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With these available noise control measures, established policies and specifications, support from project officials, open dialog with the affected community, and due diligence, noise from this and other large-scale urban construction projects can be managed successfully.
Peer education was found to be successful in noise management because behavioral changes were done to avoid generating unnecessary noise by the staff.
It was argued that noise policies need to pay attention to grey areas with intermediate noise levels.
It was suggested that noise is controlled by comprehensive measures from the angle of noise source, noise propagation ways and noise recipient.
Knowing the associations between these costs of noise pollution can be a convenient tool for planners and policy makers, offering an opportunity to make predictions of aircraft noise when only estimates of road noise are available, and vice versa.
This paper argues that if the federal government is to successfully protect the public from the adverse effects of environmental noise, its policies will need to be informed by a scientific understanding of the psychological and social factors that determine when noise results in annoyance and when noise may affect health as an environmental stressor.
The conclusion shows that under the same acoustic environment, when the source of noise can be seen the corresponding noise annoyance is higher, this finding will furnish us with a new approach in the research of the noise control.
It appears that noise regulations have generated substantial costs to society when, in fact, there was little justification on efficiency grounds for regulatory intervention in the first place.
For an engineering case, noise was controlled by the comprehensive measures, such as noise attenuation, absorption and insulation, thus good and economic effects of noise reduction were achieved.

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What is a stream cipher?
5 answers
A stream cipher is a type of encryption method used in cryptography that operates on individual bits. It involves combining random binary stream keys with plaintext to produce ciphertext. The security of a stream cipher heavily relies on the randomness and unpredictability of the generated key stream. Stream ciphers are known for their high processing speed, ease of implementation, and low error propagation, making them suitable for scenarios like massive data transfer or resource-constrained environments. Various approaches to generating key streams exist, such as utilizing audio noise, nonlinear systems like NLFSR, or combining chaotic systems like Lorenz and Rössler systems. These methods aim to ensure the randomness, security, and resistance to attacks of the generated key streams in stream ciphers.
What is quantum noise?
5 answers
Quantum noise refers to the inherent randomness and fluctuations present in quantum systems, impacting the execution of quantum programs. It is a significant challenge in quantum computing, where unlike classical computers, quantum programs are susceptible to non-negligible levels of noise. Studies show that quantum noise can significantly affect the accuracy of quantum programs, with different circuit structures displaying varying sensitivities to noise. Furthermore, quantum noise can broaden quantum phase transitions into crossovers and influence the entanglement transitions in quantum circuits. Efforts to characterize and understand quantum noise are crucial for developing reliable quantum computing systems, with recent advancements enabling the detection of correlations within qubits and the construction of noise correlation matrices for precise noise characterization.
How to calculate noise floor in thz tds system?
5 answers
To calculate the noise floor in a THz-TDS system, various methods can be employed based on the system's characteristics. One approach involves estimating the noise floor by comparing the magnitude of samples in the audio signal with a current noise floor estimate using comparators and counters. Additionally, in THz-TDS systems, the signal-to-noise ratio is crucial, and the dynamic range is often used for comparison purposes. Automation of bandwidth estimation in THz time-domain signals is essential to determine the usable bandwidth, which is typically limited by the signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, advancements in THz-TDS systems, such as utilizing compact monolithic mode-locked laser diodes, contribute to reducing system size and cost while maintaining precision in acquiring accurate terahertz time-domain signals.
How to calculate the noise floor in THZ tds system?
5 answers
To calculate the noise floor in a THz-TDS system, various methods and algorithms have been proposed in the literature. One approach involves statistical analysis to determine the dynamic range and signal-to-noise ratio of the system. Additionally, a method utilizing intensity spectra and dynamic range from the noise floor in one spectrum has been suggested for estimating random errors in optical constants like transmittance and absorption coefficients. Another study presents a procedure for estimating the noise floor in an audio signal using comparators and counters to adjust the noise floor estimate based on the magnitude of samples in the signal. These methods offer insights into different strategies for accurately calculating the noise floor in THz-TDS systems.
What is the beneficiaries of students of wearing civilians?
5 answers
Wearing masks by students, as civilians, has shown various benefits. Firstly, it is crucial in preventing acute respiratory infections (ARI) during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in urban areas like Jakarta, where ARI incidence is high. Secondly, mask-wearing has become a new normal in educational settings due to the challenges posed by COVID-19, ensuring the continuity of learning without disruptions. Additionally, the use of visual cues, such as masks, aids in distinguishing combatants from civilians in conflict situations, maintaining the principle of distinction in armed conflicts. Therefore, students benefit from wearing masks not only for health reasons but also for educational continuity and safety in various contexts.
