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Jaan Valsiner

Researcher at Aalborg University

Publications -  394
Citations -  13544

Jaan Valsiner is an academic researcher from Aalborg University. The author has contributed to research in topics: Cultural psychology & Dialogical self. The author has an hindex of 55, co-authored 384 publications receiving 12659 citations. Previous affiliations of Jaan Valsiner include University of Luxembourg & University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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The Personal and the Social Mead's Theory of the `Generalized Other'

TL;DR: In this paper, the authors trace the development of the Generalized Other concept in Mead's published and unpublished work, locating it within the framework of intersubjectivity and role-taking.
Journal ArticleDOI

The First Six Years: Culture’s Adventures in Psychology:

TL;DR: The first six years of Culture & Psychology have been productive in the creation of an international forum of scholarly interchanges where the notion of "culture" occurs in a number of different way as mentioned in this paper.

Rethinking Creativity: Contributions from Social and Cultural Psychology

Abstract: Download this major ebook and read the Rethinking Creativity Contributions From Social And Cultural Psychology Ebook ebook. You won't find this ebook everywhere online. Watch the any books and if you don't have a great deal of time to learn, it's possible to download some ebooks and check. Are you hunt Rethinking Creativity Contributions From Social And Cultural Psychology? Then you come off to the right place to get the Rethinking Creativity Contributions From Social And Cultural Psychology Ebook. Read any ebook on line. But if you wish to get it into your own computer, you can download a lot of ebooks now. This isn't no more than the perfections people can provide. This is by exactly what points as possible problem with to generate better concept. If you have various ideas this really can be the time and effort for you to match the opinions by analyzing all articles of this book. Initiate and Get Free Rethinking Creativity Contributions From Social And Cultural Psychology IBA is also to achieve the entire globe. Looking over this informative article might enable one to find new universe that may not find it before.

Genetic theory of reality

TL;DR: Baldwin's theory of reality has been used in the development of developmental psychology as a whole as discussed by the authors, which is based on the principle of persistent exploration of the environment with the result of creating novelty, which was the core of Baldwin's theoretical system.