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Our results suggest that star formation on galactic scales is dramatically affected by central dense structures through both enhancing and/or quenching processes; while lower-mass SFGs tend to have less bursty star formation histories.
The rise in the cosmic star formation from early times until z = 2 is especially sensitive to galaxy formation efficiency.
The results for the star formation rate agree with recent observational data on early-type galaxies.
Galaxy stellar masses of this order imply that the average specific star-formation rate of submillimetre galaxies is comparable to that of other star-forming galaxies at z > 2, at 2-3 Gyr −1 .
This suggests that star formation at z ~ 0.5−1 is being hosted in more massive halos and denser environments than currently predicted by galaxy formation models.

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What fraction of stars are formed via triggering?
5 answers
Between 14% and 30% of massive stars in the Milky Way are estimated to form through triggering processes, such as the expansion of bubbles, according to recent studies. Triggered star formation occurs in various scenarios, including the formation of stars at the edges of HII regions and supernovae, as well as the collapse of molecular clouds and the collision between clouds, sustaining a significant portion of spontaneous star formation in galaxy disks. The process of triggering is observed in dense molecular shells and pillars around HII regions, where pressure disturbances lead to the formation of stars, highlighting the role of triggering mechanisms in initiating star formation events.
How long is a generation of Phoenix theophrasti?
5 answers
The generation length of Phoenix theophrasti, a palm species endemic to the eastern Mediterranean, is not explicitly defined in the provided contexts. However, studies on the genetic characterization of Turkish P. theophrasti populations using SSR markersand observations on a severe leaf spot disease affecting P. theophrasti in Greeceprovide valuable insights into the species. While the genetic differentiation coefficient (FST) and gene flow (Nm) among populations were determined in the genetic study, the leaf spot disease observation highlights the susceptibility of P. theophrasti to pathogenic infections. These studies contribute to understanding the species' biology and health but do not directly address the specific duration of a generation for Phoenix theophrasti.
Where does metallicity in stars originate from?
5 answers
Metallicity in stars primarily originates from stellar mass-loss processes, where metals are injected into the interstellar medium. The stellar mass-stellar metallicity relation (MZR) is a universal phenomenon observed across various types of galaxies, influenced by gas inflows and outflows within galaxies. The metallicity of low-redshift galaxies is linked to stellar evolution models, with extragalactic infall playing a significant role in enriching galaxies with metals. Furthermore, the elemental abundance patterns in old halo stars suggest contributions from both core-collapse supernovae and Type Ia supernovae, indicating the origins of metal masses in stars from different supernova types during the early phases of galaxy formation.
How effective are cosmic ray detectors in identifying the presence of dark matter?
5 answers
Cosmic ray detectors have shown exceptional effectiveness in identifying dark matter through various methods. Recent advancements have enabled high angular resolution detectors to study cosmic-ray flux from dark matter decay in dwarf spheroidal galaxies, enhancing signal flux significantly with reduced theoretical uncertainties. Additionally, detectors have been proposed to detect light dark matter particles like axions and dark photons through magnetic excitation in specific materials, offering sensitivity to higher frequencies with minimal magnetic field requirements. Furthermore, detectors have been crucial in probing the parameter space for GeV-scale strongly interacting dark matter, considering interactions with cosmic rays and effects in the Earth's crust. Antideuteron detection experiments have also emerged as a promising channel for indirect detection of dark matter, particularly targeting hidden sector thermal relic candidates like vector portal dark matter.
What does the evolution of the combined total of the neutral gas, molecular gas and stars imply?
5 answers
The evolution of the combined total of neutral gas, molecular gas, and stars suggests significant insights into galaxy formation and cosmic history. Observations indicate that galaxies acquire cold gas predominantly through accretion at high redshifts, with molecular gas playing a crucial role. The evolution of the molecular gas fraction in galaxies has shown strong changes since z ~ 2, reflecting the depletion/replenishment of molecular fuel. Additionally, the mass of neutral gas in the Universe, particularly in high-redshift damped Lyα systems, has implications for star formation history and the total visible mass in galaxies. These findings highlight the complex interplay between gas reservoirs and stellar components, shedding light on the processes driving galactic mass assembly over cosmic time.
Why does first love is more powerful in everone's life?