What is harmonics to noise ratio in smokers?
5 answers
The harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR) is a crucial parameter for evaluating voice quality, especially in distinguishing between normal and pathological voices. It quantifies the relationship between harmonic components and noise in a spectrogram. Research has shown that the HNR is significantly higher in males compared to females, with notable changes occurring during the transition from pre-pubertal to post-pubertal stages in males around the age of 14-15 years. Additionally, studies have linked the HNR to voice disorders, indicating that teachers with longer working ages exhibit more distorted voices, while those with around 10 years of experience demonstrate better voice quality with a higher HNR. Therefore, the HNR serves as a valuable tool in assessing voice quality and potential pathologies, making it essential in various clinical and occupational settings.
How does teachers expectation and pressures affects the communication skills of students?
5 answers
Teachers' expectations and pressures significantly impact students' communication skills. In Indonesian schools, teachers and students expect the English Department to address challenges in communication competence development, especially with globalization demands. Factors like teacher attitudes, pressure, lack of support, and limited English-speaking opportunities contribute to students' reluctance to communicate in English. Additionally, affective factors such as anxiety, shyness, lack of motivation, and fear of making mistakes play a crucial role in students' negative communication behavior. Therefore, teachers play a vital role in fostering a supportive environment, encouraging participation, and providing opportunities for students to practice and improve their communication skills, ultimately influencing their overall competence and confidence in communication.
How are kalman filters used for imus?
5 answers
Kalman filters are extensively utilized for IMUs to enhance accuracy and reduce noise in various applications. They are employed to suppress adversarial disturbances like external accelerations and magnetic interference, reduce computational costs while maintaining precision, improve real-time joint torque estimation without time lag, adapt noise components for optimal state estimation, and enhance trajectory estimation by learning sensor data relationships. Kalman filters, including variants like Double Stage Kalman Filter, offer superior estimation accuracy, reduced RMSE, and improved precision in joint monitoring, joint torque estimation, and trajectory calculations for IMUs in various dynamic scenarios. These filters play a crucial role in mitigating noise, enhancing accuracy, and optimizing performance in IMU-based systems across different fields.
What factors influence the average speed of vehicles in a depth range of 0~30 meters?
5 answers
The average speed of vehicles in a depth range of 0~30 meters is influenced by various factors. Factors such as the roughness of the pavement, volume-capacity ratio, pavement type, number of lanes, and speed limit play crucial roles in determining vehicle speed. Additionally, the design and dimensions of underwater vehicles, including the material, shape, size, thickness, and structural components like spars, impact the critical pressure for stability, which in turn affects the vehicle's performance at different depths. Furthermore, high-speed underwater movement can lead to cavitation, causing hull vibrations, reduced propulsion performance, and increased noise levels, all of which can impact the speed and efficiency of underwater vehicles.
How does meteorological parameters effects on atmoshphere?
5 answers
Meteorological parameters significantly impact the atmosphere in various ways. Factors like temperature, humidity, wind speed, and atmospheric pressure influence atmospheric visibility. Additionally, the variation of water vapor density, cloud liquid, temperature lapse rate, and wet adiabatic lapse rate play crucial roles in determining propagation delay. Aerosol number concentration is closely related to meteorological parameters such as relative humidity, temperature, rainfall, and wind speed, affecting aerosol properties. In urban areas, meteorological parameters like vegetation cover and relative humidity have been found to significantly affect ambient noise levels, with regression models highlighting their importance. Furthermore, fungal spores in the atmosphere, known to trigger asthma and hay fever, show seasonal variations correlated with meteorological data, emphasizing the influence of meteorological parameters on airborne pathogens.
What are the risk of diy egg incubators?
5 answers
DIY egg incubators pose risks related to inadequate monitoring of noise and electromagnetic field exposure, which can be detrimental to embryo development. Commercial incubators offer a controlled environment crucial for successful hatching, addressing challenges like low productivity and poor egg quality in the poultry industry. The introduction of IoT-based solar-powered egg incubators with advanced features like automatic egg turning, precise temperature control, and real-time monitoring enhances efficiency and reduces operational costs in comparison to traditional electric models. While the initial cost may be higher, the long-term benefits of improved hatching conditions and minimized electricity expenses make these modern incubators a more profitable choice for egg hatcheries.