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Will healthcare workers be eligible for booster? 

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Our results demonstrate that healthcare worker booster vaccination decreases the probability of secondary transmission from 49% (base case, no boosting) to 2% (if 95% of healthcare workers are boosted) and decreases final outbreak size.
Other investigators have also documented that healthcare workers continue working while ill,7,8 a finding that lends strong support to the recommendation for targeting healthcare workers for influenza vaccination.
The need for a booster dose can be made mandatory at least for healthcare professionals.
A booster with Tdap vaccine should be considered for young adults and healthcare workers looking after children.
Under the ACA, many of the uninsured and a larger proportion of survivors facing financial hardship will be eligible for Medicaid or premium tax credits in the Marketplaces.
We recommend a booster dose for healthcare personnel before starting to work at the health care facility.
Healthcare workers may be at risk during the next influenza pandemic.
Also, healthcare workers should be considered for better remuneration and other welfare benefits to sustain their well-being during the present and future pandemic.
Ensuring healthcare workers receive vaccination early in their career is likely to set a precedent for future vaccination.
Whenever feasible, measles immunity programs for healthcare workers should include workers born before 1957.

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