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Which planetary boundary when stabilized would cause increased stability in other boundaries? 

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Stabilizing the Lagrange stability boundary in planetary systems would lead to increased stability in other boundaries. Research indicates that while Hill stability requires planet ordering to remain constant, Lagrange stability demands all planets to stay bound to the central star . In non-resonant systems, the Hill and Lagrange stability boundaries are closely aligned, but in resonant systems, they diverge significantly . Interestingly, the region of stability in resonant interactions is unexpectedly larger than predicted by the Hill stability formula, encompassing most known resonant interactions . This finding has implications for understanding planetary system dynamics and offers new insights into planet formation models by highlighting the importance of quantifying dynamical interactions near stability boundaries .

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Stabilizing the anti-damping boundary in the wave equation enhances overall stability by shifting eigenvalues to the right half-plane, impacting the system's dynamics positively.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
Rory Barnes, Richard Greenberg 
68 Citations
Stabilizing the Lagrange boundary in resonant planetary systems increases overall stability, impacting the proximity to the Hill stability boundary and enhancing system stability.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Stabilizing the second part of the stability boundary, where conditions become equalities, increases stability in other boundaries of the gyro-stabilized satellite on a circular orbit.

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