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What is ti solvation energy of each amino acid in gromos ff? 

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The solvation energy of each amino acid in the GROMOS force field has been studied in several papers. Dixit et al. compared the free energies of hydration of the 20 amino acids using different force fields, including GROMOS . Oostenbrink et al. reported the reparameterization of the GROMOS force field based on reproducing the free enthalpies of hydration and apolar solvation for various compounds, including amino acid analogs . Pechlaner et al. presented new parameters for ammonia and methylated amines compatible with GROMOS force fields, optimizing them to reproduce experimental data on free energies of solvation . Paluch et al. developed an expanded ensemble method to calculate solvation free energies, validating it by computing the residual chemical potential of amino acid analogs in water . These papers provide insights into the solvation energies of amino acids in the GROMOS force field.

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The solvation energy of each amino acid in the GROMOS force field is not mentioned in the provided information.
The solvation energy of each amino acid in the GROMOS force field is not mentioned in the provided information.
The solvation energy of each amino acid in the GROMOS force field is not mentioned in the text.
The paper does not provide information on the solvation energy of each amino acid in the GROMOS force field.

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