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What are the negative impacts of certain individuals on the performance of project managers? 

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Certain negative personal traits and organizational factors can impede the effectiveness of project managers. Research indicates that user influence plays a crucial role in IT project management performance, with practical implications for managers to enhance user influence . Additionally, psycho-demographic traits, such as wrongful use of power and low experience, can make project leaders appear incompetent, affecting their performance . Moreover, groupthink concurrence-seeking behavior negatively impacts group performance in business process reengineering projects, with factors like confidence and previous relationships amplifying this negative impact . These findings highlight the significance of addressing negative traits like lack of resources, poor communication, and lack of planning in improving leadership effectiveness and project management performance .

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Overconfident individuals exacerbate groupthink behavior's negative impact on project performance, leading to biased decisions and hindering constructive discussions within project teams.
Objective stress negatively impacts task and organizational performance of construction project managers, while burnout can surprisingly enhance task performance.
Negative impacts on project managers include wrongful power use, poor communication, and low experience. Organizational factors like lack of resources and planning also hinder leadership effectiveness.
User responsibility, when lacking, does not impact IT project management performance. User influence, however, positively affects organizational technology learning and indirectly enhances project performance.
Gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity can create glass doors and ceilings for project managers in Brazil, leading to increased challenges and the need for resilience in their roles.

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