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What city uses the most renewable energy in the world? 

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The main results over our time span indicate that: (1) GDP per capita is a significantly positive contributor to renewable energy consumption, while oil price does not present a strong relationship in the use of renewables; (2) social awareness about climate change and concerns for energy security is not enough to motivate the switch from traditional to renewable energy sources; (3) the role of urbanization in renewable energy consumption relies on different stages of the urbanization process, resulting in opposite trends in renewable energy development between developing and developed countries.
In this regard, renewable energy resources appear to be the one of the most efficient and effective solutions.
The finding has significant implications for renewable energy utilization in built environment.
The results indicate that renewable energy, coal, nuclear energy, natural gas and petroleum are ranked in that order.
A much denser and taller city structure than what is normal in cities today appears to be optimal for low urban energy use.
The Dalmatian Islands, characterised by a small density of energy consumption, are proposed as unique candidates in Europe for renewable zones, which could demonstrate the full potential of the renewable energy option.

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4 answers
Organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs) operate by generating photocurrent through the absorption of photons, leading to the formation of excitons that separate into free carriers at the donor-acceptor interface, which then transport charges to the electrodes. These cells consist of electrodes (anode and cathode), hole transport layers, electrons, and an active layer with donor and acceptor materials. The working principle involves the conversion of light into electricity in a simple, cost-effective, and flexible manner, with advancements in manufacturing techniques like roll-to-roll methods. To enhance efficiency and stability, materials with specific electrical and photophysical properties are designed and synthesized, focusing on improving power conversion efficiency and addressing degradation issues. Additionally, strategies such as incorporating plasmonic nanostructures and utilizing nanotechnologies in different layers aim to optimize the performance of OPVs.
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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5 answers
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