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Which personality traits leads success in life? 

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Personality traits that lead to success in life include a combination of factors such as effective self-management, emotional intelligence, low proneness to clinical traits, and social intelligence. Research indicates that traits like conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional richness, satisfaction with self-realization, and purpose in life contribute to effective self-management . Additionally, interests in investigative or enterprising fields are associated with choosing a general educational track, while social or conventional interests are linked to vocational tracks . Furthermore, certain personality disorders like avoidant, obsessive-compulsive, and narcissistic traits are positively related to status and wealth, while dependent, schizotypal, and schizoid traits are inversely associated with life success indicators . Overall, a combination of these personality traits plays a pivotal role in determining success in various aspects of life.

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Competitiveness, hypercompetitiveness, and Machiavellianism are personality traits linked to success. Healthy competitiveness fosters personal growth, while hypercompetitiveness can lead to maladaptive behaviors.
Personality traits like competence-acting, social and personal successfulness, and a positive-harmonious Self-concept correlate with success in life, enabling happiness, significance, and self-organization.
Obsessive-compulsive and narcissistic traits are associated with "status and wealth" success, while avoidant, schizoid, and borderline traits are linked to difficulties in "successful intimate relationships."
Personality traits such as effective self-management, emotional intelligence, low clinical traits proneness, and social intelligence are key factors leading to success in life according to the research.
RIASEC interests like Investigative and Enterprising, rather than Big Five traits, influence educational track choices, impacting long-term life success according to the research findings.

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