10 answers
The phenomenon of first love holds a unique and powerful place in an individual's life, often remembered with a vividness that outlasts other relationships. This can be attributed to several factors explored across various contexts. Nancy Kulish emphasizes that first loves during adolescence are not merely reducible to preoedipal or oedipal meanings but are significant experiences that reverberate into adulthood, suggesting a deep psychological impact that shapes future emotional and relational landscapes. This idea is complemented by the abstract notion that love, while not unique, becomes singular and irreplaceable when associated with the first lover, highlighting the unmatched emotional depth and demand the first love experience commands in one's heart. The intensity and novelty of first love experiences contribute to their lasting impact. Adolescent processes, including first loves, are marked by intense affects that individuals resist re-experiencing in treatment due to their profound emotional depth. This resistance underscores the powerful, often overwhelming nature of first love, which can set a benchmark for emotional engagement in future relationships. Moreover, the exploration of various scientific and medical research contexts, though not directly related to the psychology of first love, underscores the complexity of human experiences and the multifaceted nature of our responses to them. From the intricate mechanisms underlying diabetic kidney diseaseto the cardiovascular implications of endothelial loss, each piece of research reflects the broader theme of how initial conditions or experiences can have long-lasting effects, analogous to the indelible mark left by first love. In essence, first love is powerful in everyone's life because it is a confluence of intense emotion, novelty, and psychological development during adolescence. It serves as a foundational experience that shapes individuals' expectations and perceptions of love, intimacy, and relationships moving forward.
What evidence is there for how the star systems formed?
4 answers
Evidence suggests that star systems form hierarchically, with binaries being tightly bound units within larger groupings of stars. The distribution of binary separations mirrors the spatial distributions of stars in massive clusters and galaxies, indicating similar structuring mechanisms across different scales. Laboratory studies of ancient solar system materials reveal processes like high temperature grain transport from inner to outer regions, possibly driven by bi-polar outflows and turbulent diffusion. Short-lived radionuclides in the early solar system imply a nearby supernova before our Sun's formation, possibly triggering collapse and injecting these radionuclides. This collective data suggests that star systems, including our solar system, form through complex interactions involving gravitational dynamics, supernova events, and mass transport mechanisms.
What is the difference and similarities of x-ray and radio activity?
4 answers
The X-ray and radio activities in galaxies exhibit both differences and similarities. Both X-ray and radio emissions show significant correlations in Seyfert galaxies and low-luminosity radio galaxies, indicating a strong coupling between the two sources. In X-ray bright galactic nuclei (XBGN), the core radio luminosity is linked to the black hole mass, with some sources displaying jet activity that can exceed the core emission. The radio/X-ray luminosity relation can help estimate black hole masses in certain cases. Additionally, the X-ray/radio correlation in galaxies with active galactic nuclei (AGN) may differ between radio-loud and radio-quiet AGN, aiding in black hole mass estimations, while in star-forming galaxies, it may indicate star formation rates.
Why the region around N=50 is of special interest?
5 answers
The region around N=50 is of special interest due to significant phenomena observed in nuclei with Z<40 and 36<N<50, showing changes in deformation and coexistence of different shapes. Experimental studies have revealed intriguing behaviors like $\beta$-delayed neutron emission probability staggering in Ga isotopes, hinting at unique mechanisms similar to other isotopic chains. Moreover, investigations on Ge isotopes beyond the N=50 magic number have provided insights into their excited states and structural characteristics, shedding light on the coupling between single neutrons and the nucleus. These findings highlight the complexity and richness of nuclear structure in this region, prompting extensive theoretical interpretations and modeling efforts to understand the observed phenomena.
What is the main problem of halo-halo machine?
5 answers
The main problem associated with halo currents in machines is the significant force they can exert on machine components, which poses a risk of damage. In the context of computational simulations, the issue of halo communication can lead to decreased parallel scalability, impacting performance. When modeling stellar halos, simplifying assumptions like painting stellar mass onto dark matter particles or using pure dark matter simulations can introduce systematic errors, affecting the concentration and internal structure of the halo models. In a different application related to game software, a challenge lies in three-dimensionally expressing halos generated by spotlight emission devices within virtual spaces, requiring complex calculations and projections. Overall, addressing these various challenges associated with halo currents, communication, modeling, and visualization is crucial for ensuring the efficient and accurate operation of halo-related systems and simulations.
What is an ecosystem?
5 answers
An ecosystem is a functional unit where living organisms interact with their abiotic environment, leading to energy flow, well-defined biotic structures, and material cycling. Ecosystems maintain stability through self-regulation, not limited to biological systems but also applicable to physical processes on various scales like cells, forests, Earth, and even galaxies. In a government context, ecosystems involve collaboration between public and non-public entities, emphasizing hybridity, reciprocity, and public value. Business-ecosystems represent a modern form of market interaction, fostering mutual coexistence and development among diverse participants, akin to classical business organizations. Ecosystems are complex networks of interconnected living organisms and their environment, characterized by species abundance, interspecies relationships, and dynamic ecological processes within physical and biological surroundings.