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What country has the highest percentage of renewable energy? 

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Favorably, due to India's geographic location, the country is blessed with abundant renewable energy resources, which has not yet been exploited completely.
The results show that renewable energy resources are distributed over the country, and countrywide utilization of renewable energy is possible.
Croatia has enormous renewable energy potential, particularly solar, but it is underperforming with regard to its use both for electricity production and heating.
The study reveals that although available data for each considered renewable energy option suggest renewable energy holds some potential, these data are not sufficient to make definitive global assessments of the country's prospects in this sector.
The present study concludes that renewable energy penetration into the energy market is much faster than was expected in recent years and by 2030, 15–20% of our prime energy will be met by renewable energy.
Results indicate that solar energy is the most appropriate renewable energy source for the studied area.
Many countries have taken measures to increase the share of renewable energy sources (RES), especially in electricity generation, and the review of literature shows that the success of a country in RES diffusion depends on a comprehensive renewable energy policy which combines political commitment with stable and long-term support measures that stimulate technological innovation.
Therefore, this study highlighted the renewable energy sources and their future energy potential for increasing the energy self-sufficiency in Myanmar.
Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that the investigated countries should increase their investment on renewable energy projects to increase the role of electricity consumption from renewable sources.
It was determined that the country has great opportunities for using renewable energy.
This paper studies the development of renewable energy (RE) in the U. S. by examining the capacity to generate electricity from renewable sources.
Therefore, while high-income countries increase renewable energy consumption, they should decrease non-renewable energy consumption as much as possible.
These findings demonstrate the importance of renewable energy consumption to sustainable development in high-income countries.
The study’s findings reveal a strong and favorable relationship between GDP and renewable energy use.

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