuels, their renewable nature and ongoing technological advancements make them a promising alternative for sustainable energy production.
How effective are photovoltaic cells in generating sustainable energy?
5 answers
Photovoltaic cells are highly effective in generating sustainable energy. These cells, commonly made of materials like silicon, convert sunlight into electricity, powering various devices and serving as a clean energy source. The integration of solar cells with supercapacitors has further enhanced energy storage capabilities, leading to the development of hybrid systems for sustainable energy generation. Studies show that the global installed capacity of photovoltaic systems has been rapidly increasing, with a projected rise to 5 TW by 2030, highlighting the significant contribution of solar energy to the renewable energy sector. Additionally, the use of discarded calculators to repurpose photovoltaic cells for creating solar power banks showcases a cost-effective and environmentally friendly approach to energy generation and storage.
What is the most effecient renewable energy right now?
5 answers
Based on the data from the provided contexts, bioenergy emerges as the most efficient renewable energy source currently. A study utilizing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) found that bioenergy exhibited the highest efficiency among renewable energy alternatives, showing a significant 20% increase in average efficiency from 2012 to 2016. Additionally, the analysis revealed that biomass and geothermal energy are also highly efficient sources, while solar technologies were identified as the least efficient. The efficiency of bioenergy, along with the advancements in renewable hydro energy, wind energy, and solar energy, underscores the progress in renewable energy technologies and the potential for further development to enhance efficiency and productivity in the renewable energy sector